"Quick, quick, all run, organize the manpower, this time transport to the north, more than fifteen hundred miles, fifty dollars a day per person."

The members of the salt gang were in command, and Li Yi said that the money he took out was to buy things, and it was now being used.

After the imperial court dispatched an emergency report, Li Yi also used the same channel to send letters to Shu. It did not overlap with the way to Liangzhou. Ma was enough.

From Xi'an to Liangzhou, one day and one night.

It took less than one day and one night from Chang'an to Shu.

In history, the lychee that Concubine Yang ate was from the Shu area. At that time, it was not a station in Shili, and all the lychees could be delivered in time.

Now there is a station in ten miles, faster than to Liangzhou.

Yang Huanjin received Li Yi's letter and arranged it immediately.

The whole Yizhou was moving, and countless materials were loaded into trucks and traveled by land.

All gangs with sufficient status will participate.

To choose people, those who are not strong enough do not need to hurry.

One person who carries the burden is fifty dollars a day, and the one who pushes a wheelbarrow is one hundred and twenty dollars a day, and two people are responsible for one car.

Those who drive cattle will pay different prices depending on the type of livestock.

The team has already set off for the second batch.

Looking at more than 1,500 miles away, it would take a month for the team to arrive.

When encountering mountains that are difficult to walk, you also need to unload the cargo on the car and carry it on your back, and then drive the car over.

However, the war was not finished in a day, and Yang Huanjin sent people to other states in Shu to continue the transportation.

The logistics must be continuous, and when the previous ones arrive, the flow of goods will be completely formed.

That is, the soldiers in front persist for a month, and there will be no shortage of things afterwards.

The informants moved quickly north to the counties and villages to the north to buy things locally.

These things are not sent forward, but are supplied to the baggage team along the way.

In addition, we hire local people to repair bad roads, all for better Earthly Branches to help the front line.

In fact, many people in Shu are willing to help transport things even if they don't give money.

In addition to their loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, if the place above is lost, the land of Shu will face Tubo directly.

When Tubo came over, wouldn't he fight?

Now it's someone else playing, help yourself.

"Looking at the appearance of Dongzhu Li, he is very confident in this battle." Huang Xianrong wiped the sweat from his face when it was dark.

Since receiving the letter at Shizheng in the morning, he has drunk a few sips of water until now, tired and hungry.

"Eating hot pot at night, take out the chili that Dongzhu Li gave, and drink some wine, and I will be busy tomorrow." Yang Huanjin rubbed his stomach and said.

A group of bigwigs from all walks of life ate hot pot at the Yanbang headquarters in Yizhou, and they all benefited.

The 500,000 yuan was given to them without a price increase.

When the time comes when they need to contribute, it is all about contributing.

The last time they fought the Southwestern Man, they united once. Some people bought and sold to Jingzhao Mansion. They reported their names and were exempted directly.

You can also exchange the exchange voucher from Jingzhao Mansion to spend it. The people in Shu like it, how heavy the copper coin is.

Bashui Lijiazhuangzi once again mobilized and quickly followed up, even if he lost some money, it was worth it.

Li Dongzhu is a believer and gets along well with the prime ministers in the court.

If there is any transaction that gets stuck in Jingzhao's Mansion, it will work if you find him.

"Look at the situation, the court wants to fight a war and seize the land of nine songs." The chief treasurer of the cloth line analyzed there.

"It has nothing to do with the court, it is Li Dongzhu who pays the money, it is Li Dongzhu who wants to get Jiuqu often." The grain merchant's head said.

"Once the Jiuqu is won, Zhaling Lake and Eling Lake in the west can also be started.

When the time comes, the people in Shu area can eat cheaper meat, and it can't be much worse than Jingzhao Mansion. "

The giant businessman in charge of selling one-fifth of Yizhou's meat products opened his mouth. He didn't care about the price of meat.

As long as he is killed and sold by him, he can profit from it.

Once the meat is cheaper and the people eat more meat, he will naturally make more money.

"Next time who will be there, ask Li Dongzhu, besides making mustard and various kinds of pepper, what else can we get more money here."

Fu Jia, who is in charge of part of the transportation capacity of the Shu area, looked at Yang Huanjin, meaning to ask the other person to ask, he himself had not been in contact with Li Yi.

There are a lot of things produced in Shu, and the need for transportation increases, so he takes advantage.

"A certain writes a letter and asks the station to help deliver it." Yang Huanjin agreed, and he also hoped to develop transportation.

The man in front of him is not only responsible for both land and water transportation, but also general road repairs and bridges.

Bad roads will delay things, and road construction will gain a good reputation.

"Can you grow pepper in Shu?" People who have grown a lot of pepper want to add another crop.

Huang Xianrong: "After receiving the words, Li Dongzhu still hopes to make more money with peppers. Currently, he will not give seeds, but when he grows more, he will agree to buy them cheaply."


"Okay, third brother, your illness is completely healed. Eat more meat."

Lijiazhuangzi, Li Yi gave Li Longji an inspection and congratulated him.

It's just a cold, it's non-viral, non-infectious, and has the best autoimmunity.

Viral patients need to be given morpholinoguanidine hydrochloride, and at the same time adjuvant supportive treatment, and antibiotics for inflammation.

Viral influenza can kill people, so pay attention to it.

Li Longji was eating braised pork ribs. In the past, pork ribs were taken out directly. Ever since I had Li Yi, I ate it at Lijiazhuang and found that it was more fragrant than meat.

The people know that the ribs are delicious, but they don't buy them. They buy meat, which is fat.

The last time Li Yi bought things in Dongshi and made it by himself, the people of Lijiazhuangzi would go to Dongshi and Dongshi to buy bones every day, asking for some meat.

Both pigs and sheep will do.

In addition to boiled free soup, the rest of the people in the Zhuangzi gnawed, and children love it most.

After eating a spare rib, Li Longji put down his chopsticks: "Brother Yi."

Li Yi also put down his chopsticks and sat upright, knowing that there were important things.

"Brother Yi, are you planning the Jiuqu area? There are two big freshwater lakes over there." Li Longji asked.

Li Yi sent a letter to the Shu area. Normal Hexi Jiedu sent troops to fight once, without the help of Shu area.

Last year and the first two months of this year, a large amount of supplies were sent to several Jiedu Mansion.

The local area originally had reserves, and the extra stuff was enough to fight two or three big battles, and the Shu land was also mobilized. How much weight does it take in front of you?

"I wrote to Zhang said it was sent, and asked him to help raise supplies in Henan Province and transport them to Chang'an."

Li Yi didn't answer Own's plot, he said what he did in private.

Li Longji was stunned, why didn't I know? Do you still buy things from Henan Province?

"Dage knows that Dage's trade union is seizing the time to build ships, and Zhuangzi builds propellers."

Li Yi explained, I told Dage, he didn't tell you, maybe he was too busy building ships.

"I haven't seen my elder brother transporting more things from the Yellow River? Take up a whole area?"

Li Longji was sure that there was not enough land in Shu, so he continued to buy it, and he would definitely send it there afterwards.

Why don't you take up space to send things? Your movements are too big.

"Occupied by the Yellow River Basin, the long Jiāng Liú below can be swallowed slowly." Li Yi admitted.

The source of the Yellow River Basin is Sister Lake, and the source of the Yangtze River is one at the west of Tanggula Mountain and the other at Zhailuo Serenbama.

There is also a lake there, and Dole corrects the wrong lake.

But don't have to occupy it, keep the downstream, and Tubo will be compressed back.

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