Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 755 Rice noodles are graded for meeting (first update, please subscribe)

The people who have moved into their new homes are familiarizing themselves with their surroundings, including their neighbors and the location of their homes.

Some people are still wondering if it is possible to raise chickens and lay eggs, which is cheaper than buying.

The price of food is low, so you can feed chicken bran.

Today they saw many people coming from nowhere, and they built a shed nearby.

When I inquired in the past, I realized that I came from Huazhou, saying that I was hired by a firm called Changkuai Mifen.

As for who made Changkuai rice noodles, it is not clear.

The temporarily rented place away from the home village is buying large quantities of bamboo.

The people looked around and found that there was nothing interesting, so they continued to take care of their own life.

The people hired from Huazhou really don't know who is behind them. Anyway, they pay a lot of money and go home before the Chinese New Year.

Everyone knows rice noodles, but few people eat it in Chang'an.

The people didn't care to know Changkuai Rice Noodles Firm, and it is impossible for them to not know about Li Chengqi.

Li Chengqi asked, but he didn't get the answer, and he couldn't find it when he asked his owner.

He went to Lijiazhuangzi and found Li Yi: "Brother Yi, Changkai Rice Noodles..."

"My, I want to see if I can do things without being named Lijiazhuangzi."

Li Yi directly admitted that it was his, and he wanted to sell rice noodles.

"Why did you think of doing this?" Li Chengqi was puzzled.

"With the new rice, the output will increase. Now there are no burned aged rice in Chang'an City, and the aged rice doesn't taste good.

As for making rice noodles, aged rice is the best. I turn them into delicious things without wasting food.

Waiting for the increase in the number of indica rice, the warehouse can no longer be piled up, and it is made into rice noodles and sent to the soldiers at the border, which is convenient to eat.

Of course, the jerky and floss are also included, otherwise the rice noodles will be less nutritious. "

Li Yi talked about handling the old rice. The old rice is not good, but the new rice is fragrant.

Now that the life level of the people in Jingzhao Mansion has improved, they all want to eat new rice, and eat wheat to make noodles.

The land road from Luoyang to Chang'an has been repaired, and there is always car traffic.

Snow can't stop them, just use horse-drawn snow removal tools to clean them up in sections.

"Rice noodles are sold wholesale?" Li Chengqi nodded, yes, he doesn't eat Chen Mi.

"We don't wholesale individual rice noodles. You can buy the rice noodles in bamboo tubes. The price is high, or you can buy them in bulk.

Or after buying a bamboo tube, buy it in bulk, and put it in a bamboo tube when you eat it.

There are small beans soaked in vinegar and dried, deep-fried.

There are also salt and pepper noodles, with dried green onion.

Pour hot water when eating, just like instant noodles. The rice noodles that do not use bamboo tubes are wrapped in straw paper. "

Li Yi gestured and said that he did not have a plastic bag and the vinegar could not be stored normally.

Just like making vinegar cloth, tofu is deep-fried into bean paste and soaked in vinegar. When it dries, it will taste like vinegar.

The other things are wrapped in small paper bags and poured in while eating.

Li Chengqi swallowed and drooled: "You can put a salted egg or dried meat in a bamboo tube, the price is higher."

"Good idea." Li Yi stretched his thumb.

He wants to use this thing to advertise when he selects singers for Nanqu "Everyone", and then look at the effect of the advertisement.

Of course, rice noodles will be provided on site, and participants, judges, and staff will eat for free.

The audience can enjoy the discounted price and help with the promotion after eating.

It's a pity that there is no television broadcast, let alone the Internet, and the voices of singing people can't spread far.

It is impossible for him to use the equipment on his Zhuangzi, as there is no promotion and universality.

Shouting with your voice, so that more people can hear it, just like singing a big show in a local area.

Li Chengqi was thinking about eating rice noodles, and suddenly he was inspired: "Brother Yi, I know how to be jealous for my brother."

"How?" Li Yi was curious.

"Wax paper, put a layer of wax on the paper, or beeswax for fear of poison." Li Chengqi looked like I was very powerful.

Li Yi: "..."

"Dage, packaging with raw-edged paper is already very expensive. If it is replaced with beeswax, the cost of a pack of rice noodles is too high for ordinary people to afford."

Li Yi said from the price that he didn't want to sell rice noodles as a luxury item.

He wants rice noodles to be the same as instant noodles, and the people want to eat them, so they can spend a little more money than their own noodles.

"You make two kinds, one for ordinary people and the other for rich people."

Li Chengqi had an idea, he actually wanted to eat the kind eaten by the rich and the rich.

Li Yi stayed for a while: "If you say that, I can do better."

Li Yi remembered the instant noodles and rice noodles, which contained oil packs, seasoning packs, and vegetable packs.

The coating is wrapped in wax paper, two dollars for a rice noodle, a set of seasonings, three dollars, and then packed in a bamboo tube, plus one dollar.

Eat a portion of rice noodles, six bucks, no, ten bucks. If it's cheaper, rich people look down on it.

"Dage, you see I think like this..." Li Yi said his thoughts.

Li Chengqi continued to swallow: "Okay, ten yuan is not expensive, and Doumi is still 20 or 30 yuan."

Li Yi again: "..."

Dou rice is cheaper. It is no longer hundreds of dollars. The problem is that a bucket of rice is more than ten kilograms, and Chen rice is cheaper.

"Proprietor, someone from outside said it was Hao Lingquan, please see me." Song De ran over again like the ghost.

"What is he doing?" Li Chengqi was puzzled, he had met Hao Lingquan.

Hao Lingquan was the one who was serving as an envoy, a small official who served as a general in the Great Armed Forces.

The army was in Shuozhou, and he went to a small tribe in Tubo as an envoy.

The silent head was chopped off, and Hao Lingquan returned with the people from the Ba Yigu tribe.

The silent head is hung on Vermillion Bird Street for people to see, mainly for the Fanbangers of Honghu Temple.

Why is this person looking for Li Yi? Does he know Li Yi?

"Dage, I'll meet him." Li Yi heard the name and got up.

He must go to see this person and guess why the other person is here at the same time.

"Brother Yi, be careful." Li Chengqi nodded.

Li Yi crossed the bridge under the protection of the court lady eunuch and the guard, and saw a person.

The other party was just turning around the place where the free hot soup was given, looking very anxious.

As soon as Li Yi's team appeared, this person walked quickly toward Li Yi's place, and was stopped by guards more than ten steps away.

The guard wanted to search, and Hao Lingquan opened his arms and waited.

"No, find a place to sit down and say." Li Yi shook his head and went to the noodle stall.

He sat down and glanced at the side: "Everyone, Li has something important, thank you!"

People eating noodles around immediately picked up their bowls and went to other places for Li Yixing's convenience.

"General Hao, please sit down." Li Yi stood up again to invite.

"I'm just a general." Hao Lingquan rubbed his hands, looking very cramped.

"It is the general who can take the initiative to rush to the post-Turkish Bayegu Ministry to contact and instigate rebellion, and to help kill silently."

Li Yi asked again.

"Doctor Li, you...I..." Hao Lingquan's eyes suddenly turned red when he heard Li Yi's words, and he stood there speechless.

"Please!" Li Yi asked for the third time.

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