Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 717 Biscuit Gives Out Yao Yi's Disease (third more)

"There is something in those cars. I smelled the fragrance when passing by me."

"Compressed biscuits are sold in heaven and on earth. You can eat them at a buffet. It's cheating."

"What a scam?"

"Buffet, spend the money, of course, the more you eat, the better. If you eat compressed biscuits, you will eat one piece and you will be full."

"It's good to eat for the soldiers. It's not easy to eat a bite outside."

"you do not say!"

The people's comments lingered in Bozhen and Isinba's ears. The two looked at each other, nodded, and reconfirmed that it was about to fight.

They have eaten compressed biscuits, like beef jerky, very hard, but it seems more hungry than beef jerky.

The craftsmanship can also be guessed, that is, ordinary people use a lot of oil and sugar to make it.

There are also nuts such as dried vegetables and walnuts, which are hard pressed into pieces.

Things are good, but Tufan can't do it.

There is not so much sugar, and there is less sugar, which is said to be easy to spoil.

The convoy just now took the same route as soybeans.

The two judged that the soybeans were indeed sent to the border of Datang.

"Since Lijiazhuangzi's emergence, Jingzhao Mansion has become more and more prosperous."

Isimba said something that seemed unrelated to the war.

"Just trying it in Jingzhao Mansion has provided countless money to the Datang Household Department. When it is implemented throughout Datang, there will be endless battles."

Bo Zhen understood, and at the same time, it became clearer that fighting is for money.

He once thought that as long as the soldiers were good enough, there would be no unwinnable wars.

Since Li Yi supported the front line, he finally realized that he would pay more for the battle and just keep it.

As long as they hold, the two sides start to consume.

With Datang's money, there will be a steady stream of food delivered to the front.

Tu Fan must follow suit, otherwise the generals in front of Datang will attack suddenly and beat Tu Fan by surprise.

Tufan's population is not as large as that of the Tang Dynasty, and the land is also small, so it is impossible to grow greenhouses in winter.

After three or five years, will Tufan still have food to use?

"I have written about the Jingzhao Mansion and Li Yi's method, and I hope people over there can learn it."

Isimba put his hope on the Tufan reform.

He thought that Li Yi was reforming the law, but it was just a little change.

There is no need to learn about things in the courtroom, but to learn technology and management.

Bo Zhen looked in the direction of Tu Fan and was silent.

Amidst the excitement and hustle and bustle, time passes, and it is only ten days before September. The ninth month of the lunar calendar this year is the tenth month of the solar calendar.

It was cold, and it was no longer cold in the morning and evening. After the temperature dropped, except for the people who carried the work on the pier, they were still wearing vests, and the others changed into long clothes.

The temperature in Henan Province is not high, and it has rained in Dengzhou, Henan Province, in the state capital.

The governor Yao Yi had a fever and had diarrhea at the same time. After seeing the room in the room, the imperial physician of Henan prefecture prescribed medicine.

"I thought it was a cold, but now it seems to be malaria." The imperial physician gave the answer.

People around are dumbfounded, malaria? With this disease, you can only see your fate.

"Quickly, send a quick horse to Jingzhao Mansion to find Li Yi from Lijiazhuangzi, let him come, he is a genius doctor."

Yao Yi's wife is anxious, she knows Li Yi from Lijiazhuang in Bashui.

The Henan government has been circulating all kinds of things about Li Yi, including the businessmen.

What merchants talk about most is how and what the Li proprietor of Lijiazhuangzi is.

There are also letters between the father-in-law and the husband, and it is indispensable to talk about Li Yi.

The main reason is to let Yao Yi learn and learn from Li Yi.

It's a pity that Yao Yi is not willing to learn from others. His father is the Zaifu, who has great power. Relying on this is enough.

"Yes, go to Li Yi." Yao Yi was so sad that he also thought of Li Yi.

People were sent out, and the news spread out at the same time.

Dengzhou governor Yao Yi is sick and malaria. I don't know if he can survive.

The people talked about it.

"Look, no matter how old an official is, whether he should be sick or sick, life and death are impermanent."

"I heard that his father is the prime minister. Many people gave him gifts, but he accepted them."

"The last time Song Chun'er danced for him, he gave something worth five hundred yuan in one go."

"There isn't a good thing about officials."

"Who said that? Now he has become Doctor Guanglu's Li Dongzhu, he is a good official. That mountain is considered to be his family, and he is assigned to take care of it, and he always finds someone to help and pay for it."

"The official Li Dongzhu is useless, the official prose officer."

"It's useful. How can Bi Fu Yin be so good with him? Bi Fu Yin went to Chang'an to become a book, because he is good at controlling locusts."

"It's how Bishop Li Dong deals with locusts. There are too few locusts this year. They were eaten by chickens and ducks as soon as they came out. I still want to catch more and use them to feed pigs."

"Autumn, I used a fire to lure me at night, and I caught a lot of it. The pig grew really fast after eating it."

Everyone chatted, and the topic got off the ground. It was clearly about the illness of Yao Yi, the governor of Dengzhou, and became a compliment to Li Yi.

In the hearts of the people, Yao Yi's survival has nothing to do with them.

If they had heard that Li Yi was ill, they would be anxious because their immediate interests were involved.

Li Yimai’s mountain has work all year round, and he pays a lot of money. He also provides free soup at the Luoyang City Wharf.

This seems to have become the tradition of Lijiazhuangzi, as long as the business is in, there is free soup.

In addition, newspapers will always be delivered from the mountain, and there will be students giving lectures, teaching Pinyin, and literacy.

If Li Yi died of illness, everything would be gone.

Yao Yi died of illness and changing to another governor was not a big deal.

What? Is he the prime minister's son? What if he is the emperor's son? He never gave me free soup.

Yao Yi was sick and had malaria. The Yulin Feiqi and the eunuch who were sent here knew about it.

They came over and settled in a yard casually, Yu Lin Feiqi usually trains in the yard, and the eunuch is responsible for shopping.

They brought medicines, one for wind-cold and the other for malaria.

They knew what it was because of when they were sent. When they heard that Yao Yi was really ill, apart from sigh of relief, they were afraid.

Sure enough, he was sick, malaria, if he didn’t wait for someone to come, I guess Yao Yi would...

"Go, send medicine to Yao Yi. When he is better, let's go back to Chang'an." The eunuch greeted him and led the team to the state capital.

When Yao Yi did see Yulin Feiqi and the eunuch of Chang'an Palace, he thought there was something wrong with what he was doing.

"You are..." Yao Yi looked at Yulin Feiqi, afraid that Yulin Feiqi would do it.

"Yao Cishi, our family is here to deliver you medicine, medicine for treating malaria, big honey pill, you can take a few days."

The eunuch didn't flatter, and said with a straight face.

"Ah? Do you have medicine for malaria?" Yao Yi was not stupid, and suddenly thought of a lot.

"You let me get malaria, and then give me medicine?" Yao Yi thought of this question.

"Malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes. Should we catch mosquitoes and send mosquitoes to bite you? Eight pills are here, one in the morning and one in the evening."

The eunuch didn't get angry with a patient, put down the medicine, followed the team and left.

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