The crowd listened and stopped.

During this process, Wang Xing did not laugh, Shudi Salt Gang did not laugh, Guo Ziyi did not laugh, and the farmers did not laugh.

The dealers have seen how the proprietor handles the issue of men and women in the village, which is not funny.

Wang Xing has experienced countless struggles in the palace and can't laugh.

The Shudi Salt Gang was too aware of what was going on inside, and some officials were cheated on the excuse of personal virtue.

Guo Ziyi thinks that life alone is not easy for a widow, and that a man should take care of it.

"You know what you are learning, and others know it too. You are branded on your body and you will never get rid of it.

Many people don't want Lijiazhuangzi to exist, but they can't help it. They can't deal with Li Family Zhuangzi, and can't deal with you? "

Li Yi was still serious and explained the situation clearly to the students.

Don't be foolish to think that you just need to pass the exam. There is a long way to go in life.

"When you get to a place, first, you are not allowed to drink, no matter what reason or excuse the other party uses, you are not allowed to drink, and you would rather refuse to banquets and offend people.

Second, you are not allowed to look for women outside, even if you say that you don't drink, but you are only allowed to participate in the party, and are not allowed to go.

I can't explain clearly when I go there. After a year or so, it is very likely that a woman with her newborn child will come to you to confess.

The third one is to wait for someone to kneel in front of you and call for grievances when you arrive. Don't listen to the one-sided words, but you must arrange the people who are grieving grievances. Write back to Zhuangzi, and I will send someone to deal with it..."

Li Yi began to talk about the various things that the 220 students would encounter in the future, and every thing might pit the students.

Of course, it’s not a big deal to be scammed, it’s just a price to pay, and whoever squanders it comes back.

The students took out their little notebooks and started to write. It was dangerous to say that going to be an official on their own was more scary than going to the battlefield.

"Looking back, let's talk about widows. When you get to the village, remember to go to the village first, and then the clan elder.

Ask a few older women in the village to be nearby, and then contact the women in the village, especially the widows.

Don't see any woman alone, and the same is true for old women. You have to invite more than three at a time.

Organize the woman to work. If the widow is violent, it would be even better and let her be in charge.

As for accommodation, you must live in the village's house. If something goes wrong at the village's house, I'm going to the village's house. "

Li Yi could not pass on his life struggle experience to the students. He had suffered more losses than the students had eaten.

The students’ sense of fear increased, and they realized that they were not going to the village, but Longtan Tiger’s Den.

"Now I will tell you how to handle things in the village. After you successfully survive in the village, I will tell you how the county behaves, which is much different from the village.

Next, I will tell you where the welfare benefits of the elderly orphans in the village are promoted. The village's poultry are farmed and coordinated in a coordinated manner..."

Li Yi turned the topic back again, and talked about the specifics, what kind of measures the village took to deal with the situation.

"Well, I'm here for today. The afternoon is medical class."

After a big class, it was almost noon, Li Yi put down his things and turned to leave.

Others helped to clean up, the speakers were too far away, the water curtain equipment was put away, and 90 people in the afternoon class didn't use these things.

The salt merchants in the Shu area smiled, not surprisingly, this is Li Dongzhu's ability.

Obviously there is no official position, but he raises nearly half of the people of Jingzhao Mansion.

Hundreds of thousands of people eat with him, and his every move involves people's livelihood.

Wang Xing laughed and took the people back. He decided to find a village above the emperor to see if he could help him make more money.

What he is not after is not going back to the palace for rights, he wants to realize his self-worth in life.

Zhang Xiao, the village leader of Zhangjia Village, was very helpless. Hearing this was the same as he hadn’t heard. Zhang’s village had been arranged by the owner of Zhang’s village, and his village was justified...

Hao Lingquan pulled Guo Ziyi: "Dongzhu Li is good at everything? If he goes to the Great Armed Forces, the people there will be blessed."

"How could Dongzhu Li go out? He went out. Where can the court find him for important matters?" Guo Ziyi despised Hao Lingquan.

You just think of your military army, don't you know who will ask the government?

Your general position, except Dongzhu Li, who can stand up to Song Jing to get it for you?

"Yes, Li Dongzhu must stay on Zhuangzi, Li Dongzhu has worked hard."

Hao Lingquan reacted, his majesty's family would run over, and he didn't know what his majesty and Dongzhu Li were talking about.

Over the past ten days, His Majesty ran over four times.

There is also King Song, who is so fascinating, what are you busy with every day?

"A large group of people, are they in class?" an angry old man's voice sounded.

Hao Lingquan was startled, but he didn't jump out this time.

He turned his head to look and saw the two people who came, saluted quickly, opened his mouth, and made no sound.

"Old man Mu Chengxi, this is the old man's wife, Mrs. Mu." Li Dan introduced himself, and he also met Hao Lingquan.

Hao Lingquan brought the enemy's head over, everyone should take a look.

"Mu, Mr. Mu, Mrs. Mu." Hao Lingquan's voice trembled.

"Hey!" Li Dan agreed with Concubine Doulu.

"Hao Lingquan, you have to learn more. You can jump from the son to the general at once, and you have more soldiers. If you do not command well, you will kill the soldiers."

Li Dan carefully looked at this nearly stripped Hao Lingquan, and said earnestly.

Hao Lingquan responded with the fastest speed: "Yes, yes, I and Guo Changshi are studying, Mr. Mu, come here..."

"My son knows that this is not something you should think about. It's cold. Check your body and live for a few days, so you can live comfortably in Zhuangzi."

Li Dan seemed to be very talkative, and explained to Hao Lingquan that others thought he was restricted in his movements, but he was not.

"Check the body?" Hao Lingquan asked without understanding.

"Ask the doctor to see if you are sick. Is it possible that you didn't know that Xiaoyi's medical skills are unparalleled in the world? When I am old, I didn't care about life and death before.

Now I want to live a few more years and look at this Datang. With Xiao Yi, Datang will surely become stronger soon, and the old man is not worried about getting sick. "

Li Dan said what was in his heart, he didn't care, he knew that Hao Lingquan knew the situation.

Concubine Doulu then said, "Little Yi, this child, let people rest assured that you can learn more from him while you are living in Zhuangzi."

"I'm gone, find Xiao Yi." Li Dan stretched out his hand and took Concubine Doulu's hand away.

Hao Lingquan hurriedly lowered his head, seeing nothing and knowing nothing.

The Supreme Emperor and Concubine Doulu yelled at each other, and the Supreme Emperor also pulled Concubine Doulu's hand.

"If Song Zaifu embarrassed me, would he be over?"

Hao Lingquan mumbled inexplicably, and when the voice came out, he hurriedly covered his mouth.

Guo Ziyi heard it and nodded next to him: "Yes, General Hao, you are right. The Manchu dynasty has withdrawn from civil and military affairs, and you can find another group to come on top.

If Lijiazhuangzi were gone, he would never find the same place again. You can think of asking Li Dongzhu for help, it's fate. "

"What about you? How did you meet Dongzhu Li?" Hao Lingquan also felt lucky.

"Me? I... I'm taking the martial arts exam, and then..." Guo Ziyi told Hao Lingquan about Li Yi's individual rollover.

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