Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 104: Troubled affairs in the palace

     opened two consecutive doors, and Li Yi came out.

   "What do you want to eat at noon, big brother? How many forest frogs do I make?" Li Yi, who succeeded in giving first aid to one person, was in a good mood.

   "Go to the cafeteria to eat." Li Chengqi didn't want to be so tired that Yi brother, besides, the food in the cafeteria was always good.

   is at least better than the ones in his palace. The people who bought them in the palace have just changed. They are too greedy.

   A catty of garlic seedlings actually reimbursed 600 dollars, when the king didn’t know how the garlic seedlings came out?

   There are two large boxes of garlic in Yidi’s Zhuangzi, and the king himself planted two large boxes of garlic.

   If it's a hundred dollars, then forget it, it's not easy.

   six hundred? Is this fooling this king as a fool?

   Li Yi didn't know how to clean up the person who had been cheated by his elder brother. He was very happy and didn't need to cook for himself.

   "Brother Yi, if people in the Imperial Imperial Medical Office want to learn your medical skills, would you teach it?" Li Chengqi asked as he walked to the cafeteria.

  "Brother, the Imperial Medical Office is not in the palace, it is under the control of Taichang Temple. The Taichang Temple's current Taichangqing is... Jiang Jiao?

  He has a younger brother named Jiang Hui, now Yushi Zhongcheng? He is very interesting, but later..."

   Li Yi said and shook his head.

   Li Chengqi held back his stomach and said nothing. If he hadn't given a first aid animation book because of brother Yi and asked, he would not know who Jiang Jiao's brother was.

   And brother Yi here does not leave Zhuangzi, and the palace lady **** can't tell him all kinds of things. The palace lady **** doesn't know, so many officials, who is it?

   As a result, Brother Yi just wants to know, and after a little pondering, he will know.

   He took a deep breath and said, "I just said that for my brother, who cares is not important, can you teach female doctors?"

   "Yes, can I use it in the palace? Cardiopulmonary resuscitation mouth-to-mouth, the concubine, the queen, the emperor's doctor will save it, I guess it won't be saved, and I won't be able to live in the end."

   Li Yi expressed his understanding, let alone the emperor, he had a baby at that time, and if he had a husband, he resisted the delivery of a male obstetrician.

  Some people also look for ways to coordinate and become female doctors, while their husbands go in to see them.

   After reading, the child is born.

   A few days later, this husband came to see the doctor again and treated himself, because after seeing his wife gave birth to a baby, he was shocked.

   Then the male doctor needs to bear the same pressure? Do you have other ideas when you deliver a baby?

   And the best gynecologist is definitely male.

   It was like that back then, not to mention the current palace.

   How did Li Chengqi know that his brother Yi had slandered some husbands, he said happily, "Di Yi, you agreed?"

   "Yes, there used to be female doctors, but for the skill of medicine, many people say that men do not pass on women. Doctors of medicine are not willing to teach. I don't care.

   When others taught me, they offered me so...

I don’t have enough resources, so my medical skills are too low. "

   Li Yi tells the truth, as long as you want to study in the medical school, you are guaranteed to have resources.

   Li Chengqi heard: "..."

   Brother Yi, are you kidding me? You're not up for it? Your medical skills...

   Fortunately, I agreed, it is safer to go to the harem, and my palace will also take the opportunity to send female officials to learn.

   The two talked and went to the cafeteria.

   The cafeteria is divided, and a large group of dolls sit in a separate area, with a woman looking after them.

   The newcomers looked over there, especially the children in the team, with a look of envy in their eyes.

   They also want to wear that kind of beautiful clothes, that is, school uniforms.

   Not to mention the grown-ups, it was someone’s child, and the female baby went to study with them.

   Only officials and families with a certain degree of wealth can make girls literate.

   Or sell it to Jiaofang, and then it’s not your own child!

   When I saw the same dish, I could only sigh in my heart.

  According to the rules, newcomers in the last few days can be arranged to eat what food.

   There must be meat all over the last three days, and then I can’t come to the cafeteria to eat anymore. I’ll do it myself.

   Li Yi arrived, no one bowed to salute, just nodded and said "Proprietor", and immediately did their own things.

   Li Yi nodded his head in return, without saying a word, it was useless, he didn't need to use words to gain support and respect.

   Li Chengqi is even more used to it, no one pays attention to him.

   He brought a bamboo-wood dinner plate to serve the food, looking at the brand.

   some shredded pork with black bean sauce, with shredded green onions, no dried tofu for rolling, and no spring cakes.

