Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 705 Water network transportation is chaotic (first subscribe)

In Xiegu Village on the west side of Yingcuo County, a water network drawn from the Weishui River from north to south, a small pedal boat carrying four people is sailing along the water.

There are eight places on the boat, and the other four places are empty, and there are baskets with kiwis in the baskets.

People in Xiegu Village picked kiwis and sold them in Chang'an. They used to go with the ox cart in the village. If a few households with cattle in the village use cattle to work, they can only walk.

If you are willing to spend two dollars, you can walk to the middle of the county, where there is a Heihe river, and then wait for a boat on the Heihe River.

Now I changed to a small boat, went straight out of the village, and flowed into the Heihe River, all the way to Chang'an.

"Xiao Jiu, what are you going to do? Put your clothes on."

As it was downstream, the four people stepped on slowly, and one of the elders scolded a seventeen or eighteen-year-old.

"Uncle Big Head, don't you know that I'm watery? The life jacket made of bamboo tube is tired, and there will be no trouble with this boat."

The person being trained mumbled, but still put on the life jacket that was just taken off.

"The rules are set, wear a life jacket before boarding, and you won't use the boat if you don't wear it." The big-headed uncle slowed down his tone.

"Uncle Big Head is right. You always want to be obedient. Don't think that if other people can't see it, there will be nothing. Can Li Dongzhu harm us?"

Someone a few years older followed.

The fourth person is a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl, and she smiled: "Little Brother Nine, your water level can be compared to me? I wear them all."

"Huh!" Xiao Jiu snorted and didn't answer.

He knows the girl's wateriness. It rained heavily the year before, and water came out of the slope. The nine-year-old girl saved all the eleven villagers who were washed away by the churning water.

Last year in Heihe, I swam directly to Chang'an City, and then swam back from Chang'an City.

The key is that she brought a basket of forty eggs when she went, and ten catties of salt when she came back.

Put a circle of paper in the basket and put the salt in it.

After returning, the salt was not wet, indicating that she was treading water all the way.

What kind of boat do you use for this kind of water, swim by yourself.

"Uncle Big Head, do you say that this ship has one less money? We go one way, four dollars, no matter how many people, six dollars each time.

When will they wait to make money back from the boat? I still like the big goose boat, which is smaller than this one, but it has a roof on it. "

The little girl tidyed up her life jacket again, and looked at the ship and asked her elders.

It was the first time for her to take such a ship. The last time she went to Chang'an, she saw the goose boat on the other side of the river. She was very envious and didn't want to spend any money.

This time she sold kiwis, she asked, or she would put kiwis in her place.

The reason she gave was that everyone fell into the water and she could rescue people ashore.

This reason is very strong, and the villagers admitted that she was allowed to board the boat.

Uncle Big Head didn't know, he estimated: "It's going to be a mess. Six of them were sent from the village, and the village is in charge of the cash box."

"Dongzhu Li is actually not afraid that we will not give money. From the village to Chang'an, there are people who take care of it, and from the village to the neighboring village, one money at a time, no one takes care of it."

The person two years older than the younger nine tells the ship's operating mode.

If the village goes with the neighboring villages, if you have a dollar, you will also get a dollar when you come back.

The village goes to Chang'an, four dollars, and two dollars back.

Every village is in charge of this matter, and there is a box. Whoever wants to throw money into the box with a boat, the village is sending the money to Lijiazhuangzi once a month.

There is no specially assigned person to take care of it, and the villagers rely on self-consciousness.

"There is a village official, the village official will help." The little girl laughed when she talked about the village official. She saw the stupid village official, but she didn't know how to feed pigs.

"Isn't it enough that the village is in charge?" The uncle emphasized that there is no problem with the village.

The village is an official, isn't this just an official watching.

The little girl looked around: "Brother Xiao Jiu, it's better to be a trader. When there is water on the river, you run from village to village with the goods."

She thought of a good idea. I heard that in the Jiangnan water town, the shopkeeper was not carrying a burden to sell things, but running around on the boat.

"Promise there will be, but I will not do it. I will work with Bashui Lijiazhuangzi. Li Dongzhu can always find work for everyone."

Xiao Jiu shook his head, his water is good, but he doesn't like to stay on the water all day.

He looked at the rotating wheels on both sides of the boat: "In fact, this boat can be braced by poles, the water is shallow, the depth is six feet to eight feet, and the width is about three feet."

"Penny's countercurrent is too tiring, suitable for calm water and short-distance ferry." said the uncle.

"Use it downstream, don't use it upstream," Xiao Jiu continued.

"Why do you have to hold the pole when you go down the flow? It's washed away along the flow, but with the high speed of the penny, it's just that this kind of boat is not very suitable."

The little girl retorted and felt reasonable.

The four of them were pedaling and chatting without feeling tired at all.

The same situation appeared in the small rivers of Jingzhao Mansion. Some people didn't have anything to sell at all. They just asked their neighbors what they wanted to sell, and set off as soon as possible.

I just want to play this kind of ship and experience it.

Many small piers have been built around Chang'an City to dock ships.

Naturally, there are several canals connecting Bashui. Bashui entering from the west and northwest is a downstream current, while entering Bashui from the south is a countercurrent.

Some boats are not well controlled, they will run into each other, and everyone is trying to separate.

Li Yi stood on the other side of the bridge and shook his head, "There must be a traffic rule. You are not afraid of a small boat touching a small boat. If a big boat touches a small boat, the boat will break."

"It's the unskilled operation. There are many small boats on the big river that are not ships. They all know how to avoid big ships."

Li Chengqi stood by and knew the situation. Many people operated a ship for the first time, and the more nervous they were, the more mistakes they made.

He came here specifically to send Haimi, Golden Hook Haimi.

The navy caught all the small shrimps over there. They were sent to the shore and boiled in a large pot with a little salt.

When it is cooked, spread it out and dry it. At the same time, there will be skin on the outside of the sea rice. This skin needs to be processed separately and beaten down.

Put the dried haimi in the bag and began to beat it, and the skin and head fell off after a dozen.

Pass through a sieve and dustpan.

The peeled shrimp skins and shrimp heads can be added to feed to feed chickens and ducks.

Li Chengqi's seafood fishing and processing have become large-scale there, and local people will help with it.

This kind of dried sea rice is shipped to Chang'an when there is water in the Yellow River, and the price of Chang'an sea rice drops by 30%.

"Brother Yi, I didn't expect that the people in Chang'an would like to eat so much. They said that the people on the beach don't eat sea rice, they eat big shrimps and fish."

When Li Chengqi talked about Haimi, they were all small things, far worse than the big prawns.

"Many people in the mainland love to eat seafood, which is the importance of transportation and commerce, especially mussels, which are made into mussels, and people on the seaside also prefer it."

Li Yi prefers Jin Gou Hai Mi as a snack.

"The road from Luoyang to Chang'an is basically repaired. People in Chang'an don't have to worry about lack of things, and the court doesn't have to go to Luoyang to eat."

Li Chengqi looked in the direction of Lantian County, Luoyang's Chi Road went to Lantian County, and then traveled from Lantian County to Chang'an.

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