Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 799 What is the purpose of capital investment (third more)

Back at Xingqing Palace, Li Longji found the political affairs hall and told the three prime ministers who had come out of their respective offices about setting up four capitals together.

Song Jing kept blinking, rather dumbfounded.

I prevent a resettlement of the Yingzhou Dudu Mansion, you go to Lijiazhuangzi, and you have to buy four when you come back.

"Your Majesty, no, the money spent in setting up the Dudu Mansion..." Song Jing said, stopping like Li Longji at Lijiazhuangzi.

Li Longji looked at him, meaning you continue.

"Bohai is afraid of panic." Song Jing had to move out the previous set.

"There is trade, don't be afraid, this time the exchange trade team of Lijiazhuangzi went to Bohai where the locals exchanged hazelnuts and pine nuts.

Lijiazhuangzi sold it at a high price in Chang'an City, and made a lot of profits. "

Bi Gou supports the governor's mansion, which is set a lot. The court is not afraid to spend money and can make money.

The big hazelnuts and pine nuts from Bohai are expensive, and their fur is better than those from the Western Regions.

With the addition of ginseng and deer antler, not only the expenses of the rescued people and the expenses of the team are earned back, but there are also many benefits.

It is a pity that taxes cannot be collected this time, and they risked their lives.

Li Longji looked at Su Ting, but Su Ting did not go to see the other two people.

He cupped fist: "Your Majesty, set the Capital Governor's Mansion. You should be a good waterman. The communication is convenient. You should build a strong city and avoid the danger of wild beasts."

He supports it, but doesn’t support it. It involves Datang’s strategy.

Li Yi must have a back hand. If it is blocked, he will not say whether he can succeed or not. Even if it succeeds, it will delay major events.

Su Ting believed in Li Yi and would not blindly direct such matters.

"The minister wants to see Li Yi." Song Jing insisted, wanting to understand.

"Yes!" Li Longji agreed, and Song Jing had met Li Yi.

"Your Majesty, who will be sent to restore the Dudu Mansion?" Bi Gou prepared to arrange manpower.

"Song Qingli is feasible? Order him to be a local governor." Li Longji said that the worker was the first.

"Your Majesty, Song Qingli is building a lot in the local area. If he becomes a governor, the local people will be overworked." Song Jing said of Song Qingli's minor problems.

"I know that Brother Yi said when he said farewell, don't do useless construction, but send things to calm the people."

Li Longji is not surprised. I am used to it. Brother Yi must know who to send. It is so magical.

Song Jing stood there, stunned for a while, until Li Longji left.

He didn't bother to work, so he went out and called for own staff, and took the car to Lijiazhuangzi.

When he went to the place to catch up for a meal, Li Yi felt that it was cold outside, so he blanched himself a bowl of rice wine.

When Song Jing arrived, he blanched Song Jing another bowl.

"Lao Song, just right, today I ate fried octopus, caught in Bohaiwan in winter. It is called northern octopus. It has never been sold, and you have never eaten it. You all freeze up and eat slowly by yourself."

Li Yi took out the fried octopus section and introduced it to Song Jing.

Song Jing: "Many hairtail fish can be caught in the Dudu Mansion?"

"Yes, this fish is also called sickle fish. With our fishing technology, it will never be fished cleanly. It needs to be caught in a deep net or fishing."

Li Yi was convinced that the people of Chang'an in Datang had never eaten hairtail.

The hairtail is brought up, and the storage period is short, and it must be frozen or sun-dried.

The texture and texture of dried hairtails changed after being soaked, and fishermen finally bumped into a hairtail, which was not worth drying and selling, so it was eaten directly.

In the Bohai Bay, the navy went down and fished the net. Without much experience, it fished more than 4,000 of them, of different sizes.

Zhuangzi divided 1,500 pieces, which was not enough to eat. In addition, Li Chengqi and Li Longji ate them, but the minister did not give them.

Hairtails in Bohai Bay have large bodies and few spines, just two rows of spines up and down, and the rest of the meat chews incense.

Li Yi used chopsticks to clamp a section, and the teeth pierced the upper and lower parts, which was meat. He also ate Shen Jiangshi, which is the big bone of the hairtail.

Song Jing watched and learned to eat. After eating one section, he ate the second section, and then he ate three sections before stopping.

"Lao Song, it's delicious, I know why I can't eat it? The water is deep, and the hairtail is in very deep water.

Only occasionally get lucky, our current fishing and fishing technology can get a few.

Needless to say, the hairtail will die when it reaches a certain depth. There is no need to leave the water. The hairtail in the Bohai Bay is better than other places. "

Li Yi is a popular science for Song Jing, and he knows that Song Jing is unwilling to relocate the Dudu Mansion.

Yao Chong is the prime minister in chaos, smart and flexible.

Song Jing was the prime minister of Shoucheng, who helped Datang save money, and could not fight without fighting.

Originally in history, Bi Gou was asked to cooperate with him, and Bi Gou was in charge of the household department, but Bi Gou died.

Now Li Yi knows that Song Jing should change his mind. Don't be afraid. We have money and we can make money in the capital.

"No one in my family has ever eaten it." Song Jing took a sip of wine.

"Lao Song, you brought you fifty sections of fried octopus when you left, otherwise you won't clean up, the octopus is very fishy." Li Yi promised to send it.

"Yeah!" Song Jing was satisfied.

"Does Bohai feel that I have placed border soldiers in the Tang Dynasty, and that the soldiers are in danger?" Song Jing asked political affairs.

"Driven by the benefits of trade, everyone will selectively ignore the matter of war. The immediate benefits and the possible wars, the former is more important."

Li Yi pointed to a northeast direction.

"How much money do you make every year?" Song Jing admitted that Li Yi was right, and began to consider economic benefits.

"Old Song, the so-called making money refers to poor trade, added value of commodity technology, production costs, supply and demand relations, and surplus profits after comprehensive consideration."

Li Yi shook his head and said a bunch of nouns.

How does he know how much money he can make? Sell ​​a small mirror and exchange it for a thousand catties of pine nuts.

Bring back a thousand catties of big pine nuts and sell them to Changan people for three hundred dollars a catty.

Can you say that you have earned 300,000 yuan?

What really earned was actually a thousand catties of pine nuts, which provided calories.

People buy pine nuts, which belong to internal circulation.

Only by continuing to make mirrors and constantly changing, can we account for the profits made.

Li Yi told Song Jing these words, but Song Jing didn't understand.

"Your Zhuangzi earns 300,000 yuan, and the cost of mirrors is low." Song Jing looked at the actual amount of money.

“Only when Zhuangzi spends this money on adjusting the economy and infrastructure of Datang, can Datang make money. Uncirculated currency hinders social development.”

Li Yi didn't think he had left the money at home, and Datang made it.

Song Jing was in awe. He understood that the young man in front of him was always helping Datang.

"Does it make money after spending it?" Song Jing sat upright and studied.

"The input-output ratio is not Zhuangzi's output ratio. It is how a certain amount of funds can promote the productivity of the entire Datang, you see, let me tell you..."

Li Yi began to talk to Song Jing about logistics, road building, and taking the money out to build roads. The speed of communication was quicker, saving time and cost.

The caravan that only came in three months came in one month.

In two months, the cheap things in the two places were replaced with the things they needed to increase efficiency.

Otherwise, it will rot in the trees and the ground, and it will be lost, and no one will get the benefit.

There are so many fruits in the south. A little bit faster, and a little bit faster, the fruit becomes money, and the money is used to buy things transported by caravans.

This is the economic effect after the investment in infrastructure, which drives people's livelihood.

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