Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 943 The Yellow River Huaiyuan Ferry at Night (Fourth)

Several things were resolved, and Li Longji stayed in Zhuangzi that night.

After Li Yi had eaten, he went to see four patients, four of whom still needed to be hospitalized.

Fortunately, low-dose antibiotics are very useful for the current germs.

The mother of two children was able to say a few words, drinking meat porridge, her throat still hurts when she swallowed, but the swelling was reduced.

While continuing to apply the cold compress, Li Yi gave the sore throat anti-inflammatory pill, which had anesthetic effect and contained toad venom.

Li Yi didn't dare to give a woman a cheek before. After the anesthesia, it will stimulate the capillaries and increase swelling, and after anesthetizing the throat, it will make people feel that the breathing channel is blocked.

As a result, suffocation occurred and the tube had to be intubated.

The two children ate half a bowl of rice in the evening and were happy.

The two siblings were always worried that the mother was gone, and they didn't relax when they were in Dongshi.

Until I entered Lijiazhuangzi, and knew that this was Lijiazhuangzi, it was Li Dongzhu himself who treated my mother.

The two siblings let go of their hearts. It is said that Li Dongzhu can save the dead, and it takes many years of Li Dongzhu's life.

The others slept securely, but the twelve were in fear and fear of decapitation.

Death is not the same as death. Hanging is death, and cutting is death.

In the case of unavoidable death, if they can choose, they are willing to twist and leave a whole body.

The big man who hadn't been beaten by the people finally knew why he didn't have the strength of others, and that was actually Yulin Feiqi.

I've heard that Yulin Feiqi is amazing, but I never thought it was so amazing.

Tonight is the most difficult for them, unable to sleep at all.


"I will arrive in Huaiyuan in another moment or so. Don't stop, go sailing against the current, or retreat if you don't advance. Only when you arrive at Huaiyuan Pier, you can relax."

Above the Yellow River, ships are advancing against the current.

At the beginning of the fourth month of the lunar calendar, there is no moon in the sky, and the stars appear extra bright.

The movement of the ship's wheels hitting the water covered the roar of insects and beasts on both sides of the strait.

The people in the fleet pedaled in rotation, not fast, but they kept moving forward.

The diesel lamp on the bow attracted a lot of insects, and the early moths hit the glass cover time and time again.

The smell of toilet water on the crew members prevents them from being bitten by mosquitoes.

In case of malaria, you will have to consume the malaria pill given to the person in front of you.

Every place will give some pills to tell others to take malaria as soon as possible.

After sailing for a while, a bright light appeared in front of the torch on the dock in Huaiyuan County.

Huaiyuan County is a military powerhouse used to guard against Turks.

The life of the locals is not very good. Now the temperature in Chang'an is high and the local area is still cold.

Huaiyuan was in the Yinchuan area of ​​Li Yi's time, at the entrance of the Great Wall.

There is Helan Mountain, which is regarded as the most famous and largest mountain in the area.

The stepping through Helan Mountain in Manjianghong written by later generation Yue Fei refers to this. Datang has not lost it now and belongs to own.

However, the Shuofang Jiedu Envoy was not established either, and it took a few years in history to have it.

It is estimated that there will not be any now, and Li Yi does not need any frugality.

The Hukou Waterfall is navigating, so what? Give Jidu so much power?

There are many fishing boats at Huaiyuan Wharf. Some people go fishing and go home. Some people sleep on the boats with tents.

When the people in the steamship fleet saw the torches on the Huaiyuan Wharf, the people on the wharf also saw the lights on the water.

"Old pole, get up quickly, what is that? Ghost fire?"

A soldier guarding the pier and watching the ship called out the people around him who should watch the night with him.

The dock also has the function of an inn, called a water station.

In an emergency, they would ferry to the other side of the river. The post on the other side of the river sent a quick horse to run, and then went straight to Chang'an.

The road is not easy to walk, it is said that it is one station for twenty miles, and in some places, you can't find it for thirty miles.

But now someone is building an inn, one for ten miles, and the court spends a lot of money.

The person who was called opened his eyes, rubbed it again, and waited and watched: "The boat is a boat. Look carefully."

"I can't see clearly, my eyes will be blurred at night." The sergeant who shouted looked hard again, and it was indeed blurred.

"Didn't it say in the newspaper that there is a lack of vitamins. You have to eat liver and carrots. The carrots were planted a few days ago. If you don't harvest the seeds, you can eat them in two months."

Old pole stood up: "Many boats, hurry up, hurry up..."

The sergeant who called him up immediately took a gong and knocked it hard.

"Hurry up, who told you to knock this gong?" Old pole was about to cry.

As soon as the gong rang, everyone woke up, and the soldiers took their weapons in a panic.

The person in charge of the water station and staying on the boat immediately loosened the rope and was ready to ferry at any time, regardless of whether the water was turbulent or not. The military situation was like a fire.

The fisherman who sleeps in the canopy boat stands at the bow of the boat with a knife.

Either kill the enemy or be killed yourself.

It is not how patriotic he is, but that his family is on the shore and the Turkic fights over. It is useless to kneel down.

There is only life and death on both sides, and there is no third choice.

If you run away, your family will be killed and humiliated. What's the point of being alive?

I stayed on the boat because I got out of the shrimp cage. There were some fish intestines in the shrimp cage. See how many shrimps there are tomorrow morning.

As soon as the gong on the wharf rang, the sound on the shore followed, and it spread farther and farther. People living on the shore brought out weapons one after another, and the children all took spears.

The old man didn't have the strength to fight, so he took out the scythe, ready to light the house at any time, and burned himself to death in the fire.

The woman held the younger child in her arms with an awl or scissors in her hands.

They will not fight with the enemy. Once they are injured and lose their combat effectiveness, they are over and there is no time to commit suicide.

"Welcome us?" Someone on the leading ship said.

"Fart, this is a battle gong, who is the fuck? The enemy will attack by boat from above? Don't say the enemy has no boat, you can't be so stupid if you have a boat."

Ding Min, the leader of the ship, was depressed. Are there any Turks who attacked the current?

If you want to fight like that, how good does the Turkic people need to handle the boat? Are you afraid of setting fire to the boat upstream?

"Knock the drums, hold on." Ding Min went to find the drums himself, hit the drums, and told others that this was not the enemy.

As soon as the drums rang, the gongs gradually stopped, and after a while, the sound of drums on the shore came.

Ding Min replied with a drum, and the exchange between the two parties was over and the crisis was resolved.

The old man put down the scythe, and the woman comforted the crying child who was awakened.

The fisherman who got it threw the knife back and stood on the bow: "Who hit the gong? I can't kill him when I look back. That's the boat from downstream, blind?"

"Do you eat liver? Old pole." The gong knocker knew how big a mistake he had made, and he felt that he would be beheaded.

"It's okay, the ship. It was written in the previous newspaper that the Hukou Waterfall landed on the orbit. This is the court ship.

You just said to give everyone a surprise and let everyone welcome the first batch of ships from the imperial court.

This kind of moment is not suitable for killing, and it is unlucky. How can the court come to see blood. "

Old pole comforted the sergeant around him, not afraid.

"Hanging is not okay, I'm still young." When the sergeant heard the blood, he found that there was a way to not see the blood.

"Dead people can't do it, give me the gong." The old pole snatched the gong from the sergeant.

"Old pole, you..." The sergeant's eyes were red, and he wanted to take it back.

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