Until the fourth day of the first lunar month, Li Yi and his entourage came back from Lishan.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan have learned to ski, and they need to practice more in the future. The difference is too far.

On the morning of the first five days, Li Yi straightened the teeth and put on steel wires for two people.

"There will be a little pain and discomfort afterwards, just wait two days to get used to it." Li Yi introduced what might happen after wearing the steel wire.

Princess Yongmu took a look in the mirror and found that she couldn't laugh anymore. What was on this tooth?

"It's ugly, Dongzhu Li, do you have any other way?" Xiao Lan felt that she was about to collapse.

"Xiao Lan, this is the best thing and technology I can come up with. The ceramic steel wire is rectified, no matter how good it is... I'm sorry." Li Yi thought it was good, don't ask too much.

Princess Yongmu took a closer look: "It's still possible."

Then she said again: "Li Lang, after lunch, Xiaolan and I are going back to Zhuangzi, there is something at home."

"Well, I'll bring you more things when the time comes. Two bicycles will be given to you. Ride where there is no ice or snow." Li Yiwei stayed.

He has been playing with Princess Yongmu these days to make the other party lively, not as quiet as before.

At the same time, I am also adjusting my own mentality to make myself younger.

Since Li Yi arrived in Datang, he has been thinking about people's livelihood, politics, diplomacy, and military affairs, and never put his mind on own.

Now that the body has reached the level of Blood Qi Fang Gang, it is impossible to be a monk.

In the afternoon, Li Yi waved goodbye to Princess Yongmu at the bridgehead. A group of people outside who couldn't see where they were from their costumes picked up Princess Yongmu and got on the car, dragging more than a dozen sleds away.

"Change of guard, change of guard, ready to take office." Li Yi turned back and greeted the 220 students.

Before a lot of students who did not pass the imperial examination went to be village officials, now it is the turn of those who passed the examination to go to the village.

Princess Yongmu on the other side sat in the car, thought for a while, and ordered: "Go back to Zhuangzi."

"Go to Zhuangzi, don't go back to the palace." Xiaolan licked the things on her teeth with her tongue, then yelled.

The team adjusted its direction slightly and headed west of the city.

Not far from Liulizhuang, Princess Yongmu bought a hundred acres of land in the name of Xiaolan.

Twenty acres are buried with bean worms, and 80 acres are vegetable greenhouses.

The newly built water network passed by, and it turned out to be ditch water for irrigation.

When I bought it, I spent a lot of money, and it was connected to the land of other people's surroundings.

The toothman that Xiaolan asked for found a manager to take care of this little villager.

Yaren only knows that Xiaolan came from the palace, and he doesn't know who is behind.

Some eunuchs and maids in the palace saved some money and would use it to do business.

Before Princess Yongmu's team arrived, Li Longji knew it.

"Do you want to open a house?" Li Longji mumbled slightly dissatisfied.

"The palace is bored, Yuanshu is not dangerous outside, isn't the place near her already arranged."

Queen Wang is not Princess Yongmu's mother-in-law, but she also likes this quiet, well-behaved and obedient daughter.

The arrangement she said was that the land around the land bought by Princess Yongmu was bought by someone with a special identity.

There are no fields in the south, north, southwest corner, northwest corner, west and east.

A free soup shed is placed on the side of the road in Yongmu Princess Tian, ​​and there is always someone in it to help passers-by.

"Open the mansion?" Li Longji said two words and shook his head again.

Many princesses in the past opened their residences, which was equivalent to becoming a royal residence, and they were able to find officials from the royal palace on their own.

So there was a princess selling official officials, and the princess was also poor. There was no limit to the number of petty officials in thirty.

Now to talk about opening a mansion to Princess Yongmu, a group of ministers will oppose it.

"Yuanshu will not be short of money, she is under the care of Uncle, and she doesn't know how the two get along. If it succeeds, my name will change."

Queen Wang smiled and talked about the relationship between them and Li Yi.

"Li Yi...Why doesn't he come into contact with female sex? Is it possible..." Li Longji began to worry again.

He hadn't seen any woman Li Yi had looked for, and of course he hadn't looked for a man.


Princess Yongmu and her party dragged the sled to Zhuangzi.

It is said that it is Zhuangzi, but it is actually just a normal farmer, but the newly built three-entry yard is next to the ground.

The ground is in the front and the yard is in the back, so you need to walk a small path past.

She looked out of the car window, wondering in her heart, with a puzzled look on her peaceful face.

People come and go, moving earth and rocks.

"What is this doing?" She bit her lip, her eyes widened.

Xiaolan also looked through the car window, equally puzzled.

When he came outside the courtyard of Sanjin, a middle-aged man in his forties looked out curiously from the doorway.

"Zhou, it's me." Xiaolan jumped out of the car first.

A group of maids (court ladies) also got out of the car, dressed in different escorts, and began to prepare to move in.

Zhou Guanshi's name is Zhou Gui, and his grandfather and father are in charge of others.

When he arrived, he failed the imperial examination several times, and was squeezed out after serving as an exodus officer.

He took over the ancestral industry and continued to be in charge. Before, he was in charge of two seventh-rank officials, and the last time he was in charge was to the county magistrate.

One of the county magistrates who was cleaned up by Li Longji who failed the exam.

The county magistrate is not working and can't afford to be in charge, so he has to find another job.

Xiaolan looked for Yaren, and Yaren found him.

He hired twenty people to take care of the vegetable shed, keeping the accounts all the time, no one cares about him.

The last time I saw Xiao Lan was twenty days ago, when Xiao Lan came out to see him with a strong-looking man.

He saw so many people today and he obviously didn't adapt.

"Manager Zhou, what are you doing around?" Xiaolan said of the people who worked.

"The big husman bought the land and said that he would engage in planting and breeding." Zhou Gui lowered his voice, as if he was afraid of being heard by others.

"Oh, you need more manpower to prevent random businessmen from chaos." Xiaolan looked at the twenty guards.

One of the guards left, and the eight maids looked around vigilantly.

Zhou Gui hesitated for a moment, and continued to whisper to Xiaolan: "The proprietor, another businessman came to the door yesterday and said that he would buy our land together with the greenhouse for two thousand yuan."

"He's crazy? Just buying the land, I was out of 3,000 yuan, planting a greenhouse, the greenhouse is not money? Come, meet my little girl, and the next one will be the master."

Xiao Lan curled her lips, went over to open the car door, and asked Princess Yongmu to come down.

Zhou Gui was stunned when Princess Yong Mu showed up.

He thinks that the hostess of own is pretty enough, and he didn't expect there to be even more beautiful.

What words appeared in his mind such as clear spring, eyebrows like meniscus, straight nose and lips, muscle white saixue, skin tenderness...etc.

"This is my lady Li." Xiaolan introduced.

"I have seen Lady Li." Zhou Gui bowed his head quickly and did not dare to look more.

There are many things in my mind. How could a proprietor named Wang Xiaolan become someone else's maid? Then this person...

"Yeah!" Princess Yongmu nodded slightly and asked, "Do you know the details of the merchant?"

"Also, I don't know yet, no, but he said that he didn't agree within five days, so I couldn't regret it."

Zhou Gui felt a kind of aura, and his words were uncomfortable.

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