Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 876 Recruiting people from various places to various places (first update, please subscribe

"The rake is so deep, will the worms be shaved out and frozen to death?"

In the 20 acres of the idle land of Princess Yongmu’s Zhuangzi in winter, the cows are pulling the rake to prepare the land.

According to the method written in the newspaper, soybeans should be cultivated deeply, and both deep and shallow fertilizers should be applied at the same time.

Obviously, the ground for raising bean worms cannot be plowed deeply. After shallow ploughing, the rakes are done, and the bean planting machine invented by Li Yi is introduced.

The ridgeless planting method is used, unless it is ridged where there is a lot of precipitation, which is conducive to drainage.

When the bean sprouts grow out, the insects turn into moths and lay their eggs on the bean leaves after mating.

When the season came, Lijiazhuangzi sent someone to the place of Princess Yongmu to guide.

The neighbors around watched, looked at it, and hurried back to follow the operation.

Everyone knows that raising insects will reduce the yield of beans, but the price of insects is high and they can be eaten.

Don't be afraid of not being sold, Lijiazhuangzi will buy it, which is more cost-effective than growing beans.

The cows in the front raked, and the people behind began to plant.

The people of Lijiazhuangzi grabbed a handful of soil to check the wetness, nodded, and more people began to grow beans.

"You need watering to grow beans. Now that there is enough water in the soil, you can't water it, otherwise the soybean seedlings will fall down. If the land is dry, no water will be added, especially when it is blooming, which will affect the yield of beans..."

The people of Lijiazhuangzi told the neighbors that there was actually something in the newspaper, and he emphasized it again, which deepened the impression.

Normally, lazy people grow beans, and don't care if you sow the seeds, just watch the harvest.

Like the Guanzhong area, there is winter snow. After it melts, just throw the beans, and then you don't need to worry about anything.

In fact, some water is needed to increase the yield per mu during the flowering process.

The neighbors stepped forward to grab a handful of soil, feeling it, and some grabbed the soil and prepared to take it away, comparing it with the soil in their own homes.

Nowadays, they don’t have mediocrity and harmony, and they don’t need to raise silkworms. The work in the field is relatively simple, and it is better to adjust the time.

The rest of the energy is put on raising insects to see if we can make a lot of money.


Drunk Xianju Hot Spring.

"Brother Yi, a lot of people raise insects. Will the price drop if there are more insects?"

On the way to Lantian County, Li Longji saw someone planting beans, especially in the unowned area by the river, being taken over by others.

When occupying a ditch, it is necessary to build a ditch to prove that there are people, otherwise there will be no flat land. Who knows that you planted it?

In addition to growing beans, you can also grow perilla. Perilla is better than beans. Just sprinkle a little seed.

No one wanted to plant it before. There are wild ones on the roadside, just like weeds.

Li Yi said in the newspaper that if you plant a little bit, you can make pickles, and when the seeds are harvested, they can be used medicinally.

When the common people saw letting the seeds be planted, they looked for seeds everywhere. The medicine stores had them, but they had to spend money.

Fortunately, the newspaper on the next day said that Lijiazhuangzi gave the seeds, so let's take them to plant them, and remember to harvest them after planting.

There are different methods of harvesting parts in different periods. Perilla leaves are delicious as pickles.

Korean pickles, perilla leaves are an indispensable one.

There are also some sticky bean buns steamed. I am afraid that the bean buns will stick to the pan. Put a few on the perilla leaves. After steaming, they will still taste like perilla, and eat them with the leaves.

Li Longji didn't know the use of more perilla, he started from the market economy, the price of more things would be lower.

"I take the value based on nutrition. When the price of big meat and eggs is high, the price of bugs will not be too low, unless the price of everything is reduced."

Li Yi is ready to manipulate the price. If others want to buy, it must be above the price given by Lijiazhuangzi.

Whoever wants to collect the same price has to go to each person to collect it personally, saving the other party's transportation costs.

If the price is lowered, the people will not sell it, but will take it to Lijiazhuangzi.

Li Longji nodded: "But it may not be able to sell in his hands."

"It's okay. The insects can be raised in the soil, and everyone in the village, the foreign population, and the captives will eat it.

If you eat bugs, you will naturally save other things.

I believe that the snacks in the two cities will be sold. Whether you like to eat them or not depends on your habits. "

Li Yi thought about it early. The biggest advantage of bean worms is that they go to sleep in the soil after they grow up.

Other things will rot when they are bought in the soil, and the bugs can be kept forever.

"Eating grape leaves?" Li Longji was worried about growing grapes.

"To distinguish, bean worms are all bean hawk moth bugs, and there is another kind of frost hawk moth bug. Don't confuse this, don't eat it blindly.

I need to print out the picture specifically, and print a separate page of the newspaper, divided into pieces, each with the same content.

A newspaper can be cut into several copies of the same comparison chart, and the people hold the comparison. "

Li Yi was afraid that others had misunderstood the two, and then grabbed it to eat, in case he was allergic to it.

Li Longji felt so relieved, stirring in the water with his hands, and many small bubbles rose.

"This spring is good, and it can still be drunk." Li Longji couldn't find the same in each of the soup pools, and some had small bubbles, but too few.

If someone else owns a hot spring, he has already thought of a way to become a royal one. This won't work.

"In fact, ordinary people can't enjoy it at all. They even have to take a bath for themselves, so how can they relax in the hot springs?

In some other places, the people nearby would take a bath, but the people of Lishan would not climb the mountain. "

Li Yi is feeling that life is not easy for the people, and he compares it with that time.

The people don't have clean tap water to drink. Drinking water from the river seems to be free of diseases, and the probability of having bugs in their stomachs is still very high.

"It is necessary to increase the planting of medicinal materials, otherwise the repellent powder I have given has no medicine available." Li Yi no longer needs to explain to change the pagoda sugar.

Let's eat herbs together. Herbs have a cure for roundworms. There are several groups.

In the future, the foreigners who come from overseas can obtain the seeds of Artemisia wormwood, and then mix them with other medicinal materials, or extract them by using soil methods, and then they can be distributed to humans and animals in large quantities.

As long as something can be extracted and used, it can be used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Li Longji didn't say a word, staring at the water in front of him in a daze.

What he thinks is that there are many doctors in Jingzhao Mansion who can see the people at any time, and there are also medicine shops.

Can the people of Datang in remote places have to pick some familiar herbs to deal with them by themselves?

How many people died because they were sick and couldn't see the healer? These people can obviously live for many more years.

After a long time, Li Yi was sleepy and ready to go out before Li Longji made a sound.

"Those who are willing to study medicine should be subsidized. As long as they study, they should first give a little money and food for a month, and then take the exam. If they do well, the subsidy will be increased."

Li Longji thought of a way to get more people to study medicine, and he gave money from the time he was studying.

If you have money, you can support your family without worries.

In order to get more money, they study hard and master simple knowledge as soon as possible.

Recruit students from all over the world, put them back when they are almost done, give a set of medical books, and read medical books if they don’t.

Even a quack is better than no local doctor.

Once you graduate, the knowledge you have can at least save some people.

By the way, let them find a place to grow medicine in their own hometown, and then transport the medicine from each place to each other.


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