After Song Jing finished watching Bi Gou, Bi Gou was in charge of finances.

Bi Gou looked at the street outside: "The number of cattle and horses in Lijiazhuangzi exceeds 60,000, and the zhuangzi can't keep them, so they can only be distributed in the form of lease."

Yao Chong understood, and then said: "Thirty thousand feathers and a hundred thousand military horses are raised in the forbidden garden. If you buy Lijiazhuangzi's livestock now, where should they be kept?"

"According to Lijiazhuang's method, or only choose the young and strong to buy." Song Jing obviously considered such problems.

Choose the good ones to buy, and leave the bad ones to Lijiazhuangzi.

He had no choice but to recruit people, so he had to rent Lijiazhuang’s livestock and sledges.

Lijiazhuangzi rents livestock and cars outside, charging fees, and the court can't say not to pay.

Unless the court does not take over, continue to let Lijiazhuangzi take care of the victims' problems.

The idea came from Song Jing's men, and he wanted the court to have a face, and he wanted to save money, so it was better to buy it.

After waiting for the new year, the team of five thousand people was recruited, and it happened to be transported by livestock.

If you buy it, it is absolutely impossible to purchase from the market, and the price will soar. For bulk purchases, it is natural to find people who have a large number of cows and horses.

"You can only buy the horse team currently leased to the court by Lijiazhuang, and the other cattle and horses are in the hands of the people."

Lu Huaishen shook his head and said to buy, but he was not optimistic about this behavior.

Song Jing took a sip of wine: "The key is whether Li Yi is willing to sell it."

"The price is reasonable, it's okay to think about it." Bi Gou thought about Li Yi's style of acting, and his face looked sad.

"Long Selection..." Song Jing looked at Bi Gou again.

"Okay, I'll ask. When there are 5,000 horses involved in the subsequent transportation of supplies, they are all good physiques. Buy them all? The price is estimated to be around 30 per horse."

Bi Gou didn't think there was a lot of money, just a few hundred thousand yuan, rich.

The price is not sure, horses are different from horses.

Lijiazhuangzi still has nearly 5,000 military horses, which he has been using for the sixteen guards, and his own Zhuangzi people have learned to ride.

It is said that Li Yi owns the horse, and the crucial moment is the court's military reserves.

He will take it out at any time, including other strong horses to form a heavy-duty team.

After finishing talking, Bi Gou got up, stopped eating, and settled the major affairs of the court first.

The others sat and waited, hoping that Bi Gou could bring back some good news.

Bi Gou hurried to Zhuangzi, thinking that Li Yi would be eating.

As a result, as soon as I crossed the bridge, I saw Li Yi pedaling over two wheels quickly.

‘Dingling, dingling, creaking! Wow! ’

When it was a few steps away, with the sound of bells, brakes and the sound of wheels rubbing against the ground, Li Yi stopped the bicycle.

"There are no inflatable tires, but the outer layer is covered with leather. The bumps are serious. Old Bi is here."

Li Yi got out of the car, observed the wheels of the car, muttered hello to Bi Gou.

"This is..." Bi Gou didn't see Li Yi in his eyes, watching him find something good.

"The bicycle, not counting the design cost, it takes 500 yuan to build this one, which is very expensive. The bearings and chain use new steel, and the steel for the gun is made."

When Li Yi saw Bi Go staring at the bicycle, he first quoted, 500 yuan.

In fact, the cost of materials for smelting more than a dozen steels is not counted as technology costs.

Li Yi's gas-blown steelmaking converter has been completed. The raw material requirements are higher than that of the open hearth furnace, and the output is also lower.

Zhuangzi can use it now, iron ore does not cost money, and good coal does not cost money.

In the first step of rough processing, there was coke, and the temperature did not reach the level of tapping steel. Then it was poured into a converter capable of blowing, and the temperature of the furnace was increased and it became steel.

