Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1052: Do not set up a flag to limit power

"It's not on this mushroom album." Hexi Jiedu's soldiers saw that Yulin Feiqi had collected many mushrooms and dried them there, comparing them to the album and reminded them.

"Take it back and show it to Dongzhu Li, and let Dongzhu Li analyze it. Even if Dongzhu Li hasn't seen something, he can know if there is any poison."

Yulin Feiqi turned over the mushrooms on the straw mat, which should have been torn open and dried quickly.

He wanted to keep his appearance intact. He knew how amazing Li Yi was. Give something to him, and if he asked to test it, he would know whether it was poisonous or not.

"Isn't this there? You still dry it." The soldier saw the pine mushrooms.

There are pine trees, wild pine trees, and pine mushrooms in the local area. It just happens that the current month is down.

He has eaten it and thinks this mushroom is the best.

"Take it to Dongzhu Li to eat. Last time Dongzhu Li collected a lot of mushrooms, dried them and sent them to our house. A letter from the family said it was delicious.

In fact, we all know that our family doesn't care what we eat. We write back to prove that we are still alive. "

As Habayashi said, he picked out the bad pine mushrooms and prepared them for cooking. The good ones had to be dried and taken away.

"I think pine mushrooms are the most delicious mushrooms. I heard that hericium mushrooms are good. Have you seen them?"

The soldier understood. He didn't want to mention the matter of death, let him be trapped, even if he was mortal, he would still have it.

"Hericium can be grown. Lijiazhuangzi and Huangzhuang have grown a lot, and Zhangjiacun has also started to grow it.

Li Dongzhu said that when the technology in Zhangjia Village is mature, he will write in the newspaper and teach the people the fungus and mushrooms that can be grown.

When the time comes, the people can make more money. Everyone will have more fungus and mushrooms to eat. In winter, there will be less vegetables. Fried fungus or mushrooms, which is not bad. "

Yu Lin Feiqi didn't say that he had seen it before, he proved it from the side.

"Can you plant it? Is it delicious?" The soldier understood again. Of course, it wasn't just that he could plant it.

"The most delicious is actually the yellow mud dumplings, called sticky dumplings. They need to be peeled off and are not easy to clean up, but they are the freshest.

Pine mushroom, hericium, hazel mushroom, boletus, and networt mushrooms all have their own flavors, but they are fresher than yellow mud dumplings. "

Yubayashi Feiqi said in a low voice as if he was imparting a big secret.

The soldier swallowed, "I haven't eaten it, what does it look like?"

"Dongzhu Li said he can grow pine mushrooms, but he can't grow pine mushrooms. I will go back to Dongzhu Li and talk about it, and he will send it to you."

Yulin Feiqi also swallowed. He had eaten it once, and he didn't know whether it was a psychological effect or it was really delicious. He thought it was delicious anyway.

"Okay, I believe, I will...uuuuuu!" The soldier just said that he would wait until Dongzhu Li sent the mushrooms, but his mouth was covered.

"Don't talk nonsense, the proprietor said, during the war, don't say anything and wait until the battle is over.

It is also not allowed to say that after killing the enemy, I will have a good meal or a good night's sleep or something.

The proprietor said what Liqi is called, but I can’t say it anyway, do you know? "

Yulin Feiqi covered the soldier's mouth and told him.

"Yeah!" The soldier nodded, and he was startled to sweat when he heard what Yulin Feiqi said.

When Yulin Feiqi released his handle, the soldiers took a few blows. There was mud on Yulin Feiqi's hands and he cleaned up the mushrooms.

He changed the subject: "The booklet you bring is good, I will remember more."

"We will stay when we go back, and our army will advance normally and use force to overwhelm others.

Don't throw away the things you have at your fingertips. There are more here, but less in Chang'an. Save up and buy when more ships arrive.

This is the importance of logistics. The proprietor builds roads as soon as he has money, and studies various means of transportation. "

Yu Lin Feiqi passed on his experience, and now there are many medicinal materials and mushrooms.

Mushrooms are cooked directly without frying them first, and some are poisonous and undercooked, so everyone does not eat them.

Frying requires pot and oil, and mushrooms are basically not eaten locally.

The mushrooms are dried and light in weight. They are expensive to ship back to Chang'an.

The soldiers nodded again and again to tell the brothers about the situation, and everyone gathered together to exchange money.

But he was also worried: "If there are so many things, is the price given by the recipients cheaper?"

"This kind of pine mushroom is in Chang'an for six dollars per catty, wet, and fifty dollars for dry. Let me collect it here, I guess it's fifty or six dollars per catty for dry."

Feiqi Habayashi thought about it and gave a number, one-tenth.

The freight is strenuous, and if you sell it, you have to make a profit.

"A catty can sell for five dollars?" The soldiers didn't think it was too small. There were other mushrooms, which would be fine for two dollars and a catty.

When the family comes over, in the current season, the mushrooms picked in a day can be dried up to more than ten catties.

It is more profitable than farming and raising sheep. It can be harvested for several months without delay to herding sheep.

Yu Lin Feiqi followed and said: "However, the proprietor should give you subsidies and actively increase the purchase price. The proprietor will use the profit to buy things for you to use.

Your Majesty also has money, and your Majesty is more willing to give you his own money.

His Majesty said that he was willing to use more money to make explosive kits and gossiping monkeys, send them over, and use the money to smash the Tubo army. "

"Why, why?" The soldier began to wonder when he was happier.

"Because you guard the border." Yu Lin Feiqi gave a reason.

"If Dongzhu Li really sends it, as long as I...uuuuu!" The soldier was about to swear, his mouth was covered again.

He motioned to the other party with his eyes, and he didn't say anything, it was horrible to call Liqi or something.

Soldiers in other places exchanged similar content with Feiqi Habayashi.

Yu Lin Feiqi told them what Jingzhao Mansion looks like now, as well as the lives of the people.

The most frequently mentioned words are ‘Li Dongzhu’, ‘Proprietor’, and ‘Lijiazhuangzi’ and ‘Your Majesty’.

They also told them that the medicinal materials collected from hunting and gathering should not be sold cheaply to others. Li Dongzhu would take it and give a lot of money.

Guo Zhiyun and others also received news that Yulin Feiqi communicated with the soldiers, and the morale of the army immediately improved, and it was still a big deal.

The soldiers have goals and expectations.

"Great, isn't it? Yulin Feiqi actually has this ability. He is strong in combat and can even boost morale." Wang Junkui found that he had saved a lot of heart.

"The Yulin Feiqi is trained according to the generals. The frontier governor and Jiedu make too much power, but the court knows it but can't help it.

Li Yi was always solving the internal instability for His Majesty, and the family education was suppressed by him.

Turning his head, he wants to restrict our rights, which will only leave us with a little power, and the military and government will be separated. "

Guo Zhiyun comes from a big family He feels the most and knows many secrets.

Li Yi first promoted farming tools and farming and breeding methods.

Turn your head to help your Majesty train troops, and at the same time make money for your Majesty by making money with the Shudi Salt Gang.

When the newspaper was sold at a loss, others didn't respond. After making money, suddenly they began to teach the people to read.

Hot air balloons appeared, gunpowder appeared, and Yulin flew into the army.

The local family saw it, that is, watched, dared to make trouble and guaranteed to be cleaned up.

If you want to force the palace together with others, the ending can only be annihilation.

Now that Yulin Fei is riding, he should be sent to various places and rotated.

"These logistical support capabilities are not only used to kill the enemy, but also for me to see." Zhang Zhongliang has the understanding.

If Jiedu dared not to be obedient, Yulin Feiqi cooperated with the current logistics to catch and destroy who.


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