Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 746 The nose is easy to build and difficult to repair (fourth)

"Hello, my proprietor, we have dinner."

Li Longji arranged for someone to go outside to find someone to wash coal in Jingzhao Mansion, and Li Yi continued to copy medical books.

He found that the people of the Imperial Medical Office of Datang learned medical books very quickly. The last time he prescribed medicine for Bi Gou's consultation, the imperial physicians used the medicines in the new medical books.

One is the medicine in the medical books of the Ming Dynasty, and the other is the medicine in the medical books of the Qing Dynasty.

Now that you can learn and use it flexibly and use it so accurately, just continue to copy.

Tired of copying, Li Yi came over to look at the big scarlet-breasted parrot.

As a result, he was frightened again. The other parrots called hello, and these two yelled three "sentences".

"Okay, learn a few more words." Li Chengqi, who came to deliver frozen seafood, stood beside Li Yi.

The seafood from Dengzhou, the local weather is cold, began to freeze, large ice cubes, and need well water.

The navy brought this ice block to sea to fish, and then placed it in a cold storage made of ice blocks and sprinkled it with crushed ice.

When the preservation meeting arrives on the shore, the people on the shore prepare the ice-water mixture, throw the seafood in, and freeze it outside.

The tufts are separated by grass curtains and loaded onto the car for transportation to Chang'an.

As soon as the first batch arrived, Li Chengqi was not ready to sell it.

"Dage, I heard that Wu Zetian raised a parrot and can read the scriptures?" Li Yi remembered something, asking for the truth.

"How is it possible that if the parrot can preach, Buddhism does not regard the parrot as a sacred object?" Li Chengqi shook his head.

"I thought of a good way to teach parrots." After Li Chengqi denied that Wu Zetian's parrots could recite scriptures, his inspiration suddenly appeared.

"What's the solution?" Li Yi was like asking the parrot to say a few more words.

"The horn, your recording horn, it takes so much effort to teach each sentence, that little girl is so powerful, and recorded her voice."

Li Chengqi pointed to a pair of parrots who spoke three words.

Li Yi: "..."

He didn't think about it at all, yes, he has a loudspeaker.

"Brother knows that you want to sell parrots, not these, parrots and starlings will be caught from other places in the future."

Li Chengqi guessed that the price of a talking bird could be heaven-defying.

There is no such thing as his palace, and there are fewer than twenty talking birds in the entire Chang'an city.

He can't take advantage of it by accident, and someone keeps a baby bird.

Now that I have the opportunity, Brother Yi will raise a lot, and the big parrot will lay eggs and hatch in spring.

"I want to open a chain store, and each store puts a pair of parrots or starlings. The guests shout welcome and hello as soon as they enter the door."

Li Yi finally said his plan, foreign countries have done this.

Li Chengqi fell! Suck! one! mouth! cold! gas!

It was cold outside and there was no heat to breathe.

"Yes, yes, open some store, then put the parrots, and others will eat in. Hearing this sentence, the price of a dish should be doubled."

Li Chengqi admitted how attractive the talking bird is. When opening a shop in Chang'an, someone will enter the shop to eat specifically to listen to the parrots.

"Dage asked the people in Dengzhou to dig a cellar to store ice?"

When Li Yi talked about other things, the parrot was still early, so he was not in a hurry.

"By the way, I will dig a lot of ice cellars. I always want to eat sea crabs. They are big and enjoyable.

In winter, crabs can be caught, but there is no yellow or paste, and they can only eat shells.

After a few months and ten years old, the swimming crabs in Bohaina were said to be the best. They were delivered without ice, and they were all smelly, and the dried crab meat was far from dry. "

Li Chengqi swallowed as he spoke, greedy.

He can't go to the beach to eat crabs, he can only store ice.

"Dage, I thought of something, a reciprocating steam engine sealed with a copper gasket. I made it first before I dared to touch the fuel engine."

Li Yi wanted to eat seafood, the kind that was very fresh, not sent to death with ice.

It was delivered to the place, there was ice in it, but the crabs were alive.

Its only requirement is speed.

From Shandong, the railway is built first to Luoyang, and then from Luoyang to Chang'an. The straight-line distance is more than 1,000 kilometers, and the actual distance is more than 1,400 kilometers.

If a steam engine can run three stone kilometers in one hour, it will definitely get there in 50 hours.

In fifty hours, the crab could not die.

Why go to Shandong? Shandong is next to the sea, and at the same time the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal passes through that line.

Shandong belongs to the Henan Road of Datang, and Henan Road has always been the top priority.

"What is it for?" Li Chengqi didn't doubt whether it could be made, he considered the purpose.

"I'm trying to make a small one. The propeller boat will be launched tomorrow. Dage remembers to come and see.

There was a problem with the weight ratio that was made before, so I did it again.

If feasible, the Jingzhaofu Water Network will no longer need ships next year, and the speed will be faster if it is replaced with a propeller ship. "

Li Yi frowned and said that he was very worried about the steam train.

Even if the steam engine is built, what about the rails?

How much iron does it take to lay more than 1,400 kilometers of railroad tracks? There are those iron, making guns.

The kitchen knives in the people's homes are still lacking.

Make a smaller one with a small carrying capacity. Can the rails be covered with wood and iron?

Li Chengqi rarely sees Li Yi's distressed appearance, so he asked, "Brother Yi, but what's the problem?"

"I use too much iron. After waiting for a few months, I tried to build a small children's train in Zhuangzi.

Li Yi thought of the little train in the park, which is actually electric, but it can be made of steam.

The weight of the steam engine head and the weight of the tow load, see if the small track can work.


One day later, Li Chengqi and Li Longji's family came.

Seeing Li Yi, the little guy showed a puzzled look. It was obvious that he hadn't seen him for many days, and he had forgotten.

Li Yi didn't talk nonsense, put on life jackets for everyone, and went to Bashui.

The boat has been lowered from the pier on Zhuangzi's side. The Queen held her son, and the four of them sat on the pedals.

With the rudder in the middle, Li Yi controlled it.

Everyone is familiar with pedaling. Without the wheels on both sides, it seems a bit unaccustomed.

"Prepare, start." Li Yi is in charge of temporary command.

Following his order, the four people kicked up together.

The stern propeller rotates and splashes appear in the stern of the ship. The initial speed is faster than that of all ships.

Even a ship is far inferior to a propeller ship.

Due to the rotation of wheels on the left and right sides of the ship, the ship itself bears the resistance of water.

The oars of a propeller boat are underwater, and the front of the boat is pointed when it is designed.

The shape of the bottom of the ship is also different, there are grooves to divide the water.

The four people pedaled quickly, and the speed of the boat gradually increased.

The rudder under Li Yi's control began to be unstable. It didn't matter how the rudder swung, the ship could immediately change its direction. There was a process.

"Dragon boat, dragon boat, this is the speed of the dragon boat." Queen Wang felt it out. When racing the dragon boat, the dragon boat was swishing and advancing fast.

The boat I'm sitting on now is about the same speed as the dragon boat.

The dragon boat is narrow, needs a lot of people, and cannot maintain its speed for a long time.

A pedaling boat can obviously last longer.

"Good boat, good oars." Li Longji said.

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