Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 910 The waterfall is rectified within the navigation (first update, please subscribe to vote

On the Weishui River, fifty ships of Hundred Rocks lined up in a row.

On the shore, a springboard was set up where there were no ships. Boxes of dried sea rice, shrimps, scallops, and shrimp paste were sent to the ship.

Fill one ship, leave one ship, follow the Weishui to the Yellow River, and then go upstream to the source.

At this time, where Pujin ferryed, the iron rope pontoon bridge was connected on both sides, and the boat was supporting under the pontoon bridge.

At a fixed time every day, the iron ropes in the middle will be opened to let the boats travel on the river.

The upper Hukou Waterfall is already embarking and disembarking, and it turns out that the boats upstream of the waterfall are going up for a short distance.

When I heard that the waterfall could pass, I brought some local products and boated to the location and asked for the price.

The price varies according to the size of the ship and the cargo loaded.

The cheapest boat was sent there, only ten dollars, more than ten miles, on the track, the livestock pulled to the other end, and then put it down.

Even if you want to make a small raft yourself, it is still ten dollars, and it can't be lower.

The workers were hired locally to help hold Calabash. They counted on the waterfall to eat.

In addition to the livestock's feed, if there is no boat traffic, no one wants to do it.

"I heard that the imperial court sent a fleet to go up there, so I don't know whether to pay."

Staying at the place below the Hukou Waterfall, a man wearing a straw hat looked at the river billowing south and said to others.

"Xu is going to give money, and it is agreed that no matter what kind of ship we work, we will be paid."

Those who are busy weaving oil tree baskets don't even look at the baskets, so they weave the branches in based on their feelings.

"The ship of Hundred Rocks, take one hundred dollars for one ship, and one hundred for one. Everyone will get one point, which is quite a lot."

The look of expectation appeared on the face of another boy who looked only sixteen or seventeen years old.

He is holding a newspaper in his hand. The newspaper is an early one with Chinese Pinyin on it. He is studying.

When the Hukou Waterfall was impassable, the locals planted a few acres of thin fields on the mountain or by the river beach, and there were mulberry trees on the mountain to raise silkworms.

The teenager is herding sheep, day after day, going down the river to catch fish and shrimp like other children.

When the Hukou Waterfall is equipped with equipment, there is work to be done, and more money can be made.

The locals had ideas, and the teenagers began to learn pinyin and wanted to read.

Every letter is asked by someone who knows how to read once in a while, remember how to read it, and then spell it by yourself.

Sometimes I forget, or feel that my pronunciation is not accurate enough, so I can take time to go to the county government office.

Many people in the yamen are literate, and if they ask for advice, they teach patiently.

If you are impatient, the people actively ask for progress, but the yamen officials ignore it, and the evaluation is over.

"Once the navigation is officially opened, a sum of money must be handed to Lijiazhuangzi every month, and the official ship arrives, naturally it is officially opened."

The people wearing Douli will pierce the youth's fantasy, and if they have a lot of money, they won't be divided among themselves and others.

In the place of the waterfall, people from the county sit in town and keep accounts.

Now it is settled once a day, and when everyone has more money, it will be settled once a month.

The end of the day is because in winter everyone has no income and needs money.

For a day’s money, buy some rice, so you don’t need to mix so many bran and bran to eat.

There is another advantage of the spring season. There are wild vegetables, which are cooked together with rice. People who don't understand vitamin supplements can get hungry anyway.

The helpers agree that, regardless of whether it is a daily settlement or a monthly settlement, after they get the money, they will save everything except what must be spent on the day's life.

This is better than that in some parts of Africa at Li Yi's time. Usually, they don't dare to settle daily. After the settlement is completed on the same day, when Deva's family has the money, they go to Chisao, and will not come to work the next day.

When the money is gone, when will you come again.

The month ends are actually similar, so many companies in the Li Yi country would rather spend more money and hire people from the country to work.

Especially for projects that do not delay working hours, basically only local people are responsible for simple things.

Local motivated people will follow along, and such people account for a small percentage.

The Li Yi country, or including the current Datang, is the most diligent nation in the world.

"Give it to Li's Zhuangzi, we can feel at ease with Li's Zhuangzi behind.

Take advantage of the lack of work, go to pick wild vegetables, wash them and throw them in the pot, and eat at noon. "

The basket maker put down a basket that had just been woven, and took the lead to find wild vegetables.

On the shore of the waterfall, there is a large iron pot at each end, and coal or firewood is burned underneath.

The water in the pot is well water. If you don't drink the Yellow River water, there is too much sand.

The two pots belonged to the imperial court. It is now in the subsidy stage. In the future, the tugboat will take part of the money deducted for Lijiazhuangzi.

Early this morning, the person in charge bought two old hens with few eggs from a nearby village and stewed one in a pot.

Those who make free soup for work, as well as the people nearby who are preparing to drink free soup, will pick wild vegetables and put them in.

The chicken is chopped and thrown into stew. Don't expect to eat chicken, the old hen is fat, just drink the soup.

Bring your own food, just eat soup and free pickles.

There is no need for others to remind you that you should pick wild vegetables, and everyone takes the initiative to pick them.

It belongs to the characteristics of the nation, and most people cannot learn it.


"Who introduced Ke Guang?" Bi Gou was also drinking soup, ginseng silk soup, ginseng silk and ginger silk.

It was summer, and he said that it was a bit cold to sleep at night, and he felt cold and trembling even in the sun during the day.

Give him a little soup, mainly with ginger to help the cold.

Otherwise, he would have diarrhea under the sun.

He asked his subordinates at this moment, and he began to rectify the noodle industry of the Ministry of Households.

Thirty people who specialize in making noodles came in alone to ask, ask them to sort out, and find someone.

"Thanks to the person who sponsored the sponsor." The office clerk gave the answer.

"Buil him three hundred dollars and tell him that if Ke Guang is stealing the noodles home, his doctor should stop doing it." Bi Gou said calmly.


"Whose person is Hou Li?" Bi Gou asked another.

He asked one by one, what should be deducted and what should be adjusted.

He was angry, as Li Yi said, as long as the workers were introduced, no one hurried.

When making noodles, deliberately put more water, and then dump the water.

When making noodles, the so-called leftovers are collected and thrown away.

In fact, the poured water was put in a bucket and taken away, and the leftovers were also taken away.

Return the water, put it in a pot and burn it, the noodles will come out, you can take the pot and steam the noodles.

Some people even took whole wheat flour from the outside and directly replaced it with a part of the noodle making powder.

Bi Gou is about to cry, no wonder the cost of owning is high, so who can bear it!

"When everything is packed, I immediately follow Xiao Yi's instructions. The foreign affairs send the noodles to the households and the noodles to help them with their work.

Anyone who doesn't do well will be fired. Chang'an doesn't lack this manpower. My household department can't tell people to jokes. "

Bi Gou gritted his teeth and made up his mind, picked up the bowl, and gurgled.

After drinking a bowl of soup, he clicked, and the ginseng aftertaste was a bit sweet.

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