Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 600 Economics wants to lead the team (third more)

The two fireworks in Chang'an, a total of a year. Last year the stars shine, life is endless.

In the middle of the night, roaring fireworks bloomed in the sky.

People in Chang'an City ran out and looked up. In addition to the fireworks in the imperial city, there was also Lijiazhuangzi.

Some large fireworks flew high and exploded in the sky, even in the west of Chang'an City.

Older people, looking at the laughing children, feel that they are one year older.

The children are looking forward to growing up, wondering when they will be like other people.

"Drinking." Bi Gou was energetic. He had only eaten a few mouthfuls of food just now, and the wine didn't move much.

When the time came, he picked up the cup, and everyone was pleasing to the eye. It was New Year.

After drinking, he continued to murmur there: "A kerosene lamp for a hundred dollars is sold for an 80% tax, and a kerosene of 4,000ml for ten dollars is sold once.

A thermos bottle of two hundred and one hundred and sixty. In the new year, I wish Lijiazhuang a prosperous business. "

Bi Gou sincerely hopes that Li Yi will make more money, and he has never been so strong at a moment.

Wei Zhigu looked at Bi Gou's appearance and shook his head helplessly.

Thanks to not taking it by myself now, otherwise it is estimated that it will not be much better than Bi Gou.

At dawn, Li Longji held a great court meeting, and all envoys from other countries attended.

Li Yi was not interested in the Korean meeting. He went to see the patients, and the patients in Tubo were in good health.

There is no inflammation of the wound, just lying there and looking bored.

Others helped to deal with the urination, but the big ones weren’t, but it’s nourishing, and the stomach was completely empty.

The patient was still surprised that he could survive.

He who died once, now cherishes the chance to live very much.

"Don't worry, according to the situation, you can try to speak out in a few days, but it still hurts."

Among the medicines Li Yi gave, there were still analgesics.

The patient blinked, with curiosity in his eyes.

"Want to ask me why I want to save you?" Li Yi guessed.

The patient blinked vigorously.

"You should have heard it at the time. I want to give you a good time. Your injury is too serious. I don't want to pay a big price. In the end you still die."

Li Yi began to talk about his mental journey at that moment.

"But Yulin Feiqi wants to save it. They want to see what degree of injury I can save at most. The purpose of saving you is to see my medical skills."

The patient looked at the shed, and his mood was distressed.

Own life and death depend on Yulin Feiqi's thoughts, thanks to Yulin Feiqi?

"Don't think too much, since you are alive, after thinking about it, saving you cost me a lot, and you have to make it up for me."

Li Yi smiled, patted the patient's arm, got up and left.

"Proprietor, a lot of people came outside, wanting to buy kerosene lamps and thermos bottles."

Song De wore new clothes and happily found him.

"Sell it, and promote it by the way. From tomorrow, a kerosene lamp will be one hundred and twenty and a thermos bottle will be two hundred and forty."

Li Yi knows why there are so many people buying kerosene lamps and thermos today.

Many people hope that in the new year, good things will be used, and things will be bought in the new year.

Especially the people who have been learning to grow vegetables in greenhouses have made money this year and want to buy more.

After the New Year, the greenhouse vegetables began to collect taxes, one for ten taxes.

"The proprietor, did it increase the price because it had to pay taxes? When other merchants paid taxes, did the price of the goods increase, and the loss was passed on to the purchaser?"

Song De considers the problem from a different perspective.

“When the price of some commodities rises due to tax payment, other commodities will rise accordingly after a period of time.”

Li Yi seems to have planned for this a long time ago.

He went on to say: "There are two solutions, one is administrative intervention to limit prices; the other is the market self-adjustment to achieve balance."

"Everyone goes up together, how to adjust? Money is worthless." Song De found out the problem.

"A lot of money is issued to be worthless, the total amount of money remains the same, and it is inflation in a short period of time.

After that, because you can't afford it, you don't have money on your hands, and your purchasing power declines. Like selling things, you can only lower the price. This is called deflation.

If the merchant would rather put the stuff out rather than sell it at a lower price, the consequence would be an economic crisis..."

Seeing Song De's willingness to learn Li Yigui, he spoke patiently.

Song De forgot to sell kerosene lamps and thermos, and sat down somewhere, took out a notebook and pen from his pocket, and kept the key points.

Li Chengqi came over at this time, listened to what Li Yi said, and looked at Song Deji's notes.

He was not in a hurry to say things, and sat there and listened.

"The real economic crisis is not an absolute oversupply, but a concentration of wealth in the hands of a few people.

Our Datang is based on agriculture, with high grain yields and price reductions. When low grain prices hurt farmers, it can only show one problem. "

Li Yi paused.

"What's the problem?" Li Chengqi asked naturally.

"Foreign trade is not good enough, and industrial development is flawed.

When there is too much food, we can raise more livestock and poultry.

Adjusting the industrial structure and rationally distributing resources are capabilities that a country’s upper level must possess.

Early detection, early prevention, and early implementation.

Now Datang has done a good job, stipulating the ratio of planting and breeding for each person's field. "

Li Yi briefly talked about the solution to the problem of low-grain prices hurting farmers.

"Milk is expensive and hurts the people." Li Chengqi said from an opposite angle.

"Therefore, there must be financial subsidies, and this is the purpose of collecting taxes. In the process of adjustment, subsidies are used to pass the adjustment period..."

Li Yi began to talk about Gu Gui hurting farmers.

Tell two people that when the food is cheap, the state subsidizes the farmers, the price of the food remains the same, and the other people still eat the food cheaply.

In this process, large amounts of grain can be used for farming and wine making.

Waiting for food supply to decrease, cancel subsidies, and maintain balance.

"This is the meaning of the imperial court. A leader is selected from the first person, with the goal of letting the leader tie his own life.

It is not the election of the leader, but the change of the dynasty. Whoever is in that position has the mission of leading the people to live a good life. "

Li Yi did not say that a complete market economy does not exist in the entire world.

Which country requires administrative intervention, otherwise, what is the purpose of electing you as the leader?

"I'll talk about this today, go and sell things." Li Yi looked at Song De.

"Yes, they are still waiting." Song De put away his notebook and ran away.

"Brother Yi, let me ask, you have an agreement with the Khitan people, what do you want to do next?"

Li Chengqi came with a problem. In the new year, when everyone starts to work, he must come up with policies.

What is not clear is what kind of economic and cultural exchange Li Yi is playing with Qidan.

This is definitely not Li Yi's own matter, it involves the concern of Datang and Khitan.

Whether to fight or fight, the officials must have a certain number in their hearts.

"The next step is to trade. From here, go a little bit north, walk through the grassland, and you will reach Khitan through the grassland. It's a good way to go, horse-drawn sleds."

Li Yi pointed to the north, he was going to take the route from Inner Mongolia to Liaoning, bypassing Shanxi.

The winter road in Shanxi is not easy, and at the same time it fails to achieve his goal.

"Who will lead the team?" Li Chengqi hesitated, walking around from the grassland?

There is now a Turkic territory, not just the Duhu Mansion, outside the Great Wall, it is dangerous.

"I'll go." Li Yi pointed to himself.

The brothers and sisters who were reading from the station, able to go back to the starting point and subscribe, the farmer bowed.

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