
.in the comments section below this post . …

.The number of comments is already very high .

.And , new comments are being added rapidly !

.” What the hell is going on ? Why does Douyin ban my brother Xuan’s live broadcast room !”

.” What reason do you have for banning ?”

.” Fuck ! Is there something wrong with Douyin’s senior management ?”

.” Hahaha , what kind of a big happy event is this ? Lin Xuan’s live broadcast room was actually banned by Douyin !”

.” Joy to see and hear ! Joy to see and hear ! I like to see this kind of thing !”

.” Haha , in fact, I knew for a long time that something would go wrong . Lin Xuan used the US F22 fighter jet as a gimmick to sell fighter jet models , and they were sold at such a high price . It ‘s normal for him to be banned by Douyin !”

.” Yes !”

.” Hahahaha , have you seen those brainless fans upstairs ? I can only say that he deserves to be banned !”

.” I don’t know why , but I want to make a ( funny ) ( funny ) ( funny ) emoji right now !”

.” Well deserved ! Model fighter planes are so expensive , 400 million ! I don’t think I can make so much money in my life !”

.” You are humble upstairs , you should say that you will never make so much money in your lifetime !”

.” Fuck ! What are you saying about shrimp and pig heart ?”

.” I’m going , this time I stand Douyin , this kind of behavior should really be severely punished !!”

.” That’s right !”

.” My watermelon video supports Douyin , and I also say that I will block Lin Xuan !”

.” I Taobao seconded !”

.” I agree with Xixi !”

.” Fuck ! Other platforms have also stood up to support Douyin ! Now that Lin Xuan is finished , what other live broadcast platform can I go to ?”

.” Hahaha , I suddenly thought of a sentence : Seeing him raise Zhulou , seeing him feasting guests , seeing his building collapse !”

.” Damn it ! This sentence upstairs is absolutely perfect! It ‘s very vivid ! I used to feel envious. He made 400 million in a blink of an eye . Now he has become like this . Not only is the live broadcast room blocked , but also no Go to other platforms , and even the bank froze his account !”


.The comment section is very hot .

.As if celebrating something , the black fans kept making sarcastic and mocking comments .

.True fans are worried and angry .

.So , some of them ran to Lin Xuan’s Weibo and left a message or private message to cheer him up .

.There are also some people who commented angrily , sprayed bucket sounds , and sprayed black powder !

.Passers-by eat melons with relish .

.Some people also transferred the screenshots of the melon to the WeChat group and the penguin group .

.More and more people know about this !

.And it’s not over yet !

.Today’s headlines , China News Agency news , UC headlines and other news platforms also stand up to send news .

.Today’s headline : ” Recently , a well-known internet celebrity used the American F22 fighter jet as a gimmick to sell the F22 model on Douyin. This orientation is extremely incorrect and affects the social atmosphere ! Here , I strongly appeal to major live broadcast platforms to block this Internet celebrity ! ?

.Huaxin News Agency News : ” Internet celebrities are also public figures . As a public figure , what you have to do is to spread the correct three views to the society . However, recently , a well-known big internet celebrity used the US F22 fighter jet as a gimmick to sell fighter jet models , and one of them was as high as 200 million ! This view is extremely incorrect ! This kind of person is not worthy of being a public figure , and I strongly demand that the entire network block him ! ?

.UC headline : ” Big Shock ! A certain internet celebrity actually sells American F22 fighter jets … ?


.One news platform after another appeared and issued news , all of which condemned Lin Xuan for being inaccurate , and called on the entire network of live broadcast platforms to also block Lin Xuan and prohibit him from appearing in the public eye again !

.There are also negative videos about Lin Xuan on platforms such as Station B , Little Sweet Potato , Kuaishou, etc.

.The content of the video also condemns him for this behavior !

.In short, the entire network is now boycotting Lin Xuan and calling for him to be banned !


.Lin Xuan’s house .

.Lin Xuan looked at the computer in front of him .

.On the computer is the Weibo page , and the above Weibo is the official Weibo of Douyin about himself .

.As for the bank’s Weibo , he has already read it .

.He has also read the news about him published by major news media .

.At this moment , Lin Xuan frowned when he looked at the comments in the comment section of this Weibo , but at this moment , a message sound came from the speaker .

.He moved the mouse and clicked the WeChat icon .

.I see , it was a message from Liu Yue .

.Liu Yue : [ Boss , there is another big incident on the Internet ! ?

.Lin Xuan typed and replied :

[ I already know . ?

.After the information was sent , Lin Xuan thought for a while, and then typed out another line :

[ You don’t have to worry , there is not enough money in the company account to maintain the company’s operations . In addition , the matter of the bank freezing my funds in the account is easy to solve . The only thing that is not easy to solve is that Douyin banned me from the live broadcast room , and the news media called for me to be banned . ?

.After typing this line , Lin Xuan glanced at it, made sure there was no problem , and clicked send .

.Ten seconds later .

.The other party replied .

