Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 827 Read the content first and then eat (third)

"I brought a meal for everyone, Lijiazhuang's boiled pork slices with spinach and bean sprouts in it. One dish is enough."

Zhengshitang, Li Chengqi rushed over before lunch.

I brought a lot of boiled pork slices, and there were not only three people in the Zhengshitang, but also small officials.

The staple food is fragrant rice, and people in the Zhengshitang do not need to eat the food in the imperial dining room.

At first, the officials brought their own meals, or they were asked to buy them when they were about to eat. Someone at the door carried the burdens and sold them in carts.

Since Li Longji was rich, he took care of all the officials' food.

The consequence was that the Jiang family went to the official to bully others, but the official didn't dare, because the bonus was large and the welfare was good.

Bullying is simple. After the bullying is over, it is not easy for others to find a free litigator to sue.

"King Song, did you ask?" The three prime ministers of the Zhengshitang didn't put their thoughts on eating.

"Eat first, and then look at it after eating, otherwise you have a headache." Li Chengqi decided to eat together.

"Let's watch it first, otherwise, I will vomit after eating. Why is Xiao Yi not talking well?"

Bi Go glanced at the boiled pork slices, with a layer of oil on top to keep them warm, not afraid of the cold.

"Never mind, look." Li Chengqi took out the paper.

"I'm reading." Su Ting was positive, took it, and chose a comfortable position to sit down.

"The current situation in Jingzhao Mansion should focus on continuing to strengthen agricultural double planting, planting to drive breeding, and breeding to promote planting.

Put vegetable baskets and rice bags first, and vigorously develop aquaculture on the premise of meeting the needs of the people.

Pay close attention to the construction of water conservancy projects and rationally arrange the deployment of water conservancy resources.

Cooperate with land transportation and expand external functions on the premise of improving water transportation.

Reasonable layout of the auxiliary industries of water turbines and water mills, and arrange the layout of hydraulic manual industries where water is not trapped, blocked, or restricted.

Expand employment, increase employment positions, and create pilot projects for small handicraft and labor-intensive industries.

Form an industry promotion situation that is people-oriented, work-based, and benchmark-based, and drives..."

Su Ting turned over six pages, read it for a full two quarters of an hour, and finally finished reading, his head stuck.

Song Jing and Bi Gou frowned. They really had a headache. Why did they find it so frustrating?

But if you want to say which sentence is wrong, if you have problems in practice, make sure you can find out where you haven't done a good job.

I have explained to you clearly and clearly, why are you still having an accident?

"Song Wang, what did Xiao Yi say to you?" Bi Gou rubbed his temples and looked at Li Chengqi.

"How is it possible? This is written by Brother Yi himself, and it is much simpler when it comes to speaking.

He told me that the cultivation of crops, including vegetables, should not be stopped, and the breeding should be increased.

Then see if you can raise fish. Now that there are more seasonings and cooking methods, the fish is very delicious.

For those who have no fields to work, the waterwheels on the river should not be too crowded, and water should be sufficient for watering downstream.

He will come up with a method, and everyone will follow it. It is simple and not difficult at all. "

Li Chengqi shook his head and told three people what Li Yi said.

The three people realized in an instant, it was indeed simple, but...

Why are these things written? Free?

As if seeing the three people's thinking, Li Chengqi said: "Di Yi said that the official language must be like this, otherwise something goes wrong and it is not easy to convict others.

Nonsense that seems useless, in fact every word is useful. It is difficult for local officials to make changes privately. "

"It's hard to understand, let alone change it." Song Jing said he was convinced, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Take a while, rest a while and eat again, where's my oxygen bag? Take two mouthfuls." Bi Gou went to find the oxygen bag.

Su Ting and Song Jing also had their own offices. After a while, one of them came back with an oxygen bag and sniffed.

It feels much more comfortable after inhaling oxygen.

"These are for officials? Let the county..." Song Jing decided to print it and send it to the local area.

"No, this is for you to see. If you continue to implement it, the problem is your problem. It has been fully explained." Li Chengqi shook his head.

"The handicraft industry refers to the textile industry? Use the textile equipment designed by Xiaoyi to operate?" Bi Gou asked the specific situation.

"I have written, and there is support for individuals, organizations, and departments that focus on technology research and development.

On the basis of not falsely reporting, under-reporting, or concealing, rewards are given to give full play to the subjective initiative of technology personnel, and so on. "

Li Chengqi said, he didn't finish, he was afraid that he would have a headache because of thinking too much.

He took out the kimchi, not spicy cabbage, spicy cabbage with boiled pork slices is not delicious.

Kimchi tastes sour, sweet, fresh, salty, and crispy.

Lijiazhuangzi is made according to the Sichuan kimchi method, it is not spicy at all, and it tastes refreshing.

It just relieves the numbness and spiciness of boiled pork slices, so it’s okay to eat rice directly.

"It's almost done, I can eat." Bi Gou didn't want to rely too much on oxygen. Li Yi said that he could not breathe if he could not breathe.

He closed the valve of the oxygen bag and sent it back to his office.

Song Jing and Su Ting took two more inhalations, and they were comfortable, so they took them back.

The oxygen bag is a life-saving thing, especially when the air pressure is low.

Older people breathe hard, take a breath of oxygen, and then they can continue working.

One person, a small casserole, really is still hot, touch the casserole, hot hands, it shows that the oil is too much and the temperature is suppressed.

"I'm done eating, how is the soup?" Su Ting had some thoughts when he saw the red oil on top.

"Take it yourself, even the casserole." Li Chengqi knew what the other party meant.

"Okay, go back to cook and eat. Family members will try it together. Chili noodles are expensive, but your majesty gives me less. I only give them half a tael a month."

For this purpose, Su Ting packaged it back, so that his family could taste what it was not made of chili noodles.

There is no heaven on earth, only Lijiazhuangzi exists, and the seeds do not go out.

The people in the palace wanted to eat, and they needed to ask the queen to help order the dishes. The seeds in the dishes they sent were all ripe.

Several kings wanted to eat, and they told Li Chengqi that Li Chengqi would go get it.

The price is high, and the household department takes half of the tax. Bi Gou is very happy.

"Xiao Yi didn't say any big moves, right?" Bi Gou asked after eating the bean sprouts.

"I didn't say, it is estimated that there are many things this year, left over from last year, and he hasn't thought of anything else for the time being this year."

Wang Song recalled the situation when he was chatting with Brother Yi, and he certainly didn't say anything.

"Hurry up, it may not be when he thinks of it, he suddenly makes things bigger, year after year, it never stops."

Bi Gou didn't dare to take it lightly. He was ready to implement the problems left over from last year and before as quickly as possible.

Always be ready to watch Li Yi make trouble.

"Nine family members have dropped too many households one after another. Are they relocating to the mainland or establishing a new army?"

Song Jing talked about what Li Yi had thought about himself.

Li Yi didn't know how to arrange it, and waited for the court.

"If you move, you must resettle it like Huazhou and the same state. If you don't move to establish a new army, the pressure on Zhechong Mansion will be too great and the logistical supplies will be consumed."

Su Ting also didn't know how to deal with it, he knew the pros and cons.

"Ask Xiao Yi, if he can arrange it, let's save the worry. In Datang, besides your majesty, who has the right to have him?" Bi Go threw the question out.

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