Song Jing had already heard that someone was going to erect a monument for him, a monument to his beloved love, just like Wanmin Shu and Wanmin Umbrella.

The place where the monument was erected was Guangzhou, where he became the governor of the city, and then he immediately returned to become the prime minister.

The local officials took a look, oops, hurry up, and give them some compliments.

Song Jing didn't want this thing. It was true in history. He wanted to maintain the image of own.

Now he doesn't want it anymore. What's the use of erecting a monument?

The monument is for everyone to see, but also for me.

Where is Li Yi? Why is no one to erect the monument?

However, many people set up memorial tablets, and Zhangjia Village even handed in the accounts, giving them a pageless account book.

In Jingzhao Mansion, he slapped me in the face with a pageless account book, can my last love monument block it? Obviously not.

If he finishes fanning, I won't be able to stay in Jingzhao Mansion.

I'm jealous, I've worked very hard, so why can't I get recognition.

"Which county, the last Wanmin book praised me." Song Jing said what was in his heart.

Bi Gou smiled: "Guangping, Wanmin Book is useless. If you want, I will find Xiaoyi. Tomorrow, every county in Jingzhao Mansion can give you one."

Bi Gou bad, irritating Song Jing, what about your prime minister? In Jingzhao Mansion, what do you say, is Li Yi useful?

"No, Wanmin Shu can praise me or impeach me, I can't stand it." Song Jing suddenly wanted to open it.

What is the comparison with Li Yi? How many things did Li Yi do? Don't throw away each technology like money.

Every day thinking about finding jobs for the people, the people have enough tanks to accumulate sauerkraut in their homes. It was the result of Li Yi's original exchange of clay for pottery.

"Xiao Yi is planning to..." Bi Go finished joking and said business.

"It's feasible. It's just that the desert is deserted, and the wind and sand are fierce, making it difficult to cultivate. You can only choose a place to grow some seasonal things."

Su Ting supports the cultivation of ginger and watermelon, and he drills well all the way. As long as the well water is released, a small oasis can be created.

Song Jing shook his head: "You can only make quick money, which is useless for the locals. The destiny cannot be violated."

He has never dared to grow things to improve the desert. Can people manage the desert?

The three of them ate and went back to work.

At noon, meals and carts were delivered from the palace, and the people in the political affairs hall themselves carried trays.

You can eat as much as you want, but you are not allowed to waste it.

There is a sign on the dining car, Li Longji personally wrote: Think about the people who can’t get enough to eat! ! !

Everyone just eats a little bit, and they don't know how much they can eat.

Just after Bi Gou had eaten it, someone came to report it.

"The magistrate of Lantian County and the county prime minister jointly wrote a letter. The mining and processing merchants in the county buy and sell their own goods. They want to build a roadside shed for Jingzhao Mansion for free. They are willing to pay taxes, should they?"

The content is very simple, that is to say, this tax is still not collected?

I bought my own stuff and turned around to donate it.

There is no tax, there is indeed a sale. Collect taxes, everyone donated it, so it's a waste of money?

The three prime ministers are rather confused, what is this operation? I haven't seen it!

"Longze, write to Li Yi and ask him." Song Jing didn't want to bother with it, so he simply looked for a capable person.

Bi Gou nodded, got a pen and paper, thought for a moment, and wrote: What's the matter with people donating things in Lantian County? Do you charge taxes?

Just this sentence, let someone send it, and continue to eat.

When the letter arrived, Li Yi just put down his chopsticks and glanced at the letter.

He didn't understand what it meant. Do you charge taxes on donations? How to collect taxes on donations?

"Song De, what's the situation in Lantian County?" Li Yi asked Song De.

"The proprietor, the shopkeeper Liang, they bought and sold asbestos tiles, and they had to build a shed. They said it was 3,000 yuan per person, but in fact, they had to pay taxes for 1,200 yuan."

Song De knew the situation. The shopkeeper Liang and others were not in Lantian County. They were in the city of Chang'an.

"Lack of heart and soul, just say that one person donated three thousand yuan worth of things. Why do you have to go around and find someone to tell them that you don't pay taxes, and you don't need subsidies."

Li Yi believes that there is a problem with the partner's operating method, and he has determined that the price need not be bought and sold.

Li Yi found out that he should teach a partner to make a false report about the donation amount, and then...not then.

Direct donations were not tax deductible at that time, unless donating to a specific organization can be tax deductible.

For example, when the population in a large area is sick, what will a certain company use to donate things to its related hospitals?

This is pretty fucking, you want fame and real benefits at the same time.

Such a group has no conscience, and it can't be overkill to clean up.

Others are better. If you are affected by a disaster, you can manage mineral water and send water by yourself.

Mineral water with an ex-factory price of more than 30 cents will be sent directly at the retail price of two yuan.

In other words, 600,000 yuan of water was sent, but in fact, less than 100,000 yuan of water was sent.

But people are not tax deductible, they will advertise the 100,000 ex-factory price of water at the retail price and give it away for nothing.

The latter is better than the former, the former should be shot, and the latter spends money to buy fame, and the people in the disaster area have indeed got water.

Datang has no tax credits for donating money, so why bother to pay a tax and learn to send water.

Li Yi arranged for Song De to find someone to make adjustments and write a letter: Put another way, start again, no taxes, they don't understand, I didn't know before.

That night, the tax paid by the shopkeeper Liang and the others was going back again. We don't give it anymore. We donated it directly.

Zui Xianju sent a lot of food to Yamen, especially chili oil. I apologize for delaying your normal office work.

The shopkeeper Liang changed the method of propaganda and said that 36,000 materials were donated to build temporary huts on the roadside. The main items were very useful asbestos tiles.

The following day's newspaper was released, and the headline read: Don't talk about kindness, even if it is thirty-six thousand yuan.

"Too not wanting face, Li Yi doesn't know what's the matter? The cost of those things is 36,000 yuan?"

When Song Jing saw the newspaper, he wanted to vomit blood. Reading the headline meant that it didn't matter how much money was less.

But in fact, I went to tell everyone that they donated 36,000 yuan and used it to build an auxiliary free soup hut on the side of the road.

You Li don't advertise so much if you donate it yourself, and others donate a little.

Bi Gou scratched his head, what's the matter? Xiao Yi wrote an article specifically to praise, but the praise is not the amount of money, and always feel that something is wrong.

Li Longji, who also discovered the situation, took his wife and children to Lijiazhuang for dinner at noon.

"Brother Yi, how much did they spend?" Li Longji asked when he came up.

"The cost of one thousand one hundred and seventy per person, the cost of materials one thousand per person, and one hundred and seventy per person for hiring, actually can be even less."

Li Yi knows the data. There are many houses in Jingzhao Mansion, and three of them have been repaired.

It is indeed spent and invested.

"Why do you have to say so much?" Li Longji was a little unhappy.

"Qianjinshi Magu, let others see what's going on inside, you say you spend a thousand yuan on repairing bridges and repairing roads, but you actually spend two hundred yuan.

Without subsidies, the 200-million-dollar is really spent, and no monetary benefits are obtained.

The people have enjoyed the roads and bridges that have been repaired by 200, which is real.

If a policy is introduced in the future, it will be tax deductible, which is another operation. "

Li Yi smiled and explained the situation. It doesn't matter how much you call, as long as you actually spend the money, and it doesn't deduct tax.

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