   Then use bamboo clips to clamp the large intestine into a gourd shape. It is said that this was made by Sun Simiao.

   But here is not a simple gourd shape, but a large intestine with nine turns.

   "Brother Yi's nine-turn large intestine is a new dish?" Li Chengqi caught two of them and asked Li Yi.

   "Yes, but it takes a lot of effort. This should actually be several times more expensive than the sauce beef." Li Yi said, he also clipped one.

   Li Chengqi listened, and clipped another one, thinking about reducing the others.

   He obeys the rules of the cafeteria and eats whatever he wants, but he is not allowed to leave.

   "Big brother eats fungus, the first batch of fungus is picked and processed, and eaten after soaking the hair. Fresh ones cannot be eaten, they are poisonous. Wait two days for Hericium erinaceus, the first batch is also harvested, and the same is dried."

   Li Yi sandwiches fungus, mixed cold dishes.

   Li Chengqi clip: "Brother Yi, you are really willing to eat fungus for the farmer."

   "Otherwise? Selling money? I want to make money. There is a way. The Huangzhuang fungus in the north has also come out.

   At the beginning, I said yes, I will provide methods and things, and give me half of the fungus when they come out. If they don’t give it, eldest brother, you can ask me who is stuck.

   I’m not bad with fungus, I don’t want someone to jam me. Today, I’m stuck with fungus, and tomorrow I’m stuck with monkey...

Head mushroom, what else do you do in the future? "

   Li Yi talked about Wang Xing's affairs, and he was afraid that someone would target him in the palace.

   "You can relax, brother Yi, no one dares to touch your things." Li Chengqi made a guarantee. The third brother was coming back today, but he was delayed.

   Li Chengqi's words were falling, and a voice came from outside: "The old man is here, the wind is too strong, and his face hurts. Li Dongzhu, the cold wind blows, his face is uncomfortable, and he doesn't want to eat anymore. Maybe teach the old man?"

   Yao Chong appeared, with four attendants, and he came in directly to wash his hands and prepare to eat.

   Li Yi smiled: "Lao Zhang, this is to go to the Three Treasures Palace. A few days ago, a merchant came to buy the red and blue prescriptions. It was recommended by the old Zhang. I am very grateful here."

   Li Yi clasped his fist. A businessman came and said who introduced him and bought some money.

   "It's easy to talk, I was hungry when I came, but I don't want to eat it now." Yao Chong asked for a way, and it was really windy.

   "First, wash your face with warm water, and then drink a cup of hot soup." Li Yi told the solution.

   Yao Chong went to wash his face without saying anything. He came back and looked for it. He found two people who had already eaten, and he went to have a soup cup of spinach and egg drop soup.

   This spinach was very expensive when Li Shimin was first and it is not called spinach. Nowadays, there are many kinds of spinach, and everyone likes to eat it.

   is best for making soup.

   There is a lot of **** in the spinach soup on Zhuangzi.

   Yao Chong drank it, and exhaled: "Li Dongzhu is really incomparable in medical skills. I entered Zhuangzi early today and heard that Li Dongzhu pressed a woman's chest to treat it, amazing!"

   Li Yi: "……"

   My grass, is there a problem with your focus? I pressed my chest twice to listen to the sound, but glucose injection is the key point, okay? Why is it so innocence out of thin air?

   "Whoever tells this matter blindly will drive out Zhuangzi." Li Yi said.

   Brown Rock, who was preparing to eat together, ran out.

   Yao Chong was taken aback, because he said it, he summed it up, but others didn’t say it separately.

   Li Chengqi stared at Yao Chong, what do you mean? Look for something first, then make a request, right? Who else dares to say that?

   Yao Chong knew he was wrong and held his fist: "It's the old man who wants to be wrong."

   Then he also said the purpose: "Dare to ask Dongzhu Li, what about the inconvenience of land transportation due to snowfall in winter?"

   "Water transport, water transport." Li Yi gave a way that everyone else knew.

   "There is no water, a carriage, and a snow-free road is feasible, but the wheels will not turn when snow is encountered." Yao Chong introduced the situation.

   "Whatever you used to do, you still have to do it!" Li Yi perfunctory, he guessed it, this old man is very bad, he came up to slander first, and then talked about the matter.

   is the same as in a certain country at that time. He was obviously looking for you to discuss things and discuss cooperation, but first to find things, and then use this to negotiate terms and obtain additional benefits.

   It's a pity that it didn't work well for his country at that time, so he didn't follow your style.



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