Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 733: Datang's Number One Relational Household

‘Hulu Hulu’ Yang Huanjin and Huang Xianrong stared at the soup, not eating at all.

"President Li, give me some soup." Yang Huanjin was not polite, drank the soup and asked for it.

"Yeah!" Huang Xianrong said from the side, taking a gulp of soup into his mouth behind his mouth.

"Can you two eat anything else?" Li Yi said, convinced.

The palace lady Cui Liu had already got up, went out and brought a tray back, and put a scoop on it, all filled with red oil, and filled it up for two people.

"Master Li, this is better than pepper, pepper, cornel, ginger, and mustard."

Huang Xianrong, who had eaten chili for the first time, gave chili a high rating.

"There are several varieties of peppercorns in this, you have sent them one after another, and the mustard vegetable zhuangzi you sent has also been made into pickles."

When Li Yi mentioned the original matter, he was still thinking of keeping it secret, not telling the people from Shu to make mustard.

Now he decided to make it public, and the people of Shu did what they wanted, instead of earning the secret money.

Yang Huanjin thought of another situation: "President Li, what is its name? Will it be sold?"

"Pepper, sell one or two, one or two, fifteen per catty, the cheaper one, I will give you 20 catties."

Li Yi had already thought about the price, one to two to forty grams, for a thousand dollars.

Bi Gou frowned: "It's cheap, your tea eggs were five hundred dollars apiece."

"The price of food was also expensive at that time, three hundred dollars a bucket. Later, when the price of food became low, I stopped selling it. The recipes for soy sauce were all announced."

Li Yi emphasized that price changes are not a crime.

"At least two, one or two, Xiao Yi, you listen to me." Bi Go raised the price.

Yang Huanjin and Huang Xianrong: "..."

The two of them looked at each other and found that the officials in the household department had all learned from Shang Shu.

"Old Bi, you are not waiting for this to collect 80% of my tax?" Li Yi turned to look at Bi Gou.

"Luxury is 80%." Bi Gou looked serious.

Yang Huanjin and Huang Xianrong looked at each other again, oh my god, 80% of the tax?

The Ministry of Households collects ten taxes and one tax, which does not seem to be much. What is the relationship between Li Dongzhu and the prime minister?

One called Lao Bi, and the other Xiao Yi, to eat together.

When the two of them arrived, looking at Li Yi's Face, the prime minister was easy to talk.

In the blink of an eye, the old one has to collect 80% of the small tax? you……

"80% achieved 80%, I request a tax rebate, I have to check the cost of the industry, and the money and things donated must be deducted."

Li Yi asked him not to just charge 80% tax on chili noodles.

Chili noodles are a product of Zhuangzi. Our Zhuangzi has a high cost, and other places lose money.

"What's the cost?" Bi Gou looked a little nervous.

"Look at Old Bi, the cost of blowtorch R&D, hot air balloon assembly cost, new smelting furnace R&D cost, manufacturing cost, dealer labor cost, land purchase cost, free soup cost..."

Li Yi wow wow wow and said, all kinds of costs, let people listen, Zhuangzi has been losing money.

The profits of other things sold add up, not enough to make up for the hole.

The more things Zhuangzi sells, the more he loses, and he will soon be unable to sustain it.

"How can it be counted like this?" Bi Gou came into contact with cost accounting for the first time.

"Why not? I, Zhuangzi, has military R&D and manufacturing, and the court did not subsidize me at all. Look, I'll count it for you..."

"Don't, don't count, the old man won't listen, you will have to pay for your money if you listen." Bi Go stopped, sweating out.

Both Yang Huanjin didn't care about drinking the soup, and they were dumbfounded. At the same time, they wondered, can they also use the same method to avoid taxes?

I don’t use it this time. I have already agreed to withdraw, but what about in the future?

"Sell one or two. This year we have planted a lot of hot peppers in the greenhouse, and I hope that Jingzhao Mansion will digest it. It is difficult.

It's a luxury accessory, but it's too expensive. Merchants in other places don't buy it because they worry that they won't be able to sell it.

I want to save some money, don’t make it 80%, 50%. "

Li Yi analyzes the market saturation and high-end consumption levels in other places, and the price is determined.

"Yes, five makes fifty percent." Bi Go thought about it and agreed.

Yang Huanjin and Huang Xianrong are at a loss, so they can bargain when collecting taxes?

"Dongzhu Li, do you still have this soup?" Huang Xianrong thought of something and asked, pointing to the red oil in the casserole.

"Yes, it's just that you two will drink it again... I'll ask someone to send chili oil to the brothers, so the soup is unnecessary."

Li Yi was about to say that the two of them were full of soup, and suddenly thought that the other party was not two.

"They are in Anyifang, next to the East City, and they can eat chili at night. It is estimated that their dreams are all beautiful dreams." Yang Huanjin reported the address.

Anyifang is located below the East City. There is a temple inside, but there are no other yamen.

A small amount of goods will be placed in the Anyifang, and there are many goods, and the warehouse will be rented at the wharf outside the city.

The salt gang has a lot of goods and a lot of people.

"Okay, send it over, and let the brothers live in the front building tomorrow. You will be home when you arrive in Chang'an, so why bother to spend the money for that accommodation."

When Li Yi's voice fell, Qing Song ran out.

Yang Huanjin and the other two found out that the court lady eunuch was too clever, and when one spoke, the other side responded immediately.

"Brother Yang and Brother Huang, you can make a list, and compare the advertisements in the newspapers." Li Yi continued.

The freight for transporting things in Shu area is provided by salt, not to mention the amount of money, just by looking at the speed, you know how powerful the salt is.

"Thank you Li Dongzhu." The two thanked them together.

They know that they are embarrassed to find Zhuangzi to play, but it feels like letting Zhuangzi give it free.

"There are too many salt wells over there?" Bi conceived of the cooperation between His Majesty and Li Yi.

"If you go back to Zaifu." Yang Huanjin said: "A lot, a lot of brine wells and gas wells have been created. We will also find gas wells to help cook the salt."

Huang Xianrong lowered his voice: "I heard those good places, behind them..."

He said and pointed upwards.

Li Yi nodded: "Yes, it's your Majesty's. I still have half of them. Have you learned to drill?"

"Huh?" The two exclaimed together again.

Your Majesty’s business, Li Dongzhu accounted for half of the members?

It's not a question of how many members are accounted for, the question is how to account for members.

After he was surprised, Yang Huanjin sighed: "Oh! I have drilled, but it takes a lot of time to drill a well and costs a lot. I'm afraid that I won't be able to produce brine when I drill, so I will lose all the belongings."

Li Yi nodded. Yes, a well can make a family, and a well can ruin a wealthy businessman.

It's just that he can't do anything about it. If the capital is insufficient, it is best not to gamble.

"You should drill or drill. You have a lot of money, and you have to drill a few separately at the same time. The probability of success is higher."

Li Yi knew that the other party had money, so he persuaded him.

"Dongzhu Li, we are drilling and we have already exited a brine well." Yang Huanjin said happily.

They just looked for six locations to drill at the same time, one bit of brine, and the other five made money back.

Up to now, I have continued to drill without any halogen. In case of a gas well, I don’t have to worry about it.

"Your Majesty's well is going to give out money to the local area. If you use technology, you also want to take it." Bi Gou suddenly interjected.

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