These steels are first made into steel plates, and then forged on concave grooves after heating, thermally welded, clad, cored, continuously forged, and naturally annealed.

Add other tapping and revolving accessories, and it becomes a barrel without a rifled barrel.

The paper shell is used for fixed-loading, and the flintlock ignition mode is adopted.

The steel used to make bicycle chains and gears is the same as the steel used to make guns. Li Yi intends to sell them.

Selling money to make guns, selling a bicycle can make at least 20 guns, including all the expenses.

Li Yi said that the cost of five hundred yuan should be sold for one thousand yuan. I don't know how many people can afford it. It is really impossible to pay in installments.

Kerosene lamps and thermos are selling well, even though they are basically unavailable now.

"You let it move." Bi Gou heard the price, and he wanted to look at it again.

Li Yi got on the car, stepped on the pedals, and the bicycle circled Biguo.

"This thing is exquisite, like a paddle-wheeled boat. The big circle in the front drives the small circle in the back. The two wheels... why don't they sway to the left and right?"

Bi Gou asked Li Yi to stop again, observe carefully, and discover the secret, which is very simple.

Li Yi also thinks it is simple, the premise is to improve the smelting technology.

"How much do you plan to sell?" Bi Gou forgot to buy the horse for a while.

"One thousand yuan, one million dollars, a lifetime warranty, is it expensive?" Li Yi asked for the price.

"It's not expensive, Xiao Yi, do you know that you are not riding a car. This car has a kerosene lamp on the left and a thermos bottle on the right. Then there is a bell ringing. Who doesn't take a high look."

Bi Gou already had a sense of luxury. He found out that many people who bought kerosene lamps went out to shop before dark.

The follower carried a kerosene lamp and a thermos at the back, and when he walked to a place where no free hot soup was provided, he shouted ‘pour hot tea’.

Bi Gou thinks they hate places that provide free soup. In winter, everyone should carry a thermos to get hot water.

For the hot soup, drink as soon as it passes, and it's warm.

I also hate Bing Lan and the ‘street lamps’ around Chang’an. Diesel lamps are used as street lamps, which are not darker than kerosene lamps.

Wouldn't it be better for someone to show off and ride a bicycle?

"Xiao Yi, there are many rich people in Luoyang, so I can sell you..."


"Yes, bicycles, self-propelled cars, do not require animal power, and are fast. It belongs to..."

"I want to use the money I earn to make weapons, a new weapon. It's very powerful. It's almost as good as the cavalry in the wild. Defending the city is the most powerful."

Li Yi didn't say what kind of product the bicycle belongs to, but the weapon.

"The flintlock paper shell bullet is on the flat ground in the open field. There are only single arms, and the firing frequency is not enough to prevent the cavalry from charging." Li Yi explained the reason again.

"Why do I need to be single-armed? I have cavalry, shield soldiers, and sword soldiers in Datang. The guns are made for me to see, and I know where to use them after seeing them."

Bi Gou refuted Li Yi, since there are new weapons, how well it works with other arms.

"Yes, after the new year?" Li Yi wanted to build a few more so that the platoon of guns could show the power of the gun.

"The old man came here to ask if your livestock and sled can be sold? The court wants to buy it for the new team." Bi Gou remembered the business.

"It's Song Jing who thinks that renting Lijiazhuang's horse will cost extra rent? Sell, what do you like?" Li Yi agreed very happily.

"Five thousand better horses, leased to the imperial court now, 30 per horse, no tax on horse sales." Bi Gou opened a slap.

"Twenty-five years, without a car, I can sell you 10,000 horses of the same size, do you want?" Li Yi took the initiative to lower the price and increase the quantity at the same time.

"A sled is not worth five, you lose it." Bi Gou began to suspect, there is a problem.

"Buy or not? Buy, settle today, and increase the price tomorrow." Li Yi didn't explain.

"The old man went back and asked." Bi Gou ran away again.

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