Princess Yongmu and her group walked backwards under such protection. From time to time, people joined in on the road, and some even carried bows.

"There are mud packs over there. Let's go to the mud packs and stand on a high place. There are not many people, so they can't rush up."

"Quickly, you can't hurt the nobleman."

"Don't go to bed today. After a night, your Majesty will know it tomorrow."

"Who has a stove that can be handled? If it doesn't work, use pottery pots for charcoal. No coal, it's so smokey."

"A group of wicked people are following. Are they helping?"

Neighbors brought various ‘weapons’ around Princess Yongmu and others, talking about their own ideas.

Princess Yongmu had a smile on her face. She looked back and forth and found that own neighbors were so kind.

She was not scared at all, and she knew which team had taken the shot from the first sound of the weather.

Not to mention the little people of the Jiang family, the most capable foreign troops in the world, don't even think of hurting yourself when that army is in ambush.

At this moment, her heart is melted, and it feels so good to be cared for. This is happiness.

That person has calculated all the circumstances, as well as the emperor father. Obviously, the humiliated people around were arranged by the emperor.

Including the soup tent in front, he has been in a safe condition.

Now the neighbors also help, just because they feed their children and teach their children literacy.

"Just here, go up, don't light the fire, let's be in the dark." The neighbors shouted.

A group of people used the fire sickle to light up for a short time, and sent Princess Yongmu and the others to Xiaopo, and they guarded everywhere.

Hu Ren's team is on the outermost periphery, very tacitly, but they do not move and get stuck in position.

The eight maids squatted down and set up their crossbows, with tactical sabers at their waists.

Zhou Gui found that he was the most useless, because the five members of Li An's family also had a sickle, and he took a stick.

The stick is against the sickle, obviously the stick is weak.

When the stick is swept over, people can spread it at the cost of a broken arm.

If the sickle is swung up...

Xiao Lan put down the crossbow, it was too heavy.

"Princess, it's cold outside, it's better not to come out." She whispered to Princess Yongmu.

"How do you know that the people's support is available if you don't come out? It will be fine in a while, and when the news is sent back, Li Lang will send something."

Princess Yongmu is now in a state of excitement, she has never experienced such an exciting thing.

She was also afraid of things in the palace when she was young, but she was far away.

She understood that the current situation was only the result of the victory of the father, but she could not participate in the process of the fight.

Encountered today, a group of people are protecting, including neighbors.

She understood that the neighbors thought that someone would come to help soon next to Chang'an, so they did it.

If there is no one to help, the people will hide at home, or hide her and Xiaolan.

But you can't ask everyone to fight for you without reservation, and you didn't say that you are Princess Yongmu.

In the current situation, he called out that he was Princess Yongmu, and the people worked harder.

When you are concealing your identity from others, it is not right to ask others to open their minds to you and devote all their efforts to you.

It's already pretty good now. Just because they provide food and teach knowledge to neighbors' children, neighbors choose to help after weighing the pros and cons.

If you don't give lectures to the children, and don't provide food for the children, the neighbors will not weigh it.


"Crazy? Do you dare to burn the greenhouse directly? Add a few more to the newspaper tomorrow. I guess I can't find direct evidence, so I closed the net.

It's a farce, Jiang Jiao hurried to get out of me, and Li Linfu, this man is so disgusting, I'm annoyed.

He was able to come up because Datang's economy was not good, and he was able to help make money, but the money he made was anointed by the people.

Don't give him a chance, clean up. What is it, do you need him to make money? "

Li Yi got the news two quarters of an hour later, and he was going to take this matter to clean up a group of people.

He used to want to accompany some people to play slowly, but now that he doesn't want to, he will clean up you, and he won't give you any chance and just die.

In history, Li Linfu could be reused. It was Li Linfu who dared to work hard and could make money for the court.

Who is it like? And gentry.

The difference is that Li Linfu is not as good as He Shen, far behind.

No matter how greedy Heshen is, he is powerful in administration.

His greed is a problem of his own, and his contribution to Qing Dynasty far exceeds his greed of money.

If there were ten and eight peace gentry in the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty would not be subjugated, and the peace and gentry administration would be very powerful.

He Shen is also very adept at diplomacy and military affairs. He has never lost his power and insulted the country with his own administration.

His greed is really nothing, but his power is too great, so he must be cleaned up, he can't retreat even if he wants to.

Now there are some people there, Li Yi looks at it as a joke, Li Linfu is really nothing.

Without Li Linfu, the earth would not turn?

That night, Lijiazhuangzi’s newspaper added the previously prepared edition and started.

"Oh! It's still boring. There is no opponent. If there is no corresponding opponent to set off the overwhelming offensive, it will be a pity."

Li Yi sighed, going to the bath, looking like Dugu's posture for defeat.


Sixteen people were caught, and the result of simple interrogation was the same. This place is full of evil dragons and should be burned.

That is to say, there was something bad for the Datang royal family, so it burned.

It must be burned quietly, without letting anyone know it, so as not to reveal the secret.

People at a higher level said it was called a mountain leopard, wearing a hood, and could not recognize it, and did not know who it was.

That is to say, the people caught want to use them to find out the people behind them, but they can't find out, unless they are directly tortured by the Jiang family.

Some aspects of operation are okay, no problem, it is to impose punishment on you. It is your ability that you can survive. If you can't, just explain it.

The problem is that Jiang Jiao is involved, Jiang Jiao is now the Duke of the country, from the first rank.

Is the execution of Jiang Hui and others who have no evidence to murder Jiang Jiao, the Duke of the country?


"What is Brother Yi doing? He has been bullied home, he still doesn't move?"

Li Longji got the news, hate him, he blamed Li Yi, he felt that Li Yi should hurry up.

Now it is Lijiazhuangzi who has been born, and the fate of some people has been determined by the weather, but it is not enough.

If he was refreshed, he would kill Jiang Hui and those people in an unofficial way, and then he would tidy up Jiang Jiao.

In the past, Li Longji would use administrative orders to solve the problem.

Now he doesn’t want to think about it. He doesn’t think it’s addictive. I will take administrative orders to clean up you. It’s bullying you.

Yao Chong and others have also received news one after another at this time, the Jiang family has passed this matter, even if there is no direct evidence.

But they couldn't figure out why Li Yi didn't take action. It was just defense. That wouldn't work. It was not Li Yi's style.

Then, the eleventh of the first lunar month came,

"It sells newspapers and sells newspapers, a lot of daily life items, the price is low, all shops can buy them, but Shengxu grocery stores can't."

"It sells newspapers and sells newspapers, new products are warm stickers, one is warm, and the price is only ten dollars."

Early in the morning, newsboys wielded newspapers and ran across the shops.


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