"Quack, quack, quack, quack..."

Li Yi, who had just had lunch, looked at a group of big parrots shouting at him in a daze.

"Brother Yi, this is a parrot." Li Chengqi stood by and watched together.

"Dage, I know, this is called a big scarlet parrot. It's about a foot high, and it's all grown up. It's hard to teach you how to speak. Why do they appear here?"

Li Yi looked at the big parrots who kept calling, and asked the same doubts as Tong Cunzheng.

The big scarlet parrot is too cold to survive. Where did it come from?

"When it didn't snow, the sky was still a bit warm. When it snowed suddenly, it stands to reason that they would be frozen to death. It happened that someone from Tongjia Village didn't close the door of the hut."

Li Chengqi analyzed how the big parrot came, the people in Zui Xianju have already said.

Li Yi grabbed the pine nuts and put them in the cage.

Twelve cages were made, and the male and female can be distinguished by looking at the color of the big scarlet-breasted parrot's beak.

There are exactly eighteen males and eight females. The twelve cages correspond to the large cages, and the parrots choose by themselves.

One by one, and then seven pairs in a cage, and the other female drills a cage by herself.

The male one wanted to get into another ‘people’’s cage, but was driven out by the big parrot inside.

It turned around and finally decided to go into the cage of the single female, but the female drove it too.

So sixteen big parrots occupied nine cages, and the remaining three cages had no "people" to go.

"Oh!" Li Yi sighed. He estimated that at least two parrots died on the road.

Then there were one more male and one female. The male was not very sad, maybe it was the female who died early.

The other female was more upset, so she stayed in her cage.

The pine nuts were fed in, and the big parrots began to eat.

Li Yi's pine nuts didn't speak, they needed pliers. The big parrots didn't care, they used their mouths and paws to help them eat.

You can use your mouth to find the position and bite directly. If you find the position not good, extend a claw to grasp the pine nut to adjust the position.

Li Yi thought for a while and adjusted the cages of two separate large scarlet parrots.

The two cages where the food box and the sink are placed are aligned so that the two big parrots will be closer to each other when they eat.

"It's not good to keep it in a cage. You need a big cage, and then it's as small as a nest, and the surrounding area is closed, leaving a hole for getting in and out."

Li Yi has never raised a big scarlet-breasted parrot, nor has he raised any other parrots.

But he can check, and follow the instructions when he finds the information.

Making boxes and big cages is a small job. Throw them in the woodworking workshop. It takes less than half an hour to make the cages as big as two houses.

There are undulating bars inside, as well as vertical grooves and bumps that look like rock climbing.

Scarlet-breasted parrots like to use their paws and beaks to climb things. When they fly, they say they are low in altitude and slow in speed.

Li Yi looked at it: "You have to make a small cage. A small cage is placed in a nest, and the small cage is connected to the large cage.

The small cage should also have a hole so that the parrots can enter the large cage. They belong to a group. "

Before dinner, the small cage is also made, put the nest in, and put the food trough and sink in the small cage.

There is floor heating under the big cage, and the temperature in the cage is kept at about 15 or 6 degrees.

"Okay, let's do this first, feed delicious things, walnuts, rice, millet, wheat, greenhouse cherries, pine nuts, pears, chestnuts."

Li Yi watched the big parrot in the cage crawling around to adapt to the new home, and went to the cafeteria to eat.

Li Chengqi kept turning his head to look at the parrots when he was walking, and asked, "Can they let go of the good food?"

"If there is no artificial training, a larger field is needed, with a cage outside, and fishing nets are fine.

Then let them fly out, because it is cold outside, they will fly back for a while.

After they get used to it, let them fly a female or male alone, and let them fly in the wild.

The weather is cold and the other half is at home, and the one who flies out alone will come back. There are more times, and both are released. "

Li Yi doesn't care about the cost of a wide range of cages. Now the cages are too big to teach you how to speak, and there will be small ones in the future.

Li Chengqi understood: "The winter is over. By spring, they are used to having a home, mainly because the food at home is delicious, so they can open the cage and let them fly freely."

"In fact, it doesn't matter if they fly away. The big ones fly away and the small ones stay. They will reproduce by next spring.

It's cold outside and the nest is warm. They lay eggs, then hatch, and the little birds come out. They can't go if they want to go. "

Li Yi had planned for a long time, the big one had the ability to survive in the wild, and if he flew away, he would fly away.

Young people have been in one place since they were young and want to migrate, and they must ensure that the food in other places is more suitable.

One after another, there is always something to stay.

Even after flying away for a long time, I might think of another place where I can eat pine nuts and come back again.

Li Chengqi said yearningly: "In the future, a large group of beautiful parrots will fly around in the sky, looking at the beauty."

"The pigeons are the easiest to raise. When you put them outside, you can feed them with breadcrumbs to make them look harmonious."

Li Yi has fed pigeons in many squares, and he has also fed seagulls in places in Oceania where there is no one.

He likes the feeling that it takes more effort to clean up the feces.

For dinner, two people ate dumplings, drank a bunch of white wine, plus two side dishes.

The court ladies and eunuchs ate hot pot with a layer of marked oil. After eating, the marked oil was reluctant to throw it away and continued to use it.

Li Yi couldn't help it. The saliva is not good. Now it's on this condition. After a meal, so much oil and seasoning will be thrown away, and the dealer will not do it.

After eating the hot pot soup, the farmers will use the noodles, rice noodles, and rice noodles, and then eat up the soup.

"This winter is much better than last year. It's not clear elsewhere. People in Jingzhao Mansion are buying more things."

Li Chengqi has the Yimeng and Gongmeng, which are directly reflected in the order.

In winter, Yimeng sold a lot of clothes, and the Workers’ Union took the order and went to work.

New furniture, chimney repair, jewelry...

Without money, there won't be such a large amount, and the people rush to add things to themselves and their homes before the New Year.

"The faster the circulation of materials, the richer people will become, otherwise many things will not be sold and will rot. People who need them can buy high prices intelligently, but they can't afford them."

Li Yi said, thinking of his situation at that time.

Before everyone was poor, the country worked hard to build roads, all kinds of repairs, and desperate repairs.

Then suddenly the logistics company came out, followed by the online sales platform.

You can buy everything you want, which changed the sales model and forced the transformation of the store.

Some stores have become inventory and sales points of online products, and some have improved the level.

The same is needed now, even if there is no network.

Merchants will know what goods to bring in and out.

Li Chengqi didn't know the internet, but he felt the benefits of road construction.

"This winter, we will continue to ship frozen seafood from Dengzhou. It is estimated that some merchants will learn from us."

"If you want to learn, they have to organize manpower to go fishing. The local fishermen have a better life. We are all navy soldiers. We only use local people for processing."

Li Yi doesn't care what others learn, and the road from Dengzhou to Luoyang needs to be repaired.

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