Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 986: New understanding of the proprietor of Zaifu

   Tan Shida's family saw three people, listened to Li Yi's words, their eyes widened.

   The three prime ministers? Run to Lijiazhuang's canteen together? Come to eat? Why didn't you come yesterday?

   "How are you?" Bi Gou was the oldest, and slightly nodded to Tan Shida three.

   "Zaifu is good." Tan Shui looked at Bi Gou and greeted him smoothly.

   "Change to a bigger table, why don't you change to casual clothes?" Li Yi changed the table. He was sitting on a square table.

   Three people are added, and a round table is needed.

   He introduced that the Tan family has met, and they are indeed three prime ministers.

   They looked at each other, put away the exchange voucher, didn't plan to give it, keep it, the stockade also needs money.

   The maid gave face at this time, and Tao Hong asked: "What do the three Zaifu eat?"

   "Look back, beef stuffed, lamb soup." Bi Gou said first.

   Song Jing nodded, we ate the same, and it was delicious when we looked back.

   "Wait a quarter of an hour, the beef is available, frozen, and ready to be made." Tao Hong went to ask, and came back to tell them.

   "You eat first, I will tell them." Li Yi said to the Tan family.

   The three members of Tan's family didn't move. When it comes to things about their own village, how can they be in the mood to eat.

   "The situation is like this..." Li Yi said to the three of Bi Gou.

   He told the prime ministers about other people's plans to build roads, engage in marketing, etc., and also mentioned that he was willing to provide tools and money.

   "Can you mobilize more than 30,000 people?" Song Jing stared at Tan Shi.

   Before he came back as prime minister, he was the governor of Guangzhou. He knew the situation there too well.

   He taught others to build houses, burn tiles to build houses, saying that it is not easy to catch fire, but in fact only rich people can build them.

  He teaches the people, not the mountain people. The mountain people have nothing to do. He can only negotiate and ask the mountain people to help when paying the tribute.

   Now there is a person who is in charge of 30,000 mountain people sitting in front of him. He thinks that the other party is qualified to sit on the same table with him.

   This is the other party's request to the court and arrived in Chang'an.

   Otherwise, if you go to Luzhou and want to see the leader, you have to say hello in advance, and then go there in person. If the other person is in a bad mood, there will be all kinds of intimidating ‘etiquette’.

   "There are more than 10,000 people in our department, and we will unite with other villages." Tan Shida nodded, he really has this ability.

   "It's easy to handle, the court agreed." Song Jing agreed without saying a word.

   "Old Song, there is one more thing, there is a Luzhou provincial governor named Pang Renqing, he..." Li Yishun said Pang Renqing's affairs to the three of them.

  ‘Boom! Song Jing slapped the table with anger: "Is he trying to push people back? He is an idiot? Want the mountain people to attack Luzhou Mansion?"

   Song Jing felt liver pain and was angry. He was cautious when he was the governor of Guangzhou.

   You, Pang Renqing, are tired of life, don't hurt others.

   People in the stockade don't care about that, but it's bad if you lie to others.

   The three of Tan's family were shocked. None of them responded so much. Knowing that they were deceived, they were ready to go back and talk about it.

   "Post an article, the book will be published." Bi Gou stroked his beard and said, the matter is big, the mountain people don't know it is easy to handle, see, go back...

   "Li Yi, do you have paper here?" Su Ting was the youngest. He knew he needed to do his own swordsmanship, and he had no followers to follow.

  The paper he asked for was special paper, specially used to write imperial edicts.

   Li Yi looked at Qingsong, swish, Ziyu jumped out, Qingsong waved his fist.

A table was vacated next to   , Ziyu came back with special paper, underneath it was a pile of other paper.

   Su Ting sat over and started writing, transferred orders, and transferred Pang Renqing back, to be precise, to make Pang Renqing come back as a guilty body.

   "The governor's history is empty, don't make arrangements for it, it is very important, in the future Lingnan Road will no longer be the place where officials are dispatched, and I will invest money.

   Then the business transactions between me and a few brothers will follow, and the beach must be controlled.

   The Datang Navy waited for the ship to be in place and had to sail, and the sea on the left and right was important. "

   Li Yi said to Su Ting that the governor was empty and someone was in charge of it. The governor couldn't control anything in the first place. It was all the people below who worked.

   The governor who can really manage things is like Guo Zhiyun. If he says to send troops, he will send troops. What is the ability of those who are sent to the past?

   "Okay." Su Ting agreed and continued to write.

   The three of Tan's family looked at Li Yi again, oops! Can Li Dongzhu manage the appointment of local officials? The prime minister listens?

   The inspector of Changsun is a good person, and he was right. He asked Li Dongzhu to compare with other officials.

   Tan Shui's eyes lit up, and he looked at Li Yi steadily, then his face turned a little red.

   She opened her mouth, just about to make a sound, when her brother next to her touched her, she turned her head and looked over, Tan Hai frowned and shook her head slightly.

   Tan Hai discovered the situation, his sister wanted to hire a man, and the women in his place dare to love and hate.

   The problem is that this is Dongzhu Li, not an ordinary person.

   Tan Shui pursed his mouth, looking very upset.

   When I turn around to fry it, I have finished writing the Chinese book.

   "After I went back and left the seal, I quickly sent it to Luzhou, and transferred Pang Renqing back for punishment." Song Jing explained to the three.

   He was afraid that the three of them would go back first, and then take them to the state capital to catch Pang Renqing.

   If Pang Renqing did not deceive people and the mountain people made trouble, Datang would severely reprimand and threaten to beat the mountain people, and then relax a little bit.

   Pang Renqing is ignorant now, and the mountain people can't do anything to kill him, the court can only appease him.

   "Lao Song meant that you don't want to make trouble in the state capital again when you go back. The things you gave more in the past, you didn't have a lot of money, and you have to build roads later.

   If you agree, please give me a word. If you violate it then, let alone send someone to kill. "

   Li Yi is not Song Jing, he put the ugly words to the front.

   Help whatever is needed, it doesn’t matter if you spend more money, let everyone live a good life together.

   I've made it clear, and I'm still looking for something, it's not a trivial problem. What do you want to achieve through this?

   "No, don't worry, Li Dongzhu." Tan Shida is not He still prefers Li Yi's character.

   That's the way the mountain people are. If they say it, they can’t go back and promise to start the fight.

   "Do you not go fishing? I will give you the tools to make boats, and the fishing net made of cotton thread, which is blended with silk thread, which is strong and easy to use."

   Li Yi thought that Luzhou is the seaside, where you can fish for fish, but the twine net will be rotten if you soak for a long time.

   Zhuangzi has newly produced a silk-cotton blended thread, which can be used to sink a net on a large ocean boat to catch a lot of fish in one net.

   Small fishing boats can also be used. Luzhou does not lack wood for shipbuilding.

   "The boats we use are small, and can only be built close," Tan Hai said there are fishing boats.

   Mountain people like them can fight in the mountains and jungles, and at the same time have good water quality.

   Sometimes I can dive very deep to find things with bare hands, big shells, and pearls.

   "You stay for two more days, I will draw a picture and let the workshop make a small model that can be decomposed, I will write down the size, you take it back and make the boat according to it."

   Li Yi wanted to make local fishing boats with a displacement of about ten tons. The ocean is dangerous, but they can sail offshore for two or three days.

   As long as there is no big storm, many seafood can be harvested at one time.

   do not have to sell, there are many local people, and when the boat comes back, everyone will eat fish and meat.


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