Yulin Feiqi did not scout out everywhere, and there were few people.

When I hurried to the village, there was smoke in the village. It was midday.

"Being close to Jingzhao Mansion, the people in the village have benefited." Zhang Jiuling guessed why the village would eat three meals.

Whenever Bashui Lijiazhuangzi moves, Jingzhao Mansion and its surroundings follow suit.

At the entrance of the village, everyone saw many chickens with ropes of different lengths and colors tied to their legs.

They grumbled and smashed the soil with their claws, instead of slashing them twice, they didn't know whether they were digging insects or eating sand.

The steward went to find someone, and the village was leading a group of people to greet him.

"It's really Yulin Feiqi, hurry up, get grass, feed the horse, and each family will bring out the good food."

Seeing Yulin Feiqi, the village was excited and ordered to go down.

The people who followed out ran back to fetch things.

A group of people enter the village and feed the horses first.

The villagers ate almost the same, it was hot, and they actually ate millet rice.

Some villagers eat pickles today at home, and some stir-fry green onions with eggs and bring them over.

"Gong Zhang, the village is small, and there is no good food to deal with." The village Zheng sent a plate of eggplants with sauce, politely.

"Thank you Tong Cunzheng." Zhang Jiuling knew that Deva's family would not ask for money today.

He even knew that the other party was not looking at him who had no official position to give something, but Yulin Feiqi.

Yulin Feiqi had a good reputation, and the people farther away knew it.

The steward finds someone on the other side to discuss buying horses. There are three horses in the village. If he pays more, the other party can buy another horse.

Shi Chang Fang Guangchang walked over: "Dong Zhang, I live in the village today. My brothers rushed all the way last night, and the state is not the best time now."

"Listen to the general's arrangement." Zhang Jiuling raised the status of the other party and said that he had no comments.

Habayashi Feiqi should maintain a good condition, in case of danger.

There are fifteen people in Yulin Feiqi who eat fast, and the rice is easier to eat. He chops a few times and eats three bowls.

Take advantage of the daybreak, find a shady place, cover your face, and go to sleep.

The other five ate slowly, and started guarding after eating.

When eating at night, the five people ate fast and went to bed after eating.

The others were divided into three shifts and stood guard alternately.

The team had breakfast in the morning, and when they were on their way again, there really was an extra horse.

It turned out that the horse pulling the cart alone seemed very happy, and it snorted several times.

"In the village, there is a paper bag pressed by a stone at the door of the village ancestral hall." A villager found the situation when passing by the ancestral hall.

He didn't dare to touch that thing, how could the ancestral hall be sloppy? He found Mura Masa Tongfu.

Cunzheng led people over, and a yellow paper bag was pressed against a fist-sized stone as expected.

He went to the ancestral hall to put incense, and then he came out and removed the stone, picked up the paper bag, and opened it. Inside were twenty exchange vouchers for one hundred dollars.

There is also a letter written in pencil.

"Thank you for the hospitality of the young and old in Tongjia Village, but Yulin Feiqi does not take advantage of the people, so I can save two thousand dollars." The village said righteously.

"Good soldier, I am strong in Datang." The elder of the village clan said loudly, full of breath.

Time flies, and July is the last day.

With the protection of Yulin Feiqi, Zhang Jiuling's team does not need to devote time to rest and hurry.

As long as the horse can rest, the people in the team don't care.

The team has grown bigger, with more than forty more people, all on the road. Seeing Yulin Feiqi, they speeded up and followed the trot.

Yulin Feiqi was helpless, so he had to let them out and let them ride. Those who couldn't ride a horse had to be taught.

They are all people who are going further south, including Zhang Jiuling in the same state.

There are more encounters when walking short distances on the road, and follow Yulin Feiqi to separate places.

"It's Dayuling again. This road is too difficult to walk. You can only take a long way around, otherwise the car won't pass."

Zhang Jiuling looked at the Dayu Mountain in front of him with a melancholy look in his eyes.

