"Drink a bowl of tea and then go. It's a long way. It's better to take a boat and go downstream."

By the river in Lantian County, Chang Sun Xin greeted those who passed by.

Nine Heavens has passed since Bozhen fell, and the sky is getting hotter day by day.

After the winter wheat planted last year was harvested, Chang Sun Xin bought a lot and hired it to hull and grind. By the way, he made brown bread and sold it for a dollar.

He didn't want to return to the court at all, what was the meaning of the court, and he didn't make money.

The official position of his inspector could not be taken away by others. He bought three neighboring courtyards in Lantian County and opened them up, and then followed the land bought by the government.

Continue to repair the house and courtyard backwards, so that the area is large, with rockery, small lake and pavilions in the home.

There are several businesses at home, including textiles, embroidery, sweater knitting, and farming.

His wife bought some wasteland and dealt with it according to the method taught in the newspaper.

There is no test paper, know whether the ground is alkaline or acidic, and what is suitable for planting.

There are few saline-alkali land in Jingzhao Mansion. I bought hundreds of acres of saline-alkali land. The degree of salinity is not high, so I planted dandelions after soaking in water.

The root of dandelion is a medicinal material, and the leaves of dandelion can be eaten.

More leaves are used to make free soup, which is better than tea and mung bean water.

The local people have said that this soup is delicious, with meat and bones in it.

The meat bones were negotiated by Zhang Sun Xin's wife with the butchers in the county. As long as the big bones and a little meat, the price is cheap.

After boiling the free soup for others, the bones are all crispy, pressed into powder, and fed to a large number of poultry.

The entire Changsun family has achieved industrialization and large-scale production. Now the people come to shell out and leave him some bran.

His inspector can't control people at all, he doesn't care, and keeps his position talking to passers-by.

Passers-by are foreign at first sight, and their spirits are different from those of Jingzhao Mansion.

"How much?" asked one of the elders of the other three people.

"No money, are you coming from over there, didn't you get free soup or water on the road?" Chang Sun Xin was surprised.

Your position is to the north of Lantian County, and the other party comes from the south, passes through the village and crosses the county seat, without drinking water?

Listening to the accent, it seems to be... from Lingnan? Zhang Jiuling's fellow?

No, how could Zhang Jiuling's fellow villagers not know the rules of Jingzhao Mansion.

"Really no money?" asked a young man in his twenties, his lips were a little chapped and he was obviously lacking water.

Chang Sun Xin nodded, looked carefully, and smiled: "Is the father bringing his children to Jingzhao Mansion? Going to Chang'an? Let's have some soup and give you a brown bread."

"Yes, from Luzhou." The woman was not surprised when she saw the other party recognize it.

Even if she thinks she pretends to look alike, in fact, she is always recognized by others along the way.

"So far, you have suffered a lot, sit down, don't be afraid, this official is the chief inspector, Sun Xin. Everyone knows that, right?"

Chang Sun Xin invited three people to sit down. He was afraid that they would die of thirst and starvation.

Having said that, Jingzhao Mansion does not allow such things to happen, Li Yi's will.

Even after the completion of the Shiliyi post, as long as you walk on a line of the post, you will not die of hunger and thirst.

As for not following the road of the post, why? If you don’t take the official road, go to open the mountain road by yourself?

Three bowls of soup were brought up first, and the three of them drank slowly, knowing that they could not drink in a hurry.

"Go and tell your wife, do you have wrapped wontons at home? Bring a hundred of them."

Long Sun Xin heard that he was from Luzhou and didn't want to give black bread.

His little boy ran away, and the three of them had just drunk half a bowl of soup, and the little boy ran back on horseback.

"The package was frozen the day before yesterday, a hundred large stuffed wontons, and the flesh and the flesh and green onion stuffing." Xiao Si said.

Chang Sun Xin shook his head: "Responsible always likes to use the ice stored in winter to freeze things, waste it, put it in the pot."

He knew what demolition was. The big bones he bought had some meat on them, and he shaved some of them. It should be called small minced meat.

An ice cellar was dug in my home for freezing things. Unlike other ice cellars, this ice cellar can put things.

His wife always puts some things in and freezes, saying that it is to pack more at once, and everyone does not need to pack them when they eat. It will be fine for ten and a half months.

Settling accounts is to save time, unless it is selling ice, it is better to freeze things.

A hundred wontons were thrown into the pot, and Chang Sun Xin asked the three of them to dump the soup that was not finished.

"You traveled all the way to Jingzhao Mansion to find work? The renters there can't be paid as escapees?" Chang Sun Xin asked about the situation.

"That's not it. We came over and wanted to find the imperial court to open a Shibo Division. It opened in Guangzhou. Everyone is going there. No one in Luzhou will go."

The woman is upset, we are not a fugitive, nor do we pay rent.

"Do you know who to look for? You don't want to see your majesty, do you? It's not easy!" Changsun Xin smiled.

You can only find yamen, such as Wannian County, where the Minister of Korea and China will meet you?

"Have you seen?" The woman was not convinced.

Long Sun Xin nodded: "I can see it? In addition to the inspector, the official also wears clothes and can walk in the imperial city."

"I don't believe it!" The woman had ten thousand suspicions. When she met someone on the side of the road, it was the inspector, or Shangyi Fengyu. What did Shangyi Fengyu do? Can you meet the emperor?

"Why don't you believe me? Let's say something." Chang Sun Xin said to the people next to him.

Everyone laughed and nodded one after another, indicating that Sun Xin was right.

"Girl, Changsun inspector is indeed Shangyi Fengyu, and Shangyifeng is in charge of His Majesty's clothes and matters."

"Inspector Changsun can't go back now, but the officer is still in front of him without being dismissed."

"I want to see your Majesty, the only one who can help you right now is the inspector envoy of Changsun."

The people helped to say, yes, everyone knows it, and also knows that the inspector Changsun wanted to go back with the Qiangong bait bed, but he didn't succeed.

"The wontons are ready, take a big bowl." Xiao Si shouted over there.

The big sea bowl was brought over, and the small servant was full of wontons with big stuffing. They were big and contained thirty-three in one bowl.

The extra one was placed in a saucer and placed in front of Chang Sun Xin. Chang Sun Xin took the chopsticks, picked it up and blew, took a bite, and blew again, only to eat half of it.

He sent wontons to others, worried that others would be afraid, so he would eat one first.

"Inspectors don't have to." The older man understood, cupped fist.

"Eat it, knowing that you can eat it on the way." Chang Sun Xin nodded and ate the other half.

With such a big wonton, when replaced by the ordinary people of Li Yi's time, ten would be full, except for those working on the construction site.

The three of you are not welcome, and eat the soup, basically one bite at a time.

It didn't take much time. They even drank the soup clean. Seeing that, it seemed that they could have another bowl.

"Can't eat too much at once, I don't miss a few wontons."

Chang Sun Xin said to the woman, because the woman's eyes meant that she hadn't eaten enough.

"It's better than boiled rice." The woman praised.

She said that the boiled rice is rice. It can be stored for a long time after being boiled and dried.

When they came out, they brought this kind of rice. When they were hungry, they found half a bowl of water in the river kiln, soaked the rice in it, and added some salt.

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