Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 842 is deceived first before deceiving (first more, please subscribe and vote)

"Introduce me, my surname is Li, and my single name is Yi Zi. There is a Zhuangzi..."

After eating and resting for a while, Li Yi found eleven people and introduced himself.

Before he could finish speaking, the person in charge of selling peppers directly answered: "On the east bank of the east Bashui in Chang'an city, we know the lord Li."

"What about you?" Li Yi only asked one person, others didn't ask, too much, I can't remember.

"Wei Yuefeng, my name is Wei Yuefeng. There is a big river in front of my house in Tanzhou on the west of the south of the Yangtze River..."

"It's called Xiangshui." Li Yi also interrupted the other party once.

"Yes, there is another river..."

"Liuyang Water." Li Yi knew where it was, and when he headed north, he would arrive at Dongting Lake, which is now a very remote place.

Local economic conditions are not good, and people's lives are not easy.

"Dongzhu Li is really amazing." Wei Yuefeng nodded vigorously and saw that this is Dongzhu Li. He is knowledgeable, and he knows wherever he goes.

"How did things come from?" Li Yi didn't accept the flattery.

"Five years ago, there was a flood of water and the house was washed away. The survivors ran away. They couldn't pay the rent. They had to sell the land if they kept it. No one bought it..."

Wei Yuefeng talked about his experience, Xiangshui sending water was unusual, and he owed the renter and wanted to sell the land but couldn't sell it.

A group of them ran south and ran to Guangzhou.

First, I helped move things at the pier, and then I got a little money. I bought the goods from the foreigners, and then shipped them to other places.

I was deceived this year. The good ones are all peppercorns, the price is cheap, and I have seen the goods.

In the end, I didn't know what was going on. After the delivery of all the five hundred pepper cargoes, the ship left, only to discover that there was something that was not pepper.

Like green onion seeds, green onion seeds and pepper are not the same price.

They were deceived and couldn't find anyone, so the money went in and they brought their things to Chang'an. Chang'an had a large demand for pepper.

I spent the year on the road, a total of fifty people, carrying burdens, so that the road from Guangzhou to Chang'an is being repaired everywhere.

Especially in Dayuling, the road is well built, long and wide.

In Chang'an, the goods will not sell well, unless the price is lowered, otherwise everyone will not accept it.

They thought of a way to grind them into powder and sell pepper, mixed with green onion seeds.

They saw something with noodles. This thing is good and suitable for making noodles.

So they gave money to a family in Huxian and asked them to help rent a hand-cranked noodle mill.

After a few days of processing, a batch was collected and ready to be sold next to Chang'an City.

People here are relatively rich and don't meet experts, theoretically they won't meet them.

"We feel that green onion seeds are not deadly to eat, they can be used as seasonings, and they can be mixed with pepper to sell.

Even if it is to sell 200 yuan and lose 300 yuan, at least there is still a chance.

I never thought that as soon as I sold three pockets, I just...just..."

Wei Yuefeng said, raising his hand to wipe his eyes, tears coming down.

"Fan people know that it is different from green onions, but when they arrive at Guangzhou Port, others say they are green onions seeds, don't want it.

Then I met you. It happened to be the last time I lied. There were many tricks. You thought that you bought a cheap one, but you were negligent.

Your behavior is indeed adulterated, uh... it didn't cause bad consequences, forgive you. "

It's really hard for Li Yi to send these people off to officials. If they were sent off to officials, they would be confiscated.

According to the law, this life will be over for fifty people on the other side.

"Thank you, Dongzhu Li, your great kindness, we won't dare anymore in the future." Wei Yuefeng wiped his tears, and the others wiped it together.

When I think about it, I’m scared, my belongings are gone, and I’m beaten to recuperate, how do I live?

"I guess you can't remember the other side's appearance. I will write a letter and you will return to Guangzhou to give it to Zhang Jiuling. He is now in charge of the Guangzhou Shipbuilding Department.

They are all local merchants and local merchants. They know about the green onion seeds, ask them out, and punish them next time.

By the way, I will bring you soap, soap, toilet water, and a few delicately packaged small mirrors.

You help me sell, I set the price, sell according to the price, you get 10% of the profit, and the money sold on top of the price is divided into 50-50. "

Li Yi didn't want the people of his own to suffer this loss. In the future, unless those people don't come, they will be arrested.

By the way, he wants to open up the link of foreign trade, and the furthest place has been dried to the Strait of Hormuz, otherwise the onion seeds will come from.

"Don't don't, we will help you sell, all the money earned is yours." Wei Yuefeng shook his head quickly.

The other ten people nodded, thinking that Li Yi was particularly kind, and he was indeed the prime minister and convinced others with virtue.

"Don't fail, just do as I said. At night you go to live in a tent outside and give you briquettes stoves. Remember not to be poisoned by carbon."

Li Yi settled things down, and if they don't benefit others, if they help once, can they always help in the future?

"We are not afraid of cold, and there is no Huo Kang in Jingzhao Mansion in winter. It is now in spring and it is not cold." Wei Yuefeng worried that Li Yi would spend more money.

"I know, alas!" Li Yi sighed.

When there was no heating in Changsha, Hunan at that time, the temperature...

What's interesting is that in the northeast of the room, the heating is not enough, and it is too cold to fight.

Many places to the south thought it was cold in the northeast, but later I realized that the house is much warmer in winter than in my own home.

When the temperature is around zero, southerners are very good and get used to it.

What is the worst situation in the north? Outdoor work can be carried out below minus 30 degrees.

I stomped my feet, I stretched my hands into my arms, I covered my ears with my hands, and my face didn't matter.

However, there were many people who got sick in the winter in the south, and then gradually heated them.

There are earthen stoves in the village, and everyone is not stupid.

"Third brother, the use of coal should be promoted, especially for the stoves of briquettes. Except for the areas that go south, other locations are also difficult in winter."

Li Yi turned his head to look at Li Longji. Li Longji had been listening and watching.

"The old Changan woke up early in the winter, and it was accompanied by crying." Li Longji thought of Chang'an once.

"I can provide some locations for coal mines in various places, some are open-pit mines, and some need to dig down.

If the transportation is convenient, it can be transported directly to the open-pit mine. With the current usage, it can be used for countless years. "

Li Yi doesn't care if he points out the coal mine inside Datang and digs it. If you can dig out the open pit mine, then you are great.

"Brother Yi, you don't ask for anything in return." Li Longji said with emotion, if many people know about mines, they have to dig secretly.

Wei Yuefeng and the crowd look at Li Longji, brother Yi? this……

"It's settled, go to rest, or go out for a walk, next time remember not to let the woman rush in front." Li Yi expressed his dissatisfaction.

"We don't want it either, but we can't compare to her, like the idea of ​​selling pepper this time is hers." Wei Yuefeng expressed helplessness.

What's wrong with the girl? Great.

"Yes, Wu Zetian is better. People surnamed Wu are actually very capable, such as Wu Jieyu in the palace. If one is not careful, he may become another Wu Zetian."

Li Yi smiled and nodded, just talk about the people in the palace

Wei Yuefeng and the crowd: "..."

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