Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1030: What does the local garrison need

Chapter 1011 What does the local garrison need? (First, please subscribe to vote)

"The Tubo Army early in the morning..."

After eating something, the sergeant began to report.

"Speaking of which, what is most lacking right now is the logistics and horses. Hexi Jiedu has captured many horses over there, and they can be sent to Jiuqu."

After listening to Li Yi, he put himself in the position to think about the need for food and mobile troops.

"Yes, Dongzhu Li actually knows?" The sergeant looked very excited, he was most afraid of encountering laymen.

In order to show that he is also an expert, Bi Gou said: "The area is large and there are many grasslands, so you can't see it at a glance. It's convenient if you have a horse."

Li Yi turned his head and looked at Bi Gou in surprise, and quickly said to the wide-eyed sergeant: "Bi Zaifu is kidding. Bi Zaifu knows there are many hills in the area, but on the whole it is reminded that the ups and downs are not big.

There are many lakes and rivers, and most of them finally merge into the mainstream of the Yellow River, and there are many branches and trunks of the Yellow River to the sister lakes in the northwest.

At this time, the aquatic plants are abundant, mainly because the temperature is high in summer and there is no shortage of water.

There are many cavalry, and they can always find a suitable ramp to charge, and at the same time help carry supplies. "

"Yeah!" Bi Gou didn't blush, he stroked his beard and responded.

"Yes, Bi Zaifu is really amazing." The sergeant praised Bi Gou and admired Li Yi at the same time.

Sure enough, Dongzhu Li knows everything. As for Bi Zaifu, it is estimated that there are many major events in the court, and the small matters of the border terrain are not concerned.

"You eat a few mouthfuls of watermelon to rest, and eat after you rest. There is no need to worry about things over there. The new supplies have been transferred from Henan Province, and some of them are shipped on the road and can be connected to the logistics in Shu."

Li Yi talked to ten people about the situation, so as not to worry about them.

"Thank you Li Dongzhu." The sergeant clasped his fists.

"It is those of us who are protected by you who want to thank you. Without you, where would we be at peace." Li Yi bowed.

Ten military were excitedly taken away to eat watermelon, supplement water and sugar, increase metabolism, and dilute stomach acid.

Everyone was seated again, and Bi Gou complained to Li Yi: "You didn't mean the local grass."

"Of course, there are many. There are also many grasses on the mountain, as well as precious medicinal materials such as Fritillaria, Cordyceps, Rhodiola, Saussurea.

There are also many birds and animals such as leopards, deer, bears, wild sheep, wild donkeys, and pheasants.

You didn't go to see the map I drew. Large and small lakes one after another, oh, the local name is wrong, Taihu, they call it too wrong. "

Li Yi explained the situation, he did not carry the pot.

"So the local life must be very good." Bi envisioned a lot of meat, as well as medicinal materials on the mountain, farming by the lake, and sheep herding.

"It's cold, and people's skin is not good, sometimes the wind is very strong, the handicraft technology is not good, and the smelting aspect is not good, so they want to grab our people from Datang to pass."

Li Yi shook his head. The local life is not good. In fact, it belongs to the ruling class.

Obviously knowing that Datang's skills are good, he is always thinking about grabbing, and he is not at ease to study.

Good martial arts, the old man has no status and is still slavery.

At that time, in the same place, the economy was still developed, and the people who ruled were different, so that the standard of living could be improved.

"If you change to you, can you live a good life there?" Bi Gou also thought of the human problem.

"I'll go alone? Then I have to find an ethnic group and get the right to rule, otherwise I can't do it myself." Li Yi thought about it and shook his head.

Go now, not when he first came to Datang, he must run within the territory of Datang, and then enter Chang'an.

Or temporarily work as a small official in the place of Jiedushi to earn some life. He feels that he can manage a village of hundreds of people or a county of thousands of people for himself.

In one year, not to mention becoming wealthy, at least the income can be doubled.

"The old man is saying that the space is occupied, you can take care of..."

"Hmm!" Li Longji coughed.

"You command remotely and let someone else take care of it." Bi Go quickly changed his words. Yes, Xiao Yi couldn't go out.

"Old Bi, this is a good way. I will direct the other places. The local officials will not be satisfied. I have a way for the newly occupied places."

Li Yi was heartened. There were not many people at the source of the Yellow River in a large area.

Most people can travel, but can't bear the weather for long-term stays.

Economic development does exist, but it depends on who is compared. The local tourism industry is regarded as a pillar industry.

Most industries serve the surrounding areas, but there are still national and provincial roads.

It is easy to occupy a place, but difficult to defend.

Who wants to stay in the past? There is no grass elsewhere. It is okay to put the sheep in the past. When the sheep is finished, there is grass in your place, and then you can drive the sheep back.

Expect more people to live in the local area, and the local area must have a corresponding attraction.

Even if they obey orders, the soldiers stationed there belong to the main labor force.

If you have a family member, it will be very troublesome to set up a few missions and the family members follow.

Those who go there are border guards and are always in danger, and Tubo will frequently harass them.

They are all from the Tang Dynasty, so why do people there have a harder life than others?

Li Yi thought, bowing his head and eating, wondering how to arrange it.

Once the place is occupied, it is impossible to ask Tubo to retake it.

Li Tan also ate silently. He found that he was very useless and couldn't help.

There is nothing about the place of Jiuqu in the things I learned before, let alone the specific people's livelihood and the military.

I have to follow Li Yi to learn, maybe I can organize a few teams to help like my uncle in the future.

The little guy is happy all day and never thinks about adults. His worry is that he can't continue playing when he eats, and he has to lie down when he sleeps.

After eating, Bi Gou left.

Li Yi went back to his study to write and paint, and now he had to consider local matters.

Li Longji didn't bother him and chatted with his family.

"The place has not been occupied yet, Xiao Yi has to be busy, it is not easy." Doulu Guifei looked distressed.

"As long as other people can come up with something, it won't let Xiao Yi work alone." Li Dan was dissatisfied with the ministers.

In his mind, so many of you don’t want to be like Li Yi. Is it okay to have Li Yi?

Queen Wang followed: "They will not give any other options except to say that they will not collect rents and ask the locals to build roads."

"Yes." Princess Yongmu stood on Li Yi's side: "Li Lang will directly tell the locals what to do, and the locals just need to follow their studies."

"San Lang, you will ask the ministers tomorrow morning." Concubine Doulu was dissatisfied.

The Manchu civil and military asked how to manage the source of the Yellow River without a single person?

Li Longji nodded and said nothing.

When it was dinner, Li Yi brought a stack of paper over and put it on the table: "Brother, this is the first thing to do in the early days, the soldiers will be familiar with the terrain by the way."

"Okay!" Li Longji nodded vigorously and saw that there was a way.

The next morning, Li Longji went to work at dawn.

The ministers in the court were discussing matters about Jiuqu and beyond, and setting up new jundu envoys in the occupied areas.

Send someone to be, where to tune them, and what is needed.

After discussion, they decided to push Guo Zhiyun and Zhang Zhongliang forward, and then arrange a new janitor.

"The local area is even worse than Longyou and Hexi. Does the Qing Dynasty have a good strategy for the people and the army?"

Li Longji raised questions when everyone said it was about time. He wanted to see if there were any capable people.

(End of this chapter)

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