Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1070: Famous and word rule

Li Longji thought, and said to Li Yi: "I think Wen Tian's girl is pretty good, it's not as good as your income."

"I looked good, but I didn't get married." Li Yi knew what an income house was.

"There is too much data in this matter, so as not to be snatched by others." Li Longji urged him to sell his daughters and he was still the boss.

Li Yi smiled: "Who dares to **** me? Catch and build the road."

"It's always better to book it first. Her parents can't object if they want to come to know. Raw rice is ready to be cooked." Li Longji still persuaded.

"It's useless, we Datang cares about this? Rape and adultery are all one and a half years, including young girls. Unless the young girls die, that is another crime."

Li Yi got angry when he talked about this. How could **** be sentenced so lightly?

If a child is abducted and sold, even if the child agrees, he will be sentenced to death if he is caught. Are these two laws incompatible?

"What character are you going to take next year?" Seeing that Li Yi seemed unmoved, Li Longji asked about taking the word in a hurry.

In the next year, Li Yi will be twenty years old, and the crown should have a word.

"The third brother knows that I don't have any relatives. I think you are relatives. Why don't you ask the eldest brother to get one?" Li Yi meant to let Li Chengqi take it.

"Brother, who is busy all day and has no time, it is better to make one for you, and then you can use it." Li Longji firmly refused to allow Li Yi's words to come from others.

He had been thinking about it for a long time, and he was ready.

"Trouble the third brother." What else can Li Yi say? If someone wants to help him, he has to take it.

"Words are soft." Li Longji solemnly stood up.

"Yin and yang are easy, hard and soft. Thanks to the third brother!" Li Yi recognized it, and his surname will be Li Yi's name in the future.

This ‘word’ is neither public nor low-key.

If you take ‘overcoming difficulties’ as the word, it’s too low and take ease as the basis.

If you take the word ‘Wuyou’, it’s too high and take the Book of Changes as the basis.

Use rigidity and softness to deal with yin and yang, endless, with inside and outside, saving the square and round.

But it couldn't get around, and it was the rule of the Five Passes of Yi, that people were circled.

As for other methods such as ‘Zhengguo’, ‘Jiwen’, etc., which belong to uneducated talents, they don’t know the correspondence between names and characters.

The names of the characters have always been aligned or congruent.

For example, Yao Chong, who was formerly called Yuan Chong, is called Yuan Chong.

The Yuan in the Yuanzhili combines the surname and the root, and it is Chong, Chong represents the height, this is called perfection and harmony.

Even if his name is Yao Chong, he is still Yuanzhi.

Ancient Chinese characters are not taken casually.

Most people don't understand, Li Yi naturally knows that he wants it, but it won't work.

From now on, its name has changed to yin and yang, which is the way of heaven; its word is rigid and soft, but it is humanity.

This is called the way of heaven and human, and the names are harmonious.

"Where is the way of heaven and man?" Li Longji took a deep breath and asked.

"Yusi, thinking about the world and broad; Yuwei, being a majestic world; Yude, morality, the vicissitudes of life; at the end, the people's livelihood is in panic."

Li Yi also stood up straight and answered, that's what he wanted to drop.

He has no other pursuit now, money? woman? Power?

He wants to have all of them, but when they can have them, people will not be content and want to pursue more.

Being an emperor is too tired and meaningless.

What is the purpose of being an emperor? Where is the finger pointing, where is the long knife? That's it now.

If you say you want to fight, you can fight, and you can’t fight if you say you don’t.

I said that I could find a lot of beautiful women. I searched them all, and then I found that it was not interesting.

It is said that people are respectful, because they are rich, even if a group of people cannot get one money, they will respect you because you have money.

Nowadays, the respect of others is to put the tablet of longevity. It doesn't matter how much money you have, it is only real for the people to make money along with it.


"The sky is to the earth, the rain is to the wind. The mainland is to the sky. The mountain flowers are to the sea trees, and the red sun is to the sky. The thunder is faint and the fog is..."

In the area completely occupied and controlled by the Datang army, some people who wandered about their lives gathered together.

Their children were standing outside a tent, shouting with Yulin Feiqi's people.

Children learning is shouting, Yu Lin Feiqi teaches.

They belonged to the scattered people and lived here before.

Tubo wanted to send troops, let them send troops, they were forced to send people too.

The Tubo evacuated too fast and it was too late to take them away, which was just coercion.

They stayed, they don't care who rules, as long as they can live a normal life.

Now that the people of Tang Dynasty are fighting over, they just wait. You say that I am the enemy, if you ask me to surrender, then I will surrender. You can't even kill anyone who surrenders, right?

It's all one family, don't you know what happened to Datang?

What's the use of bullying us? It's a big deal with you guys.

Except for people with albinism who go directly to exterminate their races, no one else in the world will do that.

Those with white flower disease are like cancer cells and can't tolerate anything.

Datang is not. The officers and men of Datang know the local situation.

So I called them together, opened a school, gave subsidies, and the children came to class, and each child was given five dollars a day.

The children come to class, the adults follow, don’t lie to us, or you won’t need your money.

When the children started to read together, the adults smiled, really teaching the children to learn and paying back the money.

When the sun was in the middle, the child also ate fried meatloaf.

"I told you a long time ago, you don't believe me, I am a member of Datang, I fished with you and bullied you? He also gave my nephew a large yak hide."

The young man who helped lead the way told the "neighbors" that the one who gave the skin to his sister is now well-known in the surrounding area.

A whole piece of yak leather means that there is a home, a couple, plus a child, and one piece of yak leather can survive the cold night.

The ‘neighbors’ have nothing to say, anyway, it is now occupied by Datang’s army, so let’s listen to Datang.

"What noodles are so white?" A parent of a child watched the child eat meatloaf, satisfied and relieved, and asked casually.

"Six zero noodles ~ remove all the outside of good wheat, leaving only 60% of the stuff to be ground into powder. Soldiers are reluctant to eat it and give it to your children.

There is also meat. The sesame oil used for frying is always sesame oil. You can’t eat it at ordinary times, right?

You can’t just look at the meat, but also the dried vegetables. Chopped green onions are picked, picked and picked, and then use the beautiful delicate hands on the red-hot pot..."

The young man who led the way started his own fantasies and told others.

Just as Li Yi advertised at that time, what girls put tea in their tongues, and brought them back on the chest, and so on.

The most interesting thing is that Li Yi still had many believers at that time.

If you say that the people who believe in these are stupid, they will scold you and say you don't understand.

This is even more so now. A group of uneducated people are stupid. It turns out that the chopped green onion in the meat is like this?

I heard that the hands of a woman from the Tang Dynasty were delicate and tender, and they could produce water with just a pinch. They were actually used to make scallions.

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