Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 979: Happy days and sick

   "In order to increase the number of bean worms, reduce the loss of soybean leaves, and reduce the degree of soybean yield reduction, the cowpea leaves in the vegetable field..."

   Princess Yongmu talked about alternative feeding, using cowpea leaves.

   Now the cowpea is about to start harvesting, batch after batch, the cowpea is on the shelf and climbs up along the shelf.

   Cowpea has many leaves and is planted densely.

   When the small bean worms grow up a little bit, they can be moved to the basket and fed with a lot of cowpea leaves.

When    becomes a third-instar worm, put it on the bean seedlings and feed it.

   The few leaves of cowpea will not reduce the yield. If there is no bean field at home, you can even get some bean bugs to raise your own and feed the leaves of cowpea.

   Thousands of them, and a lot of money, including the leaves of mung beans.

   There are indeed people in the neighbors who have no land at home and do handicrafts.

   Hearing that it can be raised, I discussed with other neighbors about picking cowpea leaves from other people's cowpea fields, as well as bean worm larvae.

   There is a kind of cowpea in my yard, which can almost raise the bugs.

   When you grow up, you can give your opponent 10% of the big bugs.

   Raising insects does not necessarily mean selling them. Li Dongzhu said, eating them is good for your health and you should be meat.

   The bean worms can't be eaten all at once, so they can be buried in soil and can be eaten and taken.

   is less worry than raising other things, like raising silkworms.

   "Lady Li, Su Lu is here, can the court win this time?"

   After Princess Yongmu introduced how to raise bean worms, someone asked about the war.

   Princess Yongmu blinked her eyes and said confidently: "Yes, our Datang has also sent troops to fight Tubo. There is nothing in the newspapers. I am afraid that the envoys of Tubo will report after they learn about it."

   She estimated that even if the envoy of Tubo now knows, it will be too late to send the letter.

   Tubo messengers could not change horses at the inn, only diplomacy allowed them to rest in the inn and then sold them fodder.

   "Madame Li, is there enough food and grass for the war?" Another person thought about the issue of the soldiers eating.

   "Enough, Li Lang opened the spring last year and this year, and sent a lot of things there, and also took half a million yuan to the Shudi Salt Gang, and the Shudi Salt Gang asked someone to raise things."

   Princess Yongmu said another key thing, she didn't worry that Datang would defeat the war.

   The neighbors around were utterly angry, completely relieved.

   It turned out that Li Dongzhu had already arranged it, and he returned half a million yuan. Li Dongzhu is really worried about the country and the people.

   And Li Dongzhu is really rich, he said that he would take half a million.

   The people didn’t keep it secret at this time, and they didn’t think about keeping it secret. They told others the good news.

   That evening, the Tubo envoy Bozhen fell ill in the Hongsheng Temple. The imperial physician went over and took a look. He said that it was caused by anger, and he was not life-threatening, so he prescribed medicine.

   The medicine was decocted, and Isimba took it to Bo Ru's bed by himself.

   "Drink the medicine, we can't fall down, we have to live." Isimba didn't feed him, he had already sat up, and there were several bubbles on his lips.

   There are more bubbles in his mouth, and he has endured a blow he shouldn't bear.

   Datang secretly dispatched troops, and there was no news to show that, what was even more frightening was that Li Yi gave out a lot of money in advance to the land of Shu.

   How much weight can be provided by that much money? What scale of war is Datang going to fight?

   Now I only know that Datang's soldiers have gone out, but I don't know where to fight.

   Will the information be sent? Can it be delivered to the place in time?

   His own Tubo followed Sulu to fight Dashicheng and other places. Is the rear empty?

   Questions appeared in Bo Ruo's heart, and he felt struggling to breathe.

   He picked up the bowl, blew it, tried the temperature, raised his head to dry it, and felt like his stomach was overwhelmed, his mouth full of bitterness.

   "Have you heard of which army was dispatched?" Bo Zhen endured the uncomfortable feeling of vomiting, and asked in a very soft voice.

   Isimba shook his head: "Those who can ask don't know. The prime ministers probably know, but they can't ask."

   "Where is the Japanese envoy?" Bo Zhen asked about the divorce plan he had said before.

   During this period of time when he fell ill, he thought a miracle would happen.

   Isimba still shook his head: "The Japanese envoy said that they know that we are at war with Datang, and they will not participate."

   Isimba was helpless after speaking, and the Japanese mission is not a fool. Your people from Tubo ran over to say bad things about Li Yi, what are they going to do?

   It was not that Li Yi made a hot air balloon, and he also had a big kite that could take people to fly.

   You are afraid that Li Yi will continue to bring out new things, so you want to borrow a knife to kill?

   "Oh!" Bo He sighed, then his stomach churned, wow, he vomited a bunch of medicine that he had just drunk.

   Isimba took it quickly, and Bo Zheng coughed: "No, it's okay, I'm not feeling well, let's have another bowl."

   The envoys in other yards learned of the situation, and apart from some pity, they also gloated.

   Anyway, their place did not fight against Datang, and Datang would not send troops.

   The Turkic envoys were rather worried. Datang sent troops too quickly this time.

   As soon as Su Lu did it over there, he immediately followed it.

  According to the truth, the dispatch of troops should also be to fight against the Turks in Sulu, not to fight Tubo.

   shows that Datang has the confidence to defeat Sulu's coalition forces, and at the same time has enough troops to take the initiative to attack.

   It looked very sudden, but Datang calmly responded. The key is that Li Yi's 500,000 yuan was sent over.

   "Li Yi really is a big confidant of Tubo, and he counts Tubo and Turks time and time again."

   In the Sifang Pavilion, the Japanese envoy who also received the news of Datang’s dispatch of troops and Bo Zhen’s illness was talking about this.

   Junichiro Takaki has already introduced Li Yi to his colleagues, and Li Yi has done a lot of things about the border.

   Including the Khitan area, there are also descendants.

   "Li Yi has can he make so much money?" Xia Dao Zhenbei thought that the emperor was rich enough, and most of Japan had to pay rent to the emperor.

   Now he understands that the emperor can’t do it, because the emperor can’t take out millions of dollars and throw it out at will.

   All of Japan, no matter what it is, there is no one that can compare with Li Yi.

   The Li Family Zhuangzi is still that big, raising hundreds of households, thousands of students’ families, and managing more than 10,000 outsiders.

   I also need to add the Zhangjia Village. Nearly 12,000 Southwestern barbarians were captives, and more than 220,000 Tie Leshi’s surnames were relegated to their families.

   "Li Yi is looking for work for the people in Jingzhao Mansion, Henan Mansion is also affected by it, and several states to the north of Jingzhao Mansion are also in this person..."

   Fujiwara Mayang couldn't find a vocabulary to describe Li Yi, he was simply not human.

   The key is that Li Yi is less than twenty years old now and can live a long time, year after year, what will Datang look like in a few years?

  I want to learn from Datang in my own Japan, how come I feel like I can’t learn it? It seems that everything else is available, only Li Yi is missing.

   Abe Nakamaro said, "It's better to find a chance to meet Li Yi and ask him what he thinks of me in Japan. If he is hostile, I don't need to be provoked by Tubo. I have to fight to death..."

   said he stopped, everyone already knew what it meant.


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