Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 857 Local hiring is also possible (first update, please subscribe to vote)

"When it comes to the critical moment, I will toss, where can the old man find someone to grow ginger?"

Bi Gou, who has set aside 10,000 mu of land, is worried that he has the land. This year he will plant 100 acres. Who will plant it?

The people in Jingzhao Mansion are in good health and go to work on wells in the desert.

I was hired to lime lime. Isn't that clear? Everyone started picking tea again.

In the past, the migrants did not work, but now they are not enough.

The inspections for the entry of migrants into Beijing Zhaofu have been relaxed. As long as they are not the persons who have been arrested by the sea, it does not matter whether they have a household registration or a letter of introduction.

Come on, work and earn more.

Bi Go was worried. He thought he needed him to arrange the manpower. Li Yi produced Jiang Miao and technology, and the two sides were divided.

In fact, Lijiazhuangzi had already sent someone to take Jiang Miao, which was covered with a quilt, and set off.

Li Longji came back after going to the meeting in the morning, he actually didn't want to go, there was no big deal.

Queen Wang pushed him out and told him not to go.

If you don’t go today, you may not go tomorrow. After a long time, you will develop bad habits.

Li Longji went, simply after the court meeting, and threw the memorial to Gao Lishi for approval, he didn't care.

In fact, he even wanted to get the memorials back for Li Yi to approve, to ensure that they would be fast and good.

On the way back, he saw the team from Lijia Zhuangzi, and went into Zhuangzi to find Li Yi: "Don't wait for the household arrangement?"

"Hube? Old Bi? He can't find manpower. People have different thinking patterns. He thinks no one in Jingzhao Mansion will worry about it."

Li Yi didn't count on others at all, and he took care of such trivial matters casually.

"Brother Yi has someone." Li Longji also felt it was difficult to find someone.

"There are people in the local area and they are poor. The local people like to raise sheep and goats. The more barren the land, the more goats there will be."

Li Yi introduced how people live in other places. Goats eat grass and shave their roots, which is very destructive to the vegetation of the land.

Goats are easier to raise than sheep, and clothes made of goatskin are more valuable.

The locals raise sheep throughout the year, and occasionally grow a little vegetable, day after day.

Then drive the goats to sell. When selling, I hope that the price of food will be lower and lower.

Li Longji has never been there. Regardless of the close distance, he is more curious: "Don't grow crops?"

"This year they will plant soybeans and sorghum. Because there is water, the wells will be deeper. As long as you don't stop them, they will press and carry water by themselves.

Sometimes people need guidance, you tell them how to do it. Whenever there is a little change in the hope of Life, they will work hard.

It is different when it is placed in the city of Chang'an, where idlers still exist. "

Of course Li Yi knows what Daoist sex is like. The only thing fortunately is that Chinese people are more obedient than others.

Li Longji realized that he had been educated again, and he smiled: "Does the sheep eat the ginger seedlings that grow on the ground?"

"Eat, but the sheep raisers will restrain them. They dare not ask the sheep to eat the ginger seedlings, just as they would not allow the sheep to eat watermelon seedlings.

I bet that the local people will secretly help guard the things that are planted in the name of the official and Lijiazhuangzi.

When the watermelon matures, they will eat it secretly, including the ginger that is grown, just eat it, not sell it. "

Li Yi also laughed. He had seen someone with a family near the vineyard. If the fence was not fenced around the vineyard, the nearby people would help take care of it.

When the grapes are ripe, promise to steal, steal a few bunches and take them home to eat.

What era are those, let alone now.

The things are planted there, no one cares, the people look worried about the growth, it's a pity, it is a very simple idea.

With such thoughts, they do what they can, and even water you some water.

Watch the watermelon grow up gradually, feel a sense of accomplishment, when it is ripe, eat one by yourself, thirsty.

"Is it so?" Li Longji had never really worked at the grassroots level, which felt quite interesting.

"Brother, the well drilled is also the well, with a shed on it, not a roller wheel for pressure wells.

The surrounding people would fetch water, repair sheds and ropes by the way, and move stones to surround the well.

If there are people who can hunt in the local area, a small shallow puddle must be dug, and the stones are also laid underneath.

Wait for the beasts to drink water, or set off, or hunt with bows and arrows. "

Li Yi talked about the thoughts in the hearts of the people, and they would maintain their things.

Just like his Northwest natural gas producing area at that time, companies went to mine and then laid pipelines.

The company will set aside a small valve. The locals use a large plastic bag to pack it. Pack a bag of gas, which is actually very light and can burn for a few days.

If someone drove over to steal anger, the people would report it when they saw it.

Then they went to get gas for their own use, and they were on the news, and then nothing came of it.

Enterprise acquiesce, otherwise wouldn’t it be better not to keep that valve?

The locals know how dangerous qi is, but if they are packed in big plastic bags, even if they burn suddenly, they will not cause much harm to people.

The company and the local residents reached an unspeakable agreement, and the people went to catch the gas for free, and by the way, helped to see the pipeline.

Now it is the Tang court and Lijiazhuangzi who have the same tacit cooperation with the people over there.

If you hire them to grow ginger, they get a share of money, and if you hire them to grow watermelon, they get a share of money.

Usually give a little money, they help take care of it, and they dig it out to eat when they need it.

"What if you send someone to guard it?" Li Longji was more serious.

"If you pay more, you must let the locals guard and the outsiders guard. This is a hostile relationship and will intensify conflicts."

Li Yi waved his hand, no, the more he defended, the greater the loss, and he could even fight.

Li Longji nodded slightly, indicating that he understood: "Teach them to grow ginger then?"

"No, you can't let them grow ginger by themselves. They can only hire them. If they grow ginger by themselves, they will steal my ginger and sell it. The loss is not the slightest."

"Do other people grow ginger by themselves? How should a rich family grow ginger?"

"When there are too many people who want to grow ginger, the land is ours. You can lease the land to them, provide them with ginger seedlings and planting technology, and then buy the ginger they grow and sell it.

We don’t plant it ourselves, and we change from a producer to a middleman, making the difference.

Or increase the planting area and sell the people's ginger together. "

What Li Yi brought out was the co-production cooperative model, what he never said was the seedling technology.

He is responsible for selecting and raising seedlings. If you teach it to others, they will invest too much and it will be difficult to control.

"This year, we selected some official land in Henan Province to grow cotton. After the harvest, you have to pay for it, reprocess it, and buy it by the court."

Li Longji suddenly mentioned an irrelevant thing. Henan Province has planted cotton. There are many cotton seeds, so there are many kinds of cotton.

"It's better to let Lijiazhuangzi process it, and then pay the processing fee, so that the court can save money." Li Yi gave another model, processing on behalf of the company.

He needs to use a lot of sewing machines, it is better to pick up the court work first.

"No, just let you make money." Li Longji shook his head.

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