If you want to take a shortcut, this is the only one, everyone has to carry things on their backs.

"If there is a way to connect the villages on both sides, and walk over quickly, there will be much less danger, otherwise some people will rob and kill."

Zhang Jiuling was more worried, and was as worried as the people in the team.

"Gong Zhang, you are an official in the court, but you can tell your majesty that if you take the lead, we are willing to build a good road with you."

The same person from Qujiang County, Shaozhou came over to talk to Zhang Jiuling.

Zhang Jiuling shook her head: "If it's just for me to pass, it will be very difficult to repair the road, and we need to find a way to start, this...Guangzhou Shipbuilding Department?"

He knew that he had written a letter, saying that the road near his home was not easy and the court would not care.

Your home is not easy to walk, is it easy to walk to other people's homes?

If it is related to business and goods need to be transported, the imperial court may agree.

The people wanted to build roads a long time ago, no one took the lead and didn't know how to do it.

Yulin Feiqi has grown here, he doesn't care whether the road is good or not. Twenty Yulin Feiqi are here, what robbery? Who grabs whom?

"Duke Zhang wants to build this road?" Fang Guangchang asked, looking at Dayu Ling.

"This road is difficult, you can go back later, escort all the way, thank you Jiuling." Zhang Jiuling cupped fist saluted.

"We are not in a hurry to go back, Zhang Gong is going to build the road?" Fang Guangchang asked again, and at the same time his hairs were standing up, afraid.

He never talked about money all the way. When he came out, Li Dongzhu said that the money was for Zhang Jiuling to build the road.

As a result, today, in Dayu Ling, really want to build a road? Dongzhu Li...

"Not only should roads be built here, but also a barrier should be built." Zhang Jiuling admitted that he had ideas.

"In that case, why don't Zhang Gong lead the people to build roads? The local autumn harvest is approaching, and the people will have leisure after harvesting food."

Fang Guangchang gave an idea, fix it, do you mean to fix it or not to fix it?

"Without the imperial order, you can't move the people well." Zhang Jiuling shook his head slightly.

"It's feasible to have money?" Fang Guangchang asked.

"If you have money, you will do it." Zhang Jiuling glanced at Fang Guangchang, and said that if he had money, he would just repair it, but he had no money.

"A large exchange voucher can be recognized locally?" Fang Guangchang still has questions.

They used a small exchange voucher on the way, but there was no problem. There was enough south here. The people knew and accepted it.

"Acknowledge, we are willing to ask, as long as it is a voucher issued by Bashui Lijiazhuangzi, we will." A businessman followed in the line.

Obviously he has been to Chang'an and knows the exchange voucher with a large denomination.

"That's great, please take a look at Zhang Gong." Fang Guangchang winked at the two brothers.

The two each brought a bag over, opened it, and poured the bundle of exchange coupons directly on the ground.

Those on the road watched vigorously, money, it's all money.

Zhang Jiuling picked up a pile, and saw the familiar pattern and ten-string numbers on it.

"This...how much is this?" Zhang Jiuling's hand trembled, and he figured it out.

Why did Yulin Feiqi follow along, and when he got here, he asked himself if he wanted to build a road.

"Gong Zhang, 20,000 yuan is enough to build a road?" Fang Guang glanced at the people around him.

Everyone consciously backed away, 20,000 yuan, money that could not be made in a few lifetimes.

"The money that Dr. Guanglu Li Yi paid?" Zhang Jiuling thought of the person behind.

"Your Majesty knows that when Zhang Gong came home, he would organize his staff and write a letter at the same time."

Fang Guangchang did not answer directly, but emphasized your Majesty.

Dongzhu Li said that all good things are your Majesty's, so please remember.

"Your Majesty's kindness is like a mountain like a father." Zhang Jiuling understood and shouted.

More than forty people followed and shouted: "Your majesty is as kind as a mountain as a father."

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