Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 714 Grassroots Learning According to the Plan (Fifth)

According to the information that came back, all the students who did not pass the imperial examination but were sent to serve as auxiliary officials in Jingzhaofu Village were very tenacious.

There were a lot of jokes.

For example, catching bugs and feeding the geese, the geese chasing them and twisting.

For example, chopped hogweed, but not boiled, directly thrown into the pigpen, the pig eats very hard.

For example, if you want to paint the roofs of villagers with tung oil, it is said that they can be waterproof. As a result, the villagers’ houses are trampled out of holes.

The key is that a few barrels of tung oil can't come out of the two rooms, and the penetration can be strong.

The students worked very hard, and now they all understand that the people live their lives, not just for fun.

Unlike what I learned in books, what I want to do depends on the actual situation.

Of course, comparing the students with the kind and fearless is pure nonsense.

Shan Wu Dao is eighty years old, has a rich life experience, and even travels north and south.

Li Yi believes that he has no system. When facing the fearless, he can only win in some aspects by relying on the advantages of technology.

The ancients were great, such as calculating solar eclipses, lunar eclipses, and pi.

His graduate students and doctoral students at that time asked to calculate the solar eclipse. There is no information to check, can it be counted?

Ask them what is suitable for the twenty-four solar terms? How to grow it? Can you answer it?

The ancients who were county magistrates would tell the people what to plant when it was time. Without this ability, they would not be good magistrates.

There is also a decree to exempt the officials from the examination after being admitted to the imperial examination, and to give a case to be judged in accordance with the Datang rate law.

Anyone who can pass the Jinshi course can answer it.

"Brother Yi, your method is really easy to use. When these people enter the village, some of them have outstanding performance. Everything is good, and the court is ready to reuse it."

Li Longji said that he was happy and found talent.

There are many reasons why the imperial examination failed to pass the examination. When I went to the village to help the people, my ability was manifested.

What the imperial court needs is this class of people, who can be released to lead the people to live a good life and enforce the imperial decree at the same time.

Some people brought the people to raise insects and chickens, and they just happened to be able to lay eggs. Chickens that eat insects lay a lot of eggs, and they also gave the mussel meal.

These students knew the mode of operation of Lijiazhuangzi and immediately used it for the people.

There are also people who mediate neighborhood disputes and organize people in a village to divert water from the water network as a sewage canal.

Organize people to rent a large number of flour milling tools, and then ship them to Chang'an City for free by ship, and then buy wheat back for processing.

The imperial physicians who contacted Chang'an City took a boat to the village to show everyone who was sick, and collectively buy medicines that are cheap.

Find an experienced hunter, go hunting in the mountains together, and come back with the prey to make wax meat for the winter.

Ability is shown in this way, what if it fails to pass the imperial examination?

Li Longji doesn't care what he has to take the exam. Didn't he not take the exam if he didn't see Yidi? Could it be that Yidi couldn't do it?

Thinking that Datang has talents available, Li Longji held up his wine glass: "Brother Yi, drink full."

Li Yi drank a glass of wine with him and said, "Brother San, the northern part of Hebei Province cannot be negligent. Trade must keep up. Through trade, we can understand and break the monopoly of Bohai."

Li Yi mentioned the shortcomings of Datang, Datang banned others, and after the closure, that place seemed to belong to Datang.

In fact, it's not like that at all. Datang is strong and prosperous. Those places are obedient. When Datang makes a little mistake, it directly rebels there.

The one that sounds good is that the barbarian controls the barbarian, and the one that sounds bad is that Datang is incapable.

"Seven, seven!" After Li Yigang finished speaking, the little guy grabbed a peeled grape with his little hand and tried to stuff it into his mouth.

The little guy's big eyes are full of anticipation.

Li Yi didn't care about sanitation, he opened his mouth and ate it.

"Gluck~~" The little guy clapped his hands and laughed happily.

Then he picked up a grape seed from the ground, the peeled one, and wanted to give it to others.

Li Yi: "..."

"Li Lang, the grapes he gave you just now didn't fall on the ground." Princess Yong Mu said kindly.

"Wen Tian, ​​how many bean worms did you find in the lower part of your house?"

Li Yi didn't care if the grapes fell on the ground, he said to Princess Yongmu.

Princess Yongmu put down her chopsticks: "There are few bean fields. I found bean worms from grape seedlings and other places, and I gave you some, and there is enough to raise moths next year."

Speaking of this, Princess Yongmu was very happy.

The people in Jingzhao Mansion ate insects. Li Jiazhuang said that they could eat them, and the people would really eat them. After eating them, they found that they tasted good, similar to the taste of chicken.

Then I looked around for bean worms. People who planted too many grapes found bean worms and sold them for fifteen dollars a catty. Someone still bought them.

Buy it back and prepare to raise it in the ground, and then there will be more insects in the coming year.

One catty fifteen dollars, one mu of land can yield one hundred catties, isn't that fifteen hundred dollars?

Ten catties of beans are not worth 1,500 yuan. The price of food was high in the past two years, and this year's food prices have suddenly fallen.

"Keep it well, ask me if you don't understand. Bean worms should actually be more expensive than mutton, because the protein of the same weight of bean worms is higher than that of mutton."

From another point of view, Li Yi, lamb is actually better than bean worms.

Lamb can make a variety of dishes, but bean worms can't.

The real good thing is the silkworm pupa, especially the tussah silkworm pupa.

For the people, the intake of protein and fat is the most important.

Like weight loss, dieting is said to reduce fat. In fact, the first thing to lose is protein and then fat.

When you lose weight, you must add protein and not eat too much fat.

"Yeah!" Princess Yongmu smiled and nodded: "Li Lang, I don't grow winter wheat in my field in winter. I want to build it into a scaffolding. You can help me take a look."

"How many are there?" Li Yi frowned, and taught all the technology about what to see in the greenhouse.

"How much?" Princess Yongmu asked Xiaolan.

"Only one hundred acres." Xiaolan knew.

"Okay!" Li Yi gritted his teeth and agreed. Otherwise, what else could he do?

So everyone happily ate this meal, ready to watch the moon at night.

Including nearly 12,000 captives from the Southwestern Barbarians, they did a lot of work this year. On August 15th, they ate mooncakes.

The moon cakes for them are minced meat, reward them.

There are also grapes and wine.

Of course, there are no moon cakes at the bottom, only wheat rice cooked with bran and pickles.

A team, a thousand people, watching others eat moon cakes.

"In some time, it will be the 9th Ninth Stage Yang Festival. There are still good things. Everyone must work hard."

The Khitan prisoners who were in charge of them said in the words of the half-baked Southwestern Man, and changed them to the words of Datang.

"We apply for work." The captain who hadn't eaten the mooncake stood up and shouted.

He is under the most pressure and is going to be elected.

"Okay, I just have work to do." The Khitan captive agreed first. As for what work he had, he had to ask Li Yi.

Li Yi was also talking about work: "Making linoleum paper is very tiring, and I have to smell the smell. If I smell it too much, I will get sick. Wearing a mask is not enough. I am going to let the prisoners do it.

Before the snow falls, improve the processing and manufacturing system, reserve it for a winter, and use it on the people's houses when the spring starts. "

Li Yi has planned, step by step.

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