.Moreover , if you say it , I am afraid that they will not believe it , and they will think that they are lying .

.” You guessed it ?” The girl who asked the question looked surprised : ” You guessed it too far, right ?”

.” Yeah . ” Another girl nodded in agreement .

.Although they don’t know much about lithography machines , they naturally have heard of this world-class equipment !

.It is impossible to price this kind of equipment .

.In other words , it will not be sold as a commodity at all !

.But you actually guessed that Lin Xuan went to Holland for the price of this thing ?

.This thought is too flying, isn’t it ?

.Jiang Ran smiled and did not answer their words .

.However , she remembered what they were talking about just now about Lin Xuan’s live broadcast tomorrow , so she changed the subject and asked , ” By the way , how did you know that Brother Xuan is going to live broadcast ? ”

.She didn’t know about it .

.”On Weibo ! He just posted on Weibo not long ago , and now there is a lot of discussion on the Internet !”

.Hearing this , Jiang Ran quickly took out his mobile phone from the desk , woke up the screen , and saw a pop-up message on Weibo .

.She clicked in and saw the Weibo posted by Lin Xuan !

.Jiang Ran didn’t look at his phone because his phone was on mute , and he kept checking questions , so he didn’t know about Lin Xuan’s Weibo .

.Jiang Ran looked up .

.When the two girls in the front row saw Jiang Ran reading Lin Xuan’s Weibo , they understood that she didn’t know about it .

.However , they didn’t care about Jiang Ran’s guess just now , but chatted again .

.” Speaking of which, I’m a little curious , why did it take so long for Brother Xuan to start the live broadcast after he finished the price from the Netherlands ? It ‘s been more than a month !”

.” Who knows ? However , what I’m curious about is why he said that manufacturers like Huawei and Xiaomi will rush to buy his products and return them to Aite . Why is this ?”

.” Shut up ! You didn’t read the comments saying that Brother Xuan is joking . Could it be impossible for those manufacturers to do that ? Besides , there is another manufacturer who has stood up and declared that his company has no partnership with Brother Xuan , and promised to do so. Won’t buy his merchandise !”

.” Is there ? I didn’t see that Weibo . I just read the comment for a while, maybe I didn’t see it there . But if you say that , it’s true . Brother Xuan may only be talking nonsense . After all , The long talk I said on the compulsion some time ago made me laugh to death !”

.” Pfft … When you mention this, I want to laugh . He said a lot of benefits of building a lithography machine , and finally said , ‘ These are the benefits I thought of when I built a lithography machine ‘. I’m dying of laughter !”

.” Me too , my stomach hurt from laughing !”

.” You said , how good would it be if I could get to know Brother Xuan ? He is so handsome and his soul is so interesting !”

.” Haha , stop thinking about it ! Study hard and prepare for the college entrance examination !”

.Their class belongs to the top class .

.There is no such student in the class who is playful and discouraged . They are all positive and have excellent grades . They want to get good grades in the exam !

.Of course .

.Occasional entertainment , relaxation and thinking are still necessary .

.After all , everything has to be relaxed .

.Jiang Ran also heard their conversation after reading the content of Weibo .

.Regarding the last content on Lin Xuan’s Weibo , she frowned , thinking that after Lin Xuan went to Holland , what she told herself was the price of the lithography machine .

.Right now, he has posted such a Weibo , and he has also listed these manufacturers , which proves that this is possible !

.Because manufacturers like Huawei and Xiaomi all need chips .

.And the lithography machine is the equipment for making chips !

.If he really has a lithography machine , it is not surprising that these manufacturers will ask him to buy it !

.” Is it possible that he really went to the Netherlands to find the price ? Besides , did he even get a lithography machine ?” Jiang Ran was in shock .

.But on second thought , she felt it was impossible .

.The lithography machine and lithography machine equipment have been technically blocked by the United States and Europe. How can Brother Xuan do things that even the country cannot do ?

.It’s not that I look down on Brother Xuan , it’s just that this kind of thing is too outrageous .

.After thinking of this , Jiang Ran didn’t think much about it .

.Although I still feel a little weird .

.But then , she thought of something , ” Today is Saturday , there is no class tomorrow …”

.Jiang Ran hesitated .

.But then , something was decided, and a good -looking smile appeared on his face !

.She planned to invite Lin Xuan out for dinner .

.Since they met once on the plane flying back to China from the United States that day , the two have never seen each other again !

.However, during this time , there has been contact .

.Although mostly messaging at night .

.After all , one is for maintenance and one is for class .

.But ‘ pure ‘ friendships are skyrocketing !

.Of course , asking Lin Xuan to come out for dinner was also her sudden idea , and it was a temporary idea !

.After the decision was made , Jiang Ran planned to send a message to Lin Xuan after school in the afternoon .

.Anyway , he is in Beijing , and he is also in Beijing .


.The screen turns .

.in the factory .

.Lin Xuan saw his Weibo post , which has become popular all over the Internet !

.There was a smile on his face .

.” The next step is to wait for the live broadcast tomorrow , it will be very exciting by then !”

.Lin Xuan had a hunch in his heart .

.Because the US and Europe have raised the price of chips by 10% this time, manufacturers such as Huawei and Xiaomi will definitely have grievances in their hearts, and they are not happy with the practices of Lao Mi and Europe .

.But they had no choice but to bow their heads to buy chips with a price increase from them , otherwise , there would be no chips to produce .

