Huang Xianrong looked regretful and made less money, but he listened to Yang Huanjin's words.

"Brother Yang, you said 500,000 yuan. Does Dongzhu Li want mustard or pepper? We need to prepare first when we go back."

Huang Xianrong plans to collect it in advance when the season arrives to prevent Li Yi from suddenly asking for goods, and the purchase price there is high.

"Li Dong holds benevolence and righteousness, and he has a heart for the Tang Dynasty and the people's livelihood.

It was supposed to secretly make mustard pickles, but it came out, saying that the people of Shu are not easy to make money for this technology. "

Yang Huanjin praised Li Yi. Li Yi had thought of several ways to make money in Shu.

Later I found that it was too troublesome.

Just let the locals do it, and when it's done, it can be sold everywhere in Datang.

"I think people in Jingzhao Mansion like to eat mustard tuber. Li Dongzhu helps to promote it. You can make soup, pickle, or stir-fry. I guess it's mustard tuber."

Huang Xianrong is guessing that the name of mustard is what Li Yi mentioned, and the key lies in the word for pressing.

Otherwise, it is called mustard locally. There are many varieties of mustard. One of the mustards in the Shu area is most suitable for making mustard greens.

Mustard greens, which were not very tasty, are now planted when they find land that does not grow grain.

There is no shortage of salt in Shu, and that kind of well salt is better than sea salt.

The made mustard tuber is not bitter. People in Shu call this kind of tuber mustard tuber, and the surname is not added.

Yang Huanjin was greedy when he heard of mustard tuber. When he came to Chang'an, he ate mustard tuber and mixed it with green onions, and put some sesame seeds in good conditions.

He swallowed: "This money is not used to transport things from Shu to Chang'an."

"He'll give us money if you're not lucky?" Huang Xianrong took out a handful of pine nuts and bit them with his teeth.

"Proprietor Li wants to buy something, so he sends someone to Shu to deliver a letter, saying what Li's Zhuangzi wants.

The people there will ship it immediately, and then take the money when we arrive at the place. Why do you have to give the money first? "

As the leader of the Shudi Salt Gang, Yang Huanjin analyzed things more thoroughly.

He knew that Li Yi sent a letter saying that he would like to pickle.

People who don't have the capital dare to find someone to make pickled mustard, saying that it will be sent to Chang'an by Li Yi, and then they will be given the money when they get the money.

People who have mustard and are unwilling to run will really credit mustard to this person.

If Lijiazhuangzi does not have this credibility, would the exchange voucher still circulate in Shu?

Today, Shu is still talking about the previous battle against the Southwestern Barbarian, and has compiled many stories.

The people of Shu people feel that they are all participants. Jingzhao Mansion has a Lijiazhuangzi by the shore of Bashui, who alone used money to win a war.

Help yourself here, and send the materials to the frontline at a slightly slower speed than the express report.

It is said that more than 200,000 prisoners were arrested and sent to Lijiazhuangzi. Lijiazhuangzi was rich.

Yang Huanjin thinks that after he goes back, he hears such stories again, he may be a prisoner of 500,000.

In fact, there are only more than 10,000 people, and the more it spreads.

"Dongzhu Li gave us money, so that when the front line is tight, he uses the money to buy things and hire people to send it. This money is for the soldiers in front."

Yang Huanjin took a few pine nuts from Huang Xianrong's hand, took out a small pliers from his pocket while talking, and cracked the pine nuts.

Huang Xianrong touched his own cheeks: "Brother Yang, you have pliers, why didn't you take them out earlier? See me using my teeth."


"Tomorrow, twenty of you will sell newspapers by bike, remember to ring the bell, and hurry up and become proficient."

Lijiazhuangzi, Song De gave orders to the twenty newsboys who did not receive the newspaper in the morning.

Twenty children are a little older, all boys.

Early in the morning, the other newsboys ran away after leading the newspaper, leaving them to wait.

At the moment they are learning to ride a bicycle, which is a beam.

Li Yi's personally demonstrated that he can ride with the crotch, that is, one leg is stepped on the pedal from under the beam, which is suitable for children.

You can get on the car from the front cross beam, and the legs are lifted from the front over the cross beam and fall onto the pedals, which is suitable for older children.

You can also lift your legs from behind, this is the way of an adult.

The children who sell newspapers learn the third type. The saddle is a little shorter, and you can get on the car across your legs, and your feet can reach the pedals.

When Li Yi was a child, he was not tall enough and his legs were not long enough. He rode the same 28 bicycles that adults rode without digging out his crotch.

When riding, the body suddenly goes to the side of the car and the other side of the car. Every time you ride, the corners of your legs are hung on the beam.

Of course, the saddle can't sit on it, so you can kick it back and forth on the beam.

During the demonstration, Li Yi also performed ‘high’ difficult operations such as sticking the car unilaterally, up and down without touching the ground, riding backwards, holding the handlebars without hands, lifting the front wheel, and fixing the car.

But let him ride this car with the rear wheel to jump high, he can't jump up.

Even so, the viewers felt that it was amazing. The proprietor is so awesome and has so many poses.

After the demonstration, Li Yi went back to class.

The children started to learn to drive with unlimited dreams and it was easy to learn.

In the back, there was a rider from Yulin Fei, holding the back seat of the car with his hand, and the child kicked in the front.

After running, Yulin Feiqi will let go. When the child is pedaling, normal people find out how the handlebars are shifting to the left, which is very difficult to control.

If you change to left-handed, the handlebars are shifted to the right.

They make their own efforts to adjust, and the venue is large enough to draw a big circle when it is not.

Next is the problem of balancing left and right, hands and arms are very tired.

Never learn, to reach this level, within a quarter of an hour, anyone who learns like this will make the same progress, very fast.

Ride for another quarter of an hour, and you can master the left and right, Yulin Feiqi will sit on the back seat,

The child takes Yulin Feiqi forward, and when the balance is not good, Yulin Feiqi brakes with his feet, straightens the child and lets the child ride, and then sit up.

In half an hour, twenty newsboys have been able to take people out from the beginning, and can turn, and they have finished learning the basics.

The rest is for them to practice on their own. As for the movements that Li Yi demonstrated, they cannot be learned in a day or two.

The children didn't feel tired yet after practicing until lunch.

After eating, he was forced to take a bath, and then take a nap for an hour before he was allowed to hit the car again.

It was dark, the lights were turned on, and the children went to ride on the square after dinner.

The next morning, twenty children took their newspapers and set off under the envious gaze of other children.

"It sells newspapers and sells newspapers. Li Jiazhuang has a new tool bicycle. I ride this. Only those who have bought a kerosene lamp and a thermos are eligible to buy it."

‘Ding Ling Ling~~Ding Ling Ling’ "It sells newspapers, the first choice for wealthy people to travel, buy with qualifications, one thousand yuan, lifetime warranty."

"People with poor balance can't ride after buying a bike. Lijiazhuang is responsible for training. People who can ride bikes are stronger than others."

"Thousand-year-old one, rides comfortably. Nobles own it, respect the difference."

Newsboys rode their bicycles from the east to the west of the city. They said they were selling newspapers, but they didn't stop at all. They had to send the newspapers to the people who subscribed to the west of the city.

The people on the road stepped away, helpless when they heard the price.

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