One after another, nearby people arrived, and the baby was also carried by the mother and wrapped tightly.

For the people in Huaiyuan, the team sent by your majesty arrived and let the children touch things first, even if they didn't eat it, it was considered a blessing.

The child will cry if he doesn't sleep well, so just cry, cry a few times and it's okay.

Everyone went ashore, and many people brought firewood over and lit a bonfire.

They celebrated the navigation of Hukou Waterfall, and then they need to go to Chang'an and take the waterway.

The people on the ship took out the compressed biscuits they had eaten and gave them to people in Huaiyuan.

They were so tired of eating, the people in Huaiyuan killed the sheep, roasted them over the campfire, and cut the meat while roasting.

There are plains in the area, and there are plenty of water resources, and the crops are all wheat.

Due to limited manpower, we can't grow too much.

Last year there were more, mainly because the tools Li Yi used to benefit the people were easy to use.

It used to be that one person can manage 30 mu of land, but now it is fine to manage 60 mu.

There are many local cattle and sheep, but few poultry. There is no shortage of fish and vegetables.

The climate is not very good, summer and autumn are short, and the sunshine time is long, but sunshine does not mean warmth.

What they need is logistics. With logistics, they can develop quickly. This was Yinchuan, the capital city of Li Yi's time.

However, the northwest was the main producing area of ​​Ruan Dayun in Inner Mongolia at the time of Li Yi.

Economic development has little to do with natural resources. Just like Dongting Lake, which has such a good resource, Hubei, Hunan is now the place where officials are relegated.

Until the Song Dynasty, Su Shi was relegated to Hubei, Huanggang, Hubei, as a regiment trainer, deputy.

There Su Shi wrote that the Great Jiangdong goes to the end of the waves, a romantic figure of the ages...

Then he wrote: Don’t listen to the sound of Lin’s beating against the leaves... Ren Pingsheng...

The land with such good natural resources is a place where officials are relegated.

Huaiyuan is also good, but the economy can't develop, it can't compare to Hubei.

"It will be fine if the Li proprietor comes here." Liu Fangman, the second-in-charge person in charge of the steamship team, looked at the days of the locals and sighed.

"How can Li Dongzhu come over? Don't kick me." The young sergeant hid after speaking, with aggrieved expression, I just asked.

"There is no need for Dongzhu Li to come over. Go back and send a letter to Dongzhu Li and tell him the situation. Dongzhu Li will come up with a good solution."

Ding Min smiled and said that the young man was so interesting.

He believed that Li Yi had many ways to double the life of the local people. Li Yi was in Jingzhao Mansion, and Jingzhao Mansion couldn't even see a beggar.

When the time comes when everyone feels that life is difficult, Li Yi promised to give a new way to make money.

The key is that Li's Zhuangzi doesn't lose money, he makes a lot of money every time, and Li Yi waved his hand to do good deeds.

While talking, the canned chestnut chicken heated up, and the ship's people didn't touch it.

The local people taste it a bit. The taste of canned food is different from that of chestnut stewed chicken. The ingredients are heavy and it tastes fragrant. It has a unique fragrance.

The chicken has no bones, it is all pieces of meat, made into cans, and after reheating, it will disperse when touched.

Even children who have just turned one year old can eat chestnuts, not to mention chestnuts, even children with few teeth can crush them with their tongues.

The chestnuts are sweet, and the baby wakes up crying. When the mother is breastfeeding, the baby stops crying while holding it.

The child cried and ate the chestnut chicken, with a smile on his face with tears remaining.

"Is Hukou Waterfall easy to walk?" Zhong Khan didn't see how to play on the orbit of the land boat, he asked Ding Min.

The larger official did not come, he was the biggest official in charge at this time.

Ding Min chewed the meat in his mouth and nodded, the meat is too greasy.

The fattest part of a sheep is the piece of meat in the back of the head, a little lean meat, and the other full fat.

When eating roast lamb, the most noble person can eat the first bite, which is fat.

The reason for this is due to special circumstances.

Raising sheep, do not want to kill sheep, but people need to eat, what should I do? Just cut a cut in this part of the live sheep, take out a little fat and eat it raw.

Sheep can continue to live, and people also live, so whoever can eat means that the status is high.

Just like camels, people drive camels in the desert. Without water and food for a short period of time, they take a little meat from the hump.

Camels will not die because of this, and people can continue to persevere if they eat it.

Therefore, roasted camel is the same as roasted lamb. The meat of this part is given to the most distinguished guests.

It's not that the meat is really delicious, it means survival.

The first chance to survive gives you, aren’t you the most noble existence?

At that time, many people only knew that it was a kind of tradition.

Ding Min knew, but he really didn't want to eat it, so he chewed a bit and swallowed, answering Zhong Khan's question.

"It's very fast. The boat puts a plank on the water first, then pulls it up, and goes directly into the track, with the livestock dragging it forward.

The boat of hundreds of stones is easy to tow, and the speed is fast, and it is faster than the boat against the trend to let it go where it is.

In front of Dongzhu Li, nothing is impossible, he will always come up with useful methods.

If the prime minister in the court has trouble making decisions, he will go to Lijiazhuang to ask for advice. Every time he asks, he will get something. "

Ding Min praised Li Yi to heaven. He knew some things and couldn't tell others, so he didn't mention His Majesty.

Zhong Khan's new life yearning: "I don't know when his face will be visible, is it a feather fan?"

"Why, Li Dongzhu likes to wear a white coat." Ding Min shook his head, what was a feather fan towel.


The sky gradually brightened, and Chang'an brightened a few minutes earlier than Huaiyuan.

Li Longji got up, not going to the early morning, he has a cold.

He was overworked last night, sweating, too hot, and lying next to the queen to sleep.

Queen Wang built a stall for him, and in the middle of the night he kicked it open again.

I woke up in the morning with aching body, a runny nose and tears.

Li Yi made him spicy hot soup. The staple food was pork and celery stuffed buns. He couldn't eat one after he had eaten one, but he drank all the hot spicy soup.

Then I have a fever, vomit, and vomit everything I ate.

Fortunately, when he wanted to vomit, Li Yi filled him with two large bowls of boiled water, which made him endure dozens of breaths.

The stomach acid was neutralized in the boiled water, and I didn't burn my throat after vomiting.

"Brother Yi is okay?" Li Longji was eating popsicles, with an ice towel wrapped around his forehead to physically cool down.

"It's okay. People don't get sick. In front of me, I actually solved this small illness for you, but you should adjust it yourself."

Li Yi has a way to cool Li Longji quickly, then let him fall asleep and wake up.

Need medicine support, it is better to let Li Long take care of it himself, now if the blood test is to ensure that the white blood cells are elevated.

"It's a little dizzy." Li Longji's expression was painful.

In the courtroom, he would never show the weak side, that is, in front of Li Yi, he showed the real situation.

"Hungry, now the temperature has dropped to 38 degrees Celsius, and it was 39 degrees Celsius in the morning." Li Yi knew the reason.

Vomiting can reduce the temperature, but eating too many popsicles stimulates the stomach. This stimulation feels like hungry.

"Brother Yi, where did you say the ship's fleet is?" Li Longji turned his attention away.

"I can go to Huaiyuan. I don't know the specific situation there, but the most suitable development is the animal husbandry. There are many water systems and fisheries are fine."

Li Yi thought about the economic development of Yinchuan.

Li Longji said, "Let’s go swimming in the swimming pool in Zhuangzi. Put a pig bubbling on the back of your head. The cooling is more reasonable, and the main reason is that the muscles are not fatigued."

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