? Then what can you do ? ?

.Seeing this message , Lin Xuan pondered for a while, then typed and sent :

[ Not yet . ?

.Liu Yue’s office .

.Seeing the ‘ not currently available ‘ message from Lin Xuan on the computer , Liu Yue frowned , her heart filled with worry . But also send messages to comfort him so he doesn’t get stressed .


.Lin Xuan’s house .

.After finishing the chat with Liu Yue , suddenly , Jiang Ran sent another message .

.Jiang Ran : [ Brother Xuan , I saw the situation on Weibo , how are you now ? ? ?

.Seeing the information , Lin Xuan knew that she was worried about herself .

.So , typing the reply :

[ It ‘s okay , don’t worry . ?

? It’s you . Not at school ? ?

.Today is Wednesday , and Jiang Ran is in class at school .

.After a few seconds .

.Jiang Ran returned the message .

.Jiang Ran : [ I was in school , but I heard about this from my classmates , so I read Weibo and news on my mobile phone , and then I came to know about it . ?

.Jiang Ran : [ Don’t be affected by the flies and mosquitoes on Weibo , the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge . ?

.Seeing these two messages , Lin Xuan felt a little better . Of course , Liu Yue sent him a message to comfort him just now , and he felt better too . This is the power of beauty comfort !

.He typed back :

[ I will , you can rest assured . ?


.In the classroom of the third grade (1) class .

.Jiang Ran was wearing a ponytail and wearing a school uniform , her whole body was full of youthful breath , but there was sadness on her pretty face .

.It means she has something to worry about .

.She looked at the phone , Lin Xuan’s reply .

[ I will , you can rest assured . ?

.She’s not stupid , this kind of reply , you can tell at a glance that she is comforting herself in turn .

.After all , there is no way to solve this kind of thing that the whole network calls for blocking. If you encounter this kind of thing yourself , you will definitely be at a loss and don’t know what to do . Moreover , there are black fans on the Internet who are ridiculing. ridicule .

.” Jingle bell … Jingle bell …”

.But at this moment , the class bell rang , disturbing Jiang Ran’s thoughts .

.Jiang Ran regained his senses , restrained his thoughts , quickly typed a line on the phone , and then clicked send :

[ You don’t have to pretend that it’s okay , I’m in class now , and I ‘ll call you when I get home at night . ?

.After sending the message , she put the phone in the table . Look for ? Kindergarten ? transfer ” 541847020 ”

Look for the ” Chihiro ” transfer group ? 206856053 ?

Look for ” Tianyi ” monthly fee group ? 862341896 ?

Look for [ Yanxi ] free group [ 774605177 ]

Chapter 65 : The military base inspects the f22 fighter !

.The screen turns .

.Lin Xuan is here .

.Lin Xuan looked at Jiang Ran’s reply on the computer with a helpless smile on his face .

.Jiang Ran guessed correctly , he was indeed pretending to be okay .

.Let’s not mention the fact that Douyin can’t live broadcast .

.The 400 million yuan frozen by the bank may not be able to appeal successfully .

.You know , in order to engage in F22 fighter jets , he invested all his belongings in it .

.If you can’t appeal to unfreeze , you will lose a lot !

.However , he didn’t panic at all .

.Because he still has a system .

.This is his greatest confidence and reliance !


.And just when Douyin and the bank released two Weibo posts that sanctioned Lin Xuan , as well as major news platforms , calling for Lin Xuan to be banned , it sparked heated discussions .

.Tianjin City .

.Air Force Base , Aircraft Overhaul Plant .

.The huge maintenance plant has several fighter jets parked , including J -1 0 , J-1 2, J-1 5 and so on .

.Next to each fighter jet , there are two or three soldiers doing inspections or cleaning .

.And around one of the gray fighter jets , there were many people standing .

.There are also four or five people wearing white research uniforms with military uniforms inside , standing on the lifting platform , checking the fighter .

.They removed the outer casing of the parts to be inspected , revealing the structure inside .

.There is also a young woman , sitting in the cockpit . There is a laptop on the lap , with several data cables connected to the interface of the console .

.The computer shows the data of the fighter .

.In front of the fighter , stood Fang Zehai and his party , and Liu Jianjun was also there .

.They are checking this F22 fighter jet .

.After all , the F22 fighter jet is an important military weapon of the United States. When you get it, you must first check it, obtain detailed data on the fighter jet , and then conduct research .

.Those inspectors were all fighter jet engineers .

.Fang Zehai and his party were quietly waiting for the test results .

.Fang Zehai has not reported the current situation to the Minister of Defense .

.He is waiting for the test results to come out and report them together .

.Each of these engineers is checking carefully , and there is excitement in their eyes .

.Because , this is the most important F22 fighter in the United States .

.Not to mention the stealth performance , its air sensitive performance , inertial navigation system, etc. , are also very powerful .

.If you can study and understand , then your own country’s fighter jets can make a milestone progress !

.So , how can they not get excited ?

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