Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 903 Increase in seafood production (second more)

"It can sell for more than 800 yuan tomorrow, and after two days of selling it, the money for the baby carrier will come out."

Li Yi got the sales data of Wen Tianlan Xiangge at night, and smiled and said to Li Chengqi who came to deliver seafood.

"How much did the bicycles sell?" Li Chengqi didn't care about hundreds of dollars. The bicycles were the big ones, one for a thousand dollars.

"The number of reservations exceeds five hundred, and there are still many rich people. Businessmen who sell kerosene lamps and thermos bottles elsewhere are already preparing to buy bicycles and send them to sell."

Li Yi was very happy about this. He did not object to the fact that Datang was rich in many people.

Which state capital does not have a high net worth? They have a common circle.

When one person has something new, as soon as he takes it out, the others must buy it.

Fighting incense, cockfighting, dogfighting, bird fighting, and bullfighting are popular in the Tang Dynasty. Oh, there is no bullfighting. If you are caught, you will be cleaned up.

The incense made of honey, precious wood, and precious spices is lit up to see whose taste is unique.

The cost of a piece of incense will exceed one piece. A giant incense made of dozens of pieces will look at the shape of the cigarette after it is lit.

There are many wealthy people, and they are all flowers anyway. It is better to ask them to buy good products from Lijiazhuang, which are also practical.

In other state capitals, if the road is not good, it is inconvenient to ride a bicycle, so you can fix it yourself.

"Okay, Yi brother, you have money, so everyone can rest assured." Li Chengqi said to his heart.

They were worried that Li Yi suddenly had no way to make money, so he could only take the money to subsidize him. Otherwise, what about the voucher?

"The money for making muskets will continue to come in, and more saltpeter, sulfur and lead are needed.

Yulin Feiqi needs to practice first, and the 30,000 people will practice it before sending it to the border gate. There should be no major incidents in the border this year. "

Li Yi asked to continue to increase the mining volume of saltpeter, and Shu has the most land.

As for Glauber's salt, it cannot be used in gunpowder, it is used for medicine and leather processing.

There is a lot of sulfur and a lot of lead.

If lead is impure and contains a lot of Impurities, it will cause infection or poisoning when it hits a person's body.

But the impure lead has a different density, which affects shooting accuracy.

Zhuangzi will refine the lead, putting shooting first.

Listening to Li Yi's materials, Li Chengqi asked Li Yi: "Can wild boars and other animals killed with lead bullets be eaten?"

"Have you hit?" Li Yi asked back.

Li Chengqi nodded slightly: "I hit it, I didn't dare to eat it. My brother discovered that the lead bullet is more powerful than the arrow, and the arrow shaft is attached to the back of the arrow, which can be drawn.

The lead bullet hit the chicken, a big hole, different from the arrow shot, it looked scary. "

Li Chengqi shuddered at the thought of the wound on the pheasant. The wound suddenly widened and the blood flow continued.

He also hit a pig with a lead bomb, which looked like a small hole, and cut the flesh away, and there was a thicker hole inside.

This kind of bullet hits people...

"It's edible, it's not poisonous. Lead poisoning is chronic, but the wound around it should be removed, because when the bullet enters, it will bring other things in, and it will be heated by high temperature."

Li Yi knows that lead poisoning is very slow. If it doesn't directly touch the internal organs and put it in the muscles, it will be basically fine.

Of course, if you bring other things into your body when you are shot, you will get infected.

"It's not easy to get into the human body." Li Chengqi came to a conclusion by shooting a pig.

"It's harder to pick up than a medium arrow. Sometimes you can't find a lead bullet. You need to use tweezers to clamp it out, or cut through a small opening to find it."

Li Yi knew the power of the gun he made. The bullets rotated, and even after hitting a person.

As the resistance increases, the rotation force becomes smaller, and there is not so much cavity deep in the wound.

It hits a point, and then a large cavity inside gradually becomes smaller, and if the bullet does not pass out, it stays inside.

It's hard to find, and it's embedded in it, so it takes a lot of effort to get it.

"It's hit, unless it's all cut, it won't be found, right?"

Li Chengqi felt even more terrifying, more vicious than that wooden feather arrow.

"We accidentally hit our own person. If we are not dead, we will send it over. I can find the bullet. There is equipment in the hospital."

Li Yi said in advance, don't dig yourself, it will kill people.

Li Chengqi took a breath and said, "What do I need to use? Come, eat, and taste seafood."

Li Chengqi didn't want to think too much. He pointed to the spicy fried clams and clams on the plate and said.

The lower Yellow River has just become navigable, and locals are hired to fish for clams and clams by the sea.

Clams are easier to catch than clams, so drag them out with a rake with a net.

The razor needs to be dug, one hole by one. If you can't see the hole, you will stom your feet a few times. The sand that blocks the hole will fall through the vibration, or the razor will spit water.

Collect sea water, load them on the boat together, and go upstream to Chang'an, exchange the sea water for clams and clams along the way, and at the same time grind the algae on the beach and throw them in for feeding.

Just stick to it, there are still many alive, and the dead are thrown away on the boat, or eaten by the crew.

Dried clams, one pound is now twenty dollars, without shells.

Live clams with shells cost 700 dollars a catty, and razor clams 1,300 dollars.

If it is too expensive, you can buy dry soaked hair yourself. Only if you have money, you can enjoy fresh seafood.

Those who are not high enough in the palace can't eat it at all. If you don't give it, what is not to eat? Why delay making money?

Like Wu Jieyu, not this time, even if she looks pretty and knows Li Longji's mind.

Wu Jieyu didn't even know what was going on, she seemed to be left out suddenly.

The clams and clams in this season are indeed plump, and the next batch should be even better.

The restaurants in Chang'an City buy them for two days and provide them to customers, while others are purchased through special channels.

"Sold it to the court?" Li Yishen picked up a clam with his chopsticks and asked about it.

"Bi Gou and the others are the same. As long as they are not sold out, they will be given once a day. The others are given different amounts according to different positions and grades. This is the case..."

Li Chengqi told Li Yi how to give it.

To the smallest fifth rank officer, just one, four clams or four clams, take it home and eat.

Just like the cherries in winter, the fifth rank official will be divided into one dish and brought home to the family to taste. The cherries are big and valuable.

Wild clams and clams are also big. When you are fishing, you can throw them back when you see the small ones. Don't, grow them slowly.

Officials don’t think it’s too small, so they usually take it home, don’t eat it for themselves, and give it to their families.

Because I work in the Xingqing Palace, sometimes I can make it at noon, one person for two, put a little chili oil, coriander, and chopped green onion.

For lower grades, you need to give a little every ten days and a half months.

"I have to say it in the newspaper, tell the people who go to the restaurant to eat, take the shell away after eating." Li Yi suddenly remembered something.

"Why?" Li Chengqi didn't think the shells could be eaten, but he knew that it could be ground to fatten the fields or feed the chickens.

"Don't take the shell away, buy dry foam, then put the shell in and make it together, and serve it with the shell again."

Li Yi smiled and told the secrets that may exist in the industry.

His bone marrow at that time was half a big bone, and it was brought up. Some would wait for the customers to finish eating and use other things as bone marrow and continue to sell them. It was cheaper. Many customers didn't know.

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