"Hello Hello hello!"

A pair of scarlet-breasted parrots were changed places, separate rooms.

Move the cage in, the big cage, there are nests inside.

A five-year-old girl on Zhuangzi took a box in one hand, grabbed the mixed feed from it in one hand, and put it into the trough next to the cage through the cage.

She let it go and said ‘hello’ and kept saying.

The two big scarlet parrots just started hiding on the poles behind them, looking hungry.

The little girl put a few grains of millet, just stood there and continued to say hello.

The male parrot was probably too hungry, maybe something happened to it first, so he leaned in first and ate a grain of millet from the trough, then another grain, and another grain...

No, the little girl put a total of five grains of millet.

Xiong's mouth touched in the slot again, tilted his head and took one eye to look at it, sure, no more.

He raised his head and turned his head slightly to look at the box in the little girl's hand.

The female jumped over, looked at the food trough first, and finally went in to look for it, moving her head back and forth with the male to look at the little girl and the box.

The little girl pinched two grains of millet and put them in the trough.

When she put them down, the two big parrots hid their heads back. When she finished putting them, the parrots were not in a hurry to eat, and continued to look at her.

"Hello, hello..." The little girl stood still, still repeating her words.

The male bird waited for a while, then stretched his mouth to eat in the trough again. Just after eating one, the other was snatched by the female parrot.

It's gone again. The two parrots looked around and found that there was no one. They touched each other with their heads and leaned together.

"Hello..." The little girl put something.

Just repeating this, a quarter of an hour later, the big scarlet-breasted parrots stopped hiding, and the little girl let it go and they ate.

The little girl put a pine nut, the male ate it, the female stretched her mouth to grab it, and the male let it aside, but the mouth didn't stop.

The male bit the shell, the pine nut was bitten into two pieces while eating, and the female hurriedly ate the fallen ones.

The little girl is very patient, feeds slowly and keeps saying hello.

After another quarter of an hour, the little girl pinched the pine nuts with her fingers, and the big scarlet-breasted parrot would stretch her mouth to eat.

The other parrots enjoy the same treatment, and the eight little girls are responsible for feeding and talking.

Li Yi went in one house one by one, and all the parrots would eat from the little girl's hands.

Li Chengqi watched together: "It's much simpler than boiling an eagle, and the people who boil the eagle will follow suit."

"Those who don't have the conditions will get eagles, and if they have the conditions, they will raise them slowly. After a long time, the eagles will naturally get along with you.

The most difficult thing is to raise sparrows caught in the wild, and to raise them so that they can be released in the wild, then come back and fall into your hands after blowing the whistle. "

Li Yi didn't think that boiled eagles had any power. It was a quick method. The eagles were raised slowly and needed to eat meat.

Cooked quickly, the eagle can help catch wild animals.

The rich children boil the eagle purely to experience the thrill of the eagle's submission.

Sparrows are different. They have a big temper and hard to change their wild nature. Only by raising the sparrows to the extent that they can fly back to the nest can they show their ability.

Li Yi has never raised it. He has fed a parrot raised by a friend before.

Imagine taking food directly from people like this. Li Yi spent two days feeding him sunflower seeds.

The little girl is a powerful, wild parrot, fed as if it were in front of him in two quarters of an hour, and Li Yi said he couldn't do it.

"Can sparrows be raised? Doesn't it mean that you are angry and would rather starve to death than eat?"

Li Chengqi felt that he had heard something magical.

Li Yi nodded: "Yes, so those who can fly back are all masters. It is not difficult to let the sparrow fall on the hand to eat, but the difficulty is to be obedient."

"Brother Yi, can you make Sparrow not afraid of people?" Li Chengqi suddenly thought of an idea.

"Dage, if I let Sparrow not be afraid of people, people should scold me." Li Yi shook his head, rejecting this bad idea.

"How to do it? Tell me, brother." Li Chengqi's dude's character was revealed.

Think about it, what other people can't do, he can do it, isn't it great?

"Hey, feed with grain. Now in winter, it is not easy for sparrows to find food. You have processed a group of wooden box bird nests.

Put the boxes around the square, then clean the square, and sprinkle grain on the square every day.

Tell other people not to chase and catch sparrows. After a long time, the sparrows will not be afraid of people. "

Li Yi gave the solution, it was as simple as that.

"Forget it." Li Chengqi also refused.

Sprinkle grain to feed the sparrows, what will others think if they know?

Turning to him, he thought of a question: "If you release pigeons in the future, don't you spread food?"

"The pigeons are different, the same kind of pigeons will return to the cage, and the pigeons will return to the nest as soon as people call, unless the sparrows can reach that level."

Li Yi put his hand down, the pigeon and the sparrow can't be compared together.

"What's the difference?" Li Chengqi didn't understand for a while.

"The pigeon is obedient, others know that the pigeon is yours, and you are rich when you feed the pigeon food.

Others think that sparrows are not yours, you feed food, and others say that you are a prodigal.

When you can direct a group of sparrows to fly around, others will treat you as a god. "

Li Yi said a supreme truth, the same thing, people's point of view can be changed.

"Then I won't raise sparrows either." Li Chengqi thought for a while and decided not to be a god.


"Spicy, too spicy, do you have any more." In the heavens and on earth, some people have become immortals.

On the second floor, there is a buffet of water and boats.

One person presents a small dish of pepper oil and chili oil dipping sauce.

The service staff told in advance that it was spicy.

It turned out to be spicy enough, but the key was numb.

People who have eaten the mixture of pepper oil and chili oil for the first time feel like they are floating.

The problem is that the more I eat, the more I want to eat, and I can’t stop.

"Sorry, only one free copy." The waitress apologized.

"Buy, I'll pay for it." Those who can eat on the second floor have at least a 100-piece membership card.

"One dish is one hundred dollars." The waiter quoted.

"One hundred? More expensive than the previous soy sauce?" The customer compared it and found it outrageous.

"Yes." The waiter admitted.

Heaven and Earth are also chili noodles that are bought with money, and then made into chili oil.

One or two, you can make dozens of plates of chili oil, which provides customers with oil.

The portion with chili noodles can be sold once more.

"Come on a disc." The customer chuckled his lips and recognized.

The third floor is the same as the second floor, and a small dish is given as a gift, but it contains oily chili noodles.

This one is two hundred dollars a disc, which is twice as expensive, and it is allowed to be packed and taken away.

Even before the evening, there was a spread of the special spicy chili oil in the heavens and on the earth.

Other restaurants have sent people to inquire about it. Under the propaganda of the caring people, everyone knows that chili noodles are sold at Lijiazhuang.

At the same time, I also know the price, one tael per one or two, fifteen per kilogram.

In Zuixianju in Lantian County, Chang Sun Xin picked up a cucumber, dipped it in chili sauce, ate it to his mouth, and reminded the four staff members of the past.

"You guys, have you seen it? I found it the year before and thought it was a bit poisonous, so I put some in the free soup..."

Long Sun Xin said, her expression calm, as if she was talking about other people's things.

The four staff members showed an expression of understanding and sighed at the same time.

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