Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 847 Heartbroken Flowers in Bloom in Season (First Update, Please Subscribe to Vote)

"One hundred pieces of soap, five hundred pieces of soap, a small mirror, twenty porcelain bottles of toilet water, you bring them tomorrow morning when you leave."

In the evening, Li Yi returned to Zhuangzi with fifty people and took out the things before eating.

"Dongzhu Li, we don't have any mortgage." Wei Yuefeng showed an embarrassed look. The things were good and couldn't be taken.

"Don't mortgage, name your name, press a handprint, take things away, the reserve price can't move, the upward fifty-five cents." Li Yi waved his hand grandiosely.

He does not believe in the quality of the other party, he believes in his own ability.

If fifty people sell something and don't take it back, they can only hide in other places and never want to participate in overseas trade.

When the time comes, Li Yi only has to send out a reward, saying that one of them is willing to report, exempt this person from the crime, and return the benefits. There will be chaos within the fifty people.

Wei Yuefeng looked at the others, and everyone's eyes looked expectant.

To make money, some people are selling soap, soap, and toilet water to barbarians.

They were two pieces of one piece, and the bottles were replaced with smaller porcelain bottles and sold together with the porcelain bottles.

Everything costs a lot. You can buy expensive items such as gems, corals, tortoiseshells, pearls, etc., and then sell them in a bustling place or Chang'an.

"There is something to talk about. Any seeds that Datang doesn't have, like the seeds that you think are green onions this time, can be collected at a high price for the barbarians to find."

Li Yi added that he knew there was something out there that hadn't spread to Datang.

For example, cabbage, cauliflower, apple, and bitter gourd are not in America, so they can all be delivered.

"I'll draw a picture for you, and you will show it to the barbarians." Li Yi thought of a specific point and specified a goal.

After speaking, he finished the meal in a hurry and went back to the study to paint.

What I drew was a still life, after thinking about it, I continued to outline, and then colored it with gouache made of minerals.

He didn't get oil paints, they worked hard, and he didn't like oil paintings, Fab.

Well, to be honest, his oil painting is just a beginner, it's okay to fool people, he doesn't have time to practice.

In addition to those things, Li Yi painted loofah and bananas, which are different from the bananas in the south.

He also painted coffee and bananas and other African fruits as much as possible. In case someone had been there by land or sea, he would bring them back and buy them at a high price.

It can't be planted in other places, Qiongzhou is still okay.

He didn't go to bed until late in the painting. Not only did he paint, but he also wrote an introduction. Of course, he couldn't write about medicinal purposes.

Before going to bed, he murmured: "We must check out the goods and limit the outflow of medical books."

When I got up the next morning, Li Yi and 50 people finished their meal and started to bring them things, such as instant noodles, fried noodles, and Steamed bun, which can kill people.

It is said that the Steamed bun is incorrect. It should be called "Gongtou". It is not fired. It is made with dry flour and rolled into the noodles.

The noodles are not soaked noodles, just use a little warm water to make the noodles dead.

After it is cooked, it will look like a stone and will not mold on the body.

"I bring you some tea, which is different from the current tea." Li Yi packed a lot of inferior tea in bamboo tubes.

The tea is not good, but the bamboo tube is exquisite.

"I know." Wei Yuefeng nodded vigorously, saying that he had seen Lijiazhuang's tea, including expensive and cheap mozi.

"Be careful all the way." Li Yi waved, and these people got in the car and headed south.

The car will always be sent to the south of Lantian County, and they will carry the burden on the rest of the road.

Li Yi also gave them ordinary bows and knives, and they threw them into the Zhuangzi.

One person and one army coat can be taken off and carried when it is hot, and sleep in the wild at night as a bedding cover.

To send them away, Li Yi wrote a note to be sent to the palace, saying what he mumbled before going to bed last night.

The medical books he copied were different from the current medical books. The ones that were systematically sorted out were treasures whoever took them.

For example, the Wa country must not be given. As for Silla, Li Yi intends to occupy it first, and it does not matter whether it is given or not.

The Korean peninsula can't be allowed to pass, it is not necessary to go to the Yalu River to be able to connect to it on land.

The connecting place is Changbai Mountain, and roads can be built.

After giving a lesson to the nurses and having lunch, Li Yixiang moved around to the land he bought in the east.

A group of people around followed, and what they saw was a sea of ​​flowers.

Red, pink, and white.

"It's so beautiful." Tao Hong sniffed hard, trying to smell the fragrance of flowers.

"Poppy flowers are so beautiful." Li Yi said with a smile on the face of the plant that should be called Yingsu now.

"Can this flower bloom for two months?" Cui Liu followed.

"Then you can cut the pulp, collect the pulp, and then use the dried shells for medicinal purposes. Good things can cure many diseases."

Li Yi knew how to use it. Even when he didn't study medicine, he knew that he had planted in the yard at home.

Not to look at flowers, but to cut pulp and pick seeds.

The pulp was cut and boiled in a pot, and the black piece was boiled, which looked like dry asphalt and was very hard.

When eating with a kitchen knife, the child has diarrhea, and the head of a match is a little bit bigger. It is very useful to take it with water.

He was curious when he was learning to smoke, wondering how this thing can be addictive.

I tried to put some in the cigarette, it didn't feel much to smoke, and then I brought some when I was swimming, and I ate a piece with a big pinky.

I feel it, my stomach is warm, I don’t feel cold when I swim, and I’m hungry if I haven’t eaten at noon.

I didn't eat it later, and didn't plant it at home. I planted it for two years, and just stayed to anoint it for emergencies, instead of planting it every year.

The donkey-meat-moon from the 1990s was still used when boiled donkey meat.

Including some sliced ​​noodles, poppy husks are tumbling in the soup.

Sometimes it was accidentally put in a bowl, and no one said anything when I saw it, so I picked it out and put it aside and continued to eat.

Just eat a little soup boiled in shells, fresh, not addictive.

I can't see it anymore, it's too strict.

The Internet is also well developed, plant some poppies, when others see it, take a photo and post it on the Internet, and the police will come to the door soon.

You can plant flower pots at home. Don’t let others see it. It’s not a problem. You can’t sell them, let alone take photos and post them online.

No one cares now, except those who study medicine know that this thing can be used as medicine.

No one knows that this thing can be made into a blessing ointment, the more you smoke it, the more addicted it is, and your body collapses.

"Send someone to take a look around. No other people are allowed to pick flowers. They will stay. It will be harvested after two or three months and used for healing."

Li Yi ordered the court lady eunuch to write down that when it is used as a medicinal product, you can't ask others to pick it up, just look at the flowers here.

"Proprietor, what is the cure?" Qing Song is studious.

"Diarrhea, nausea, but also pain relief. Pain relief..." Speaking of pain relief, Li Yi's face was hesitant.

The best place to relieve pain is of course on the battlefield. Soldiers are injured and the pain is too severe, and it will hurt to death. This is fine and refreshing.

But once it is used, the warrior knows the utility of this gadget, will it usually eat it? Eat when you are not injured.

Addicted to eating too much, and then spread out.

"Go back and think about it, don't be a pity, worry about it after using it." Li Yi struggled.

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