Princess Yongmu has never been exposed to such knowledge since she was a child.

She was trained according to the model of a good baby and a lady. She didn't go out very much, and what she learned was the book.

Since his mother was born in the Liu clan of Hedong, the characters she practiced are better and she knows well.

No one let her learn anything else. Embroidery is good at it. Cooking is not enough, let alone other economic methods.

Now Li Yi just talked about it superficially, she was confused.

What is the relationship between the price of silk and other things?

"Li Lang, but cotton?" The only thing Princess Yongmu can think of is cotton.

"Wen Tian is really smart." Li Yi quickly praised: "Cotton is easy to grow, and the output is large. The clothes and bedding are comfortable to use."

Li Yi knew that cotton eventually replaced other fiber crops and became the mainstream.

Regardless of the brand, the price of silk is still not low.

The key is that the people can't afford to wear silk, they have been wearing linen clothes.

"Li Lang, cotton is not made into bedding, and it is warm when stuffed in a silk cover." Princess Yongmu has never used hemp since she was a child.

In her opinion, cotton bedding is good, especially the mattress, which is comfortable to sleep on.

The quilt is a bit heavier than silk stuffed with cashmere and duck down.

"Spread a layer of glue inside the cotton cloth, stuff the defatted chicken feathers into the clothes, save cotton, and keep warmer than wearing thick linen."

Li Yi has been collecting chicken feathers and goose feathers. Good goose feathers are used to make badminton, and the bad ones are defatted and softened together with chicken feathers to fill clothes.

The heat preservation effect is much worse than that of cashmere, duck down, and cotton, but stronger than others.

The straw and withered grass inside the sackcloth are very bloated when worn, and the warmth retention effect is many times stronger than that of keeping them.

When Li Yi first arrived in Datang, the various workshops in Chang'an were covered with straw.

It is the same now, but the straw is woven into curtains, and underneath is the kang that makes a fire.

Woke up in the winter morning, no longer said who was directly frozen to death.

"Dongzhu Li, if cotton is sold, will it make money? I still have land in my house." Xiaolan thought about the land she had bought, very distressed.

I bought 100 acres and planted beans in 20 acres.

I haven't made the money back from buying land yet. People in the greenhouse are money, silk and silk are money, shelfs are money, and fertilizers are money.

The money was saved by Princess Yongmu and used to buy the land in the name of Xiaolan.

Xiaolan wants to plant cotton directly after the greenhouse is no longer planted.

There is no fixed price for cotton at the moment, and it is collected by Lijiazhuangzi and the Ministry of Households.

"Your bean-growing field is used to grow cotton. When the bean moth comes out and affects the development of cotton, it is better to grow platycodon.

After the greenhouse is removed, it is directly planted with seeds, which yields higher yields than nursery transplants, which is different from many other crops.

Then in winter, I also want to grow seedlings in large sheds. First, we will raise seedlings in small sheds to cultivate seedlings of cucumber, cowpea, eggplant, etc.

Harvest platycodons, set up a greenhouse, and put in the cultivated vegetable seedlings, so that there is no delay. "

Li Yi patiently explained the question of what to plant. In order to make money, cotton is not used.

After the cotton will be cleared of the land in Henan Province next year, it will collect taxes and subtract the average to allow Henan Province to take on part of the planting tasks.

At present, food is still the mainstay, and enough food can be stored before consideration can be enjoyed.

"There is no seed." Xiaolan tilted her head to look at Li Yi, like that, if you pursue my princess, you produce seeds.

"The proprietor will solve it." Li Yi agreed happily, or he would release a lot of seeds.

Platycodon grandiflorum is a medicinal material planted specially in Zhuangzi.

In his northeast, the fresh people were willing to use platycodon to make pickles, and the initial price was the same as other Korean pickles.

Later, the price of licorice rose sharply. When it was the most expensive, a catty of Goubao pickles was more than 40 yuan.

Platycodon grandiflorum looks like ginseng, so you can cut it into strips with a knife.

The authentic one is smashed with a wooden hammer, and after smashing, it will be a little bit.

What I eat is platycodon root, called citrus radix.

To treat cough, especially if phlegm is not coming out, it is better to use it with licorice.

Taboos are licorice and platycodon injures the stomach, bad gastrointestinal tract, nausea and vomiting after eating.

Li Yi needs medicinal materials, cultivates good seeds, asks others to plant them, and mixes them with chili noodles as pickles.

Princess Yongmu didn't read the doctor's book. She ate platycodon pickles, the kind with chili noodles, and there were sugar, salt, and fried sesame seeds.

"Yeah! Plant!" She believed Li Yi, saying that if you can make money, you will be able to make money, which is better than planting cotton.

What she took out was her own money. She didn't have much money.

After I bought the land, I started to grow greenhouses, and I needed a lot of silk, and I didn’t have much money recently.

When other crops are planted in the beginning of spring, the money earned from the greenhouse vegetables can make her return.

There are so many greenhouses this year, and greenhouse vegetables won't have sky-high prices.

By next year, with more people, it will be impossible for the newly built greenhouse to return to its original value in one year, unless the price of silk and silk drops drastically.

In the past, Princess Yongmu believed that Own’s life was to save a little money, and then his father and the emperor gave him a betrothal to live with him.

What kind of life you can live depends on each other.

The other's looks, life experience, and virtues are not what you need to consider.

"First take a rest, and then prepare to watch the Spring Festival Gala. It's better than the Imperial City, and there are more fireworks."

Li Yi was afraid that the two would not have the energy to watch the show at night, so he arranged to go to the courtyard.

When the two people were sent in, the court lady and the eunuch were arranged to wait in turn. Li Yi changed the hippie smile just now and went back to the study to paint.

The new year is coming, Lijiazhuangzi will have new changes, and Li Yide will come up with plans for follow-up development.

At the beginning of Xumohai, everyone still eats hot pot at the beginning of dinner, so as to save meals and eat as much as possible.

The water curtain was taken out again and divided into three venues.

People from Zhangjia Village and Huangzhuang rushed over. There was a water curtain in the residential area. Everyone squeezed as much as possible, and some ran upstairs to look through the window.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan came out and were arranged to sit down and watch the show.

"Sure enough, it's more interesting than the imperial city. It's near, and there are hot pots to eat. Last year... I didn't go up last year."

Xiaolan whispered to Princess Yongmu. Last year, when she watched the show in the Imperial City, her status was low and she couldn't get up.

Princess Yongmu looked around. There were two people beside the small table in front of her.

One circle is the dealers. The dealers eat and drink slowly, fearing that they will eat too soon, and they are also worried that they will be sleepy after eating too much.

While eating and drinking soup, I feel full, and after a while the soup is digested, I can eat a lot.

The children don't care about those, put on new clothes, choose what they like to eat, sleep, and stop vigil.

Princess Yongmu feels not cold at all. There are many charcoal fires in the hot pot. If it weren't in the open air, it is estimated that many people have been poisoned by carbon monoxide.

Half an hour later, Li Yi, who had changed his clothes, ran over: "Eat, don't be idle, eat some seafood first."

He said that he poured frozen oysters and scallops into the hot pot.

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