Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 949 Seems to talk about the overall situation (fourth more)

"Your prisoner." Li Longji thought that there were not many prisoners, and thought of Li Yi's more than 11 thousand prisoners.

"The prisoners have to be taught, think of a way to send them back, and then take the whole place to the Tang Dynasty." Li Yi refused to let the Nanxi Barbarian prisoners go to death.

What he was drawing was a place in the Southwest Barbarian, with nearly 12,000 captives, and in the fall, many families would be sent.

A large number of people need to be well trained to make them feel that the Tang Dynasty is good, and they should be merged into the Tang Dynasty.

In this way, the people in the entire southwestern barbarous region will have a good life, and they will not live in vain in this life.

"There are few death sentences." Li Longji was worried and had a headache.

"Many people who didn't have an official were killed directly at the local level. It really doesn't work, and there are still people who have lost three thousand miles.

People in unfamiliar places, remote and sparsely populated places, almost died in the past.

They are also willing to work for one year and become a student for two years. "

Li Yi is currently short of manpower, hoping to give others a chance to change.

Otherwise, I need to use explosives to explode. What should I do if the explosives become misfired? When digging a mountain, it collapsed and penetrated water.

He doesn't have a tunneling machine, so there will be no accidents with a tunneling machine?

"It takes a few more years to capture some Tibetan and Turkic prisoners. How many years will it take to dig a river?" Li Longji promised to include the exiles.

"It depends on how many people are used. Zhang Jiuling built the road directly in the middle of the mountain. As long as there are enough people, he can pick it up with a load.

Leave a bit of soil on each side to keep out the water, I put on the explosive, and with a bang, it exploded, and the water was connected.

The location is high. Under normal circumstances, the Yellow River is not afraid of backflow. The section of the Yellow River that enters the Yellow River is downstream. "

Li Yi thought it was impossible, so he dug from above without making holes.

Send out tens of thousands of people, babbling babbling, very soon.

The Suez Canal has been dug for ten years, and the digger can't even drink a few sips of fresh water, and some people are dying of thirst.

Others can only eat a little bit of food every day, and then work, and die from exhaustion and starvation.

More than one hundred and ninety kilometers, more than ten years.

Datang asked people to dig more than ten kilometers of road, and they had enough food and drink.

People who dig the Suez Canal are always sick, all kinds of diseases, and the canal is very wide.

Datang does not need a canal of more than three hundred and sixty meters, nor is it so deep.

Give enough money and help you to dig it out in less than a year, and you can use it next year.

Where there is a need to bomb, death row prisoners and exiles are in the front line, and there are dumb guns for them to clean up.

Li Yi wants to start. Let's learn from Zhang Jiuling, but we don't move mountains or learn from Yugong.

"This can recruit the local people, the local people are mediocre, twenty days a year, no need to adjust, another twenty days."

Li Longji was ready to use the court's laws, Jingzhao Mansion avoided mediocrity, and it was unavoidable elsewhere.

"More than 10,000 prisoners on my side also sent them over and fed them meat all at once.

A notice is issued that those willing to open the canal will be paid 30 dollars a day.

Only need to do five hours of work a day, including meal time, three meals a day, all with meat. "

Li Yi has spared his money. Isn't it just money? If this canal is completed, a major historical problem will be solved.

The imperial court's control over there has more than doubled, and the people in remote areas can benefit from it.

At that time, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal was still in use.

When the Xiaolangdi Reservoir on the Yellow River was built, the entire Yellow River was not considered for navigation. After that, I regretted it and redesigned it.

Including the remaining problems of the bridge over the river, the difficulty is not small.

How long it will take the entire Yellow River to open to navigation, because of the high-speed rail, high-speed and aircraft.

Li Longji slightly lowered his head and thought, then simply lay down and motioned to Li Yi to continue massaging his head.

Li Yi washed his hands and came back to press slowly. He is a patient, take care of his emotions.

"Brother Yi, this matter is feasible, so look at it, it is expected to open to navigation next year." Li Longji was willing to spend money.

The people work so dangerously, they provide three meals, pay wages, and eat meat.

When the Tubo and Turks are all cleaned up, what do you want? Large tracts of land, the renewed land Silk Road.

Push the army to the front, ready to fight the big food.

Don't rush to fight first, Datang will seize the time to engage in economic construction.

In the areas of Turks and Tubo, more livestock were raised, new good fields and many kinds of cotton were opened.

Then I waited for two or three thousand, and pushed the big eclipse over in one breath.

Li Longji thought about the future, with a smile on his face, fell asleep.

Li Yi continued to massage, letting down his strength. Now he can't stop, Li Longji woke up as soon as he stopped.

Outside the door, Queen Wang and Princess Yongmu looked through the window, and both smiled.

Queen Wang whispered to Princess Yongmu: "They say that Weng-in-law are not easy to get along with, and this will not happen to you."

Princess Yongmu blushed, but her eyes were full of sweetness.

"Li Lang is the one who does great things, just as soon as he is with me, it becomes like that." Princess Yong Mu said with her throat suppressed.

"Young man, can you stand the old-fashioned? This is called skill, mediation mentality, contact with you is to play with you."

Queen Wang can think clearly that Li Yi has a very calm personality and will automatically ignore his age when communicating with him.

Only when he was in contact with Yuanshu did Li Yi change his appearance, which was in line with his current age.

Yuanshu is in contact with Li Yi and is very happy every day.

What I learned before is dignity, what's the use of dignity? Is it fun to kick the shuttlecock?

I'm still a queen, and they all lead people to play together in the harem.

"Your father has discussed another good idea, otherwise he won't be so relieved, and he can only really relax in Lijiazhuangzi."

Queen Wang said that she was distressed about Li Longji, worrying about her all day long, and she had to think about the ministers and the family.

No one can take care of it. Sleeping in the imperial city, he always wakes up suddenly at night and talks in sleep.

Then I went to Xingqing Palace, and occasionally I would wake up suddenly.

Only in Lijiazhuangzi, I sleep securely and eat well.

The key is not to worry, not to be afraid. Looking at the information about the war ahead that was suddenly sent, Li Yi was there and Li Yi handled it.

If you ask the minister, the minister's sentence on the left and the right makes sense, and he has to choose in the end.

The minister no longer has any plans to stop.

When it comes to Lijiazhuangzi, Li Yi alone solves all the troubles. He has strategies and is more decisive.

Like now, when talking about major events in the country, if you are sick, you don't even need to look for an imperial doctor, just make arrangements.

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui can neither see a doctor nor play.

"Mother, can the father go to court tomorrow?" Princess Yongmu worried about her father's state.

"Yes, Li Yi promises it will be done. Even if you don't go to the court, it's okay. If you have something to do with the court, just send a letter."

Queen Wang doesn't worry about government affairs now, and Zhuangzi is not far from the court, just like today, she will reply after sending the letter, and the solution is resolved.

Princess Yongmu nodded: "If there is peace in the world, no one will be tired."

"The world is too peaceful. There are still many countries on the food side. They want to fight us, but I'm not afraid, Li Yi is already planning."

The queen and the king are still indifferent, just fighting.

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