.But there is no news on the Internet that they are buying chips , which means that they have not yet purchased chips .

.So , as soon as the live broadcast starts tomorrow , they start to bring goods . After they know the news , they will definitely come to snap up !

.The only problem might be that they didn’t believe it at first , but Lin Xuan didn’t panic , and the wine was not afraid of the deep alley , so he was worried about not being able to sell it ?

.As for the Weibo statement issued by the Zidian Group , Lin Xuan ignored it . When the live broadcast goes on sale tomorrow , the other party will know what stupid thing they have done !

.I need to rub your heat ?

.Lin Xuan smiled , his eyes full of anticipation .

.And the reason why he didn’t start the live broadcast today is because the factory has not been cleaned up , and a lot of discarded parts are on the ground and need to be cleaned up !

.You know , most anchors bring goods every day , and some are twice a week .

.As for a big anchor like Lin Xuan , fans can now be said to be among the best in the entire network , but it is only once a month that the broadcast and sales are launched , which is a strange thing .

.Immediately , Lin Xuan began to pack up .


.two hours later .

.At this time , it was already five o’clock .

.Lin Xuan returned home .

.Take a shower and get out of the bathroom .

.Lin Xuan was wearing a bathrobe and was wiping his hair with a gray towel in his hand .

.After wiping off the water droplets , he picked up the hairdryer and started blowing his hair .

.But just after blowing his hair , he heard his cell phone ring in the living room .

.Lin Xuan lived on the large flat floor of more than 300 square meters .

.If he was in the bathroom before, he could n’t hear the phone ringing in the living room ,

.But now because he has used the body strengthening medicine , not only his physical fitness has become stronger , but his vision , hearing , smell , reaction ability , agility and so on have been improved .

.Therefore , the ringing of the mobile phone can be heard from the living room to the bathroom !

.” Who called me ?” Lin Xuan muttered .

.But without thinking too much , he put down the hairdryer and walked outside the bathroom .


.Quickly came to the living room , and saw the mobile phone on the coffee table , the caller ID was Jiang Ran .

.Lin Xuan was surprised .

.But without thinking much , he picked up the phone .

.Swipe over to answer and put it to your ear :

.” Hey , what’s the matter ? Call me all of a sudden . ”

.There was a hint of surprise in Lin Xuan’s tone, and he even pretended to be surprised , because this would make the girl who called you happy .

.Otherwise , when a girl calls you , you still look calm , it looks cool , but it’s actually not pleasing .

.After all , who likes to be a licking dog …

.Sure enough , when Jiang Ran heard Lin Xuan’s tone , a smile appeared on his face , and his good mood rose to a new level .

.However , she quickly regained her senses and said a little embarrassedly : ” Are you busy? Why did it take so long to answer the phone . ”

.” Oh , I took a shower and was blowing my hair just now . ” Lin Xuan smiled .

.” Take a shower now ?” Jiang Ran’s clear and puzzled voice came from the phone , but then he said , ” That … I want to invite you out for a meal , do you have time ?”

.treat me to dinner ?

.Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment and understood what Jiang Ran meant by calling .

.He thought he was going to ask about something on Weibo .

.He smiled and said , ” Yes ! I just don’t know what to eat at night . Where do you live , I’ll drive to pick you up . ”

.All six lithography machines have been repaired , and preparations for live broadcast have been completed , just wait for the live broadcast tomorrow .

.Therefore , Lin Xuan is now fine .

.Besides , after being busy for more than a month , it’s time to relax !

.” Okay , then I’ll wait for you to come !” Jiang Ran’s smiling voice came from the phone .

.Immediately after , she gave the address .

.Since they parted at the airport , although the two have been chatting on WeChat , they have never seen each other again .

.Therefore , each other did not know where the other lived in the capital .

.Jiang Ran said the address , and after Lin Xuan wrote it down , he said he would see you later , and hung up the phone .

.Then , with a smile on his face , he stood up and walked towards the cloakroom .

.He is still wearing a bathrobe , and he always has to put on his clothes to eat with Jiang Ran !


.The screen turns .

.Jiang Ran is here .

.In the cloakroom of the bedroom , Jiang Ran put his mobile phone on the cabinet and looked at the pile of clothes hanging in front of him .

.Most of them are JK, and there are also many clothes for autumn and winter .

.Jiang Ran frowned , her clear eyes revealing the meaning of thought :

.” When I have dinner with Brother Xuan , should I dress more maturely ? That way we won’t be weird in the eyes of others , and we can match Brother Xuan’s temperament better . But which clothes should I wear …”

.Jiang Ran is six or seven years younger than Lin Xuan , and she is still a third-year high school student , so she wants to dress more maturely , so that when she eats with Lin Xuan , she is not afraid of being looked at in a strange way .

.Otherwise , you can’t let others mistakenly think that Lin Xuan is your father …


.Forty minutes later .

.The sky is dark .

.Night is coming .

.on the road .

.A Land Rover is driving slowly .

.In the car , sat a handsome young man .

.It was Lin Xuan .

.He was wearing a black jacket with a black turtleneck sweater inside and blue jeans with a sunny temperament , a proper male god outfit !

.Lin Xuan looked at the road ahead .

.” A little further away is Qingyunshu Garden . I knew she was a little rich woman on the plane, but I did n’t expect her to be so rich !” Lin Xuan muttered with a smile .

.Qingyun Villa is the address Jiang Ran said .

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