Hu Feng and others were arranged to take a bath. Li Yi changed his clothes, washed his hands and face, and then returned to the canteen single room.

He was afraid that he had come into contact with animals and had bacteria on his body, which would have infected the little guy. He had to be treated, and the little guy was still uncomfortable.

As soon as he entered the single room, Li Yi found that everyone had stopped. Even the little guy was drooling and was not allowed to eat. Wait for him.

Li Yi sat down, picked up a cucumber strip, cut it into cubes with a spoon, pushed the chopsticks into the spoon, and placed it in the little guy's bowl.

The little guy stared with wide eyes, looked at his own spoon, smashed the cucumber in the rice bowl, and giggled.

"Hu Feng, who helped catch the Khitan soldiers last time, came back and hunted down a black bear with crossbow arrows through their eyes.

I caught ten nine-section wolves and fifteen forest musk deer alive. I call them a little panda. They are also very cute.

Lin musk I have a way to get musk alive. I take it once a year. There is nothing serious about Lin musk. "

Li Yi talked about the situation, mainly emphasizing the extraction of musk.

The biggest consumption of Datang's musk is not for medical use, but for making the incense that is ignited.

People who have no money need musk to make incense if they are sick.

The three of them suddenly thought of the drugstore. Now they don't like burning incense and prefer to spray perfume in the house.

Li Chengqi took a sip of wine: "Brother Yi has a way to take the sachet and call Musk alive?"

"It's not a sachet, it's a spice. When it was taken out, it didn't smell good and needed to be processed later.

Take it out like earwax, soon, a few breaths.

In addition, I can also obtain live bear bile, make it into powder and use it as medicine, and plan to buy live bears for breeding.

In the future, all medicines involving bear bile should come from me. "

Li Yi's intention was to let the court take action and help propagate it, mainly for the purchase of bear bile medicine.

"Uncle, the living bear takes bile, does the bear hurt?" Queen Wang suddenly asked.

"It hurts and it's easy to get infected, so I plan to use herbal medicine instead. The bears are kept for tourists and dozens of them."

Li Yi found that his current hardware conditions were not enough to give Xiong a drainage tube.

The main difficulty lies in the prevention of infection, he can use this as a gimmick.

The patient's request is for treatment, not for taking courage.

His substitute at that time was extracted and processed from the bile of other poultry, pigs, cattle and sheep.

If it is really useless, why bother to process it.

Herbs can replace bear bile to treat some diseases.

Li Yi decided that besides the medicine for bear bile, other herbs should be used.

Then, take bile once every other day, instead of always placing a drainage tube.

It's the same as a needle, it hurts if you accidentally touch it.

Of course, the hunter is willing to kill, and Li Yi doesn't care, there are many bears.

At his time it was the second-level to protect animals.

Not in Datang, it cannot be forced.

Li Longji and others understood. The main ones were Lin Mux and the bears, they were taken away.

Killing bears can’t be done specifically for bear bile. If a talented hunter wants bear skin, it doesn’t matter, there are bear bile by the way.

"In addition, you can try to catch some poisonous snakes. I will make snake venom serum, which needs to be made with horses or rabbits.

The smallpox virus vaccine I made has already used the corresponding equipment, and there is no need to purchase it again.

In fact, attenuation is fine, but now that the equipment is available, why not use it? "

Li Yi wanted to make an anti-venom serum, which is usually made of a kind of venomous snake. The general purpose is sometimes not easy to use.

When he made the smallpox vaccine, he used the equipment to make snake venom serum, mainly for inactivation.

In fact, it does not inactivate. Horses and rabbits are injected with very small amounts of snake venom.

If the snake venom carries pathogens and viruses, horses and rabbits will be infected. After a test, if there are pathogens and viruses, it is unnecessary.

If there are no viruses and germs, use them again.

It saves an inactivation step, just like people who had smallpox virus in the past, take the powder from the smallpox place and blow it into the nose of normal people.

There is no inactivation during this process. If the person has other diseases, it is likely to be infected.

"Brother Yi, can you treat smallpox?" Li Chengqi didn't think of an antivenom at all.

"It can't be treated, it can only support treatment, watch fate, but prevent it, but we have not had smallpox in Datang in recent years."

Li Yi has already asked that no one in Datang has smallpox at the moment, so he doesn't promote vaccines. He keeps the virus and can produce many vaccines at any time.

If no one gets smallpox, it is impossible for him to immediately release the vaccine for others to use.

One is the inconvenience of transportation, and the other is why other people use it?

You said that smallpox can be prevented, but there is a certain danger, no one else should not do it.

Only when smallpox appears in one place, people in the surrounding areas will be willing to be vaccinated.

"Just give people medicine in advance, so you won't have smallpox?" Li Longji guessed.

"Yes, it will leave a small scar, usually on the big arm of the arm." Li Yi nodded.

"Where is the snake venom?" Li Longji asked again.

"It's not the snake venom. The snake venom is given to me first. I use snake venom to make medicine. If someone else is bitten by the same kind of snake, I will be injected with this medicine."

Li Yi introduced that the two things are different, one is serum and the other is vaccine.

"Yes, I want." The little guy interrupted as he listened to the adult.

"Yes, yes." Li Yi responded immediately.

The little guy smiled happily and continued to eat with a spoon.

Li Longji and Li Chengqi were absent-minded during the meal.

Two people thought of going together, Brother Yi could prevent smallpox, give it to others in advance, and then it would be terrible.

Then the own person uses it, and then...

Yes, two people thought of the virus war.

Li Yi actually thought about it, but was later rejected by himself.

That kind of method cannot be released outside, otherwise it will be a virus today, and some people will survive, and it will be another virus tomorrow...

People will lose themselves, a person is used to using despicable means to target others, this person is Devil in the end.

If this is the case in a country, it is also the same.

After a few people had eaten, the little guy was sleepy, and was arranged by the court lady eunuch to sleep in the courtyard's bedroom.

The king and queen did not care, it is safer in Zhuangzi than in her own palace.

Even after moving to Xingqing Palace, Queen Wang still did not relax her vigilance.

"Brother Yi, can you show us how to get musk alive?" Li Chengqi tried to make himself think of specific things.

"No, the male forest musk deer now needs to rely on the fragrance to attract the female forest musk deer. If he takes its musk, he will become a loser."

Li Yi knows that musk musk is the best in the current period, and it is also the day when hunters are most willing to hunt forest musk deer.

In summer, hunters only go to places close to them, and in winter they go to far places.

If there is snow, it will leave traces of own and animals. It is easy to find animals, and you will not get lost.

"I'll take you to see the red pandas. The red pandas are interesting. They like to fight all day long. They are more lively than the pandas. At the same time, they are willing to be together."

Li Yi changed things, the red panda should be arranged in a snowy place.

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