Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1076: Winter survivors surrendered

"Bring the system to Datang(

"Pick it up, don't miss it, this year's first crop of rice belongs to us, so we will immediately turn over the ground and soak in the water and prepare to plant the second crop."

At the place where the people in the same state are located, the adults and children finished cutting the indica rice and began to gather the ears of rice.

Tomorrow will be plowing, putting water on the ground, and manure.

The total number of downgraded households is more than 300,000.

One after another, households were dropped, tens of thousands at a time.

The mountainous land contracted by Li Yi was resettled, all of which were to be terraced.

Farming with each other, coupled with manual labor, the days are stable, and the money owed to Li Yi has been paid back one after another.

Those who are still working hard, they want to own their own land and houses.

In the first crop of Champa rice, Li Yi did not take a rent, giving the descendants a hope.

Immediately after that, another stubble of indica rice will be planted, and the previous stubble will be plowed out and directly applied with manure.

Harvest after fifty days, change to large radishes, eat large radishes in winter, or exchange radishes for other vegetables.

They also raise chickens, ducks and piglets.

Some people come early and drop their households. Pigs grow up and can be killed in winter.

Those who come late will be raised again, and the pigs will be fermented with rice husks. If the conditions are sufficient, they will be raised. If they cannot be fed in winter, they will sell half-large pigs.

Of course, the sale is also sold to Lijiazhuangzi, the price is relatively high.

The second harvest of indica rice and the turnips afterwards have to pay rent.

The people who shouted were the newly elected leaders, and those with high status in the past were sent to study.

The main thing is to enjoy life. Those people gather in one place, have a good life, and they are allowed to find additional women.

Someone gave them lectures, two classes a day, and each class lasted half an hour, which was ninety minutes.

After four days of rest and one day off, after a class, it seems that I have been talking for a long time, but there is not much content.

For other mutuals who cannot enjoy special treatment, some people also give lectures for them, and they have a lot of content.

In the exam, the team’s ‘leader’ status is obtained for half a year according to the test scores. If the exam is not good, they will be replaced in the second half of the year.

The strategy Li Yi once set is very effective.

The descendants compete with each other. In their eyes, they no longer think that anyone should be above them. The opportunities for everyone are the same.

Li Yi has already planned to send the students back to work after the Chinese New Year.

As for status, ha ha!

The people from Sinong Temple were nearby, watching the output and recording the operation.

It turned out that the rice stubble was turned out directly, topdressed with refined manure, and prepared with other mineral fertilizers.

According to this operation, I will be familiar with the household tomorrow, and I can grow three crops of indica rice and add vegetables in the greenhouse again.

You can't learn it in ordinary places, and there is not so much fertilizer to chase.

Of course, planting two crops of indica rice and another crop of other things can ensure that the key lies in labor and top-dressing.

Even if a crop of crops is produced every two years, the people are still satisfied.

The descendants are very motivated. The adults and children learn to speak and recognize the Chinese characters.

The teacher must mention Dongzhu Li several times in each class, what did Dongzhu Li say, and what Dongzhu Li has researched, Dongzhu Li...

The descendants have learned now that they only feel that Li Dongzhu is omnipotent, and Li Dongzhu is okay for things that God can't do.

In addition to mentioning Li Dongzhu, but also to mention Your Majesty.

What did your majesty tell Li Dong to do? How much money did your majesty earn? Your majesty would give the money to the people. Your majesty would like to come and see everyone, your majesty...

Said every day, lectures in class, the sire, Li Dongzhu, who is full of heads.

Coupled with the fact that the children go to school and have snacks, the clan leader has been forgotten by the family, and it is best that those people never come back.


"Brother Yi, if this continues, more than 400,000 households will settle down in a mountainous area this year."

Li Chengqi is here again, he has been too busy recently.

This morning, dried conch, dried clams, and dried clams were shipped from Dengzhou.

When he arranged for the manual selection of classifications, he ran to Lijiazhuangzi and asked Li Yi to talk about it in the newspaper.

By the way, I gave Li Yi all kinds of dried sea foods, only a hundred kilograms of fresh goods, and kept them on ice.

Three thousand catties of iced seafood were sent from the local area, and one thousand catties of Li Chengqi stayed for everyone to share, and two thousand catties were sold.

Seafood does not need to be written in the newspaper, not everyone is eligible to buy it.

Those who can buy, spend a lot of money, and owe favors.

Feeling expensive, and unworthy of owing favors, try to transport iced seafood by yourself.

Now the two are eating seafood, the spicy conch made by Li Yi himself, and the two drinking rice wine.

Just one meal. After eating, Li Yihui had a few catties of seafood and continued to town for one night, and he would eat it tomorrow.

The rest was divided, the old man and the child took a bite and gave Wang Xing five kilograms, which was gone.

The shell of the shelled seafood accounts for the weight, which is not much worth a hundred catties.

"Isn't the oil-soaked canned food made? That one is better than seafood, and the price is not low." Li Yi ate a piece of conch meat and picked up the wine bowl.

"Yes, I didn't give it to you. You can soak and eat it dry. We sell canned food. One can is used for stew, which is amazing."

Li Chengqi drank a big sip of iced rice wine and took another bite of garlic.

Li Yi drew a picture in his mind, what is the taste of canned stewed seafood? Stewed vegetables? stew?

Shouldn't that be eaten directly? Why not stew dried seafood if it is stewed?

As if he could see what Li Yi was thinking, Li Chengqi grabbed a conch: "If there is oil, I mainly eat that oil, which is fresh and fragrant."

"Why didn't I find out? This year, I selected a group of people to go to places where the tribes have not yet descended to promote ~ ~ 90,000 over the winter.

Whenever people freeze to death in winter, none of them are directly frozen to death, and even sick elderly people and children are treated.

Only 131 old people and 24 children died, the base number of 90,000 people, did they dare to think about it before?

How many people died who didn't come to surrender last year? Not to mention 90,000 people, 10,000 people died more than here. "

Li Yi is well aware of the current situation of people living in the grasslands. With 10,000 people, more than 2,000 can be born a year.

If there is no war, the elderly, adults, accidents, and children's deaths will add up to four to five hundred deaths.

Mainly die in winter. If it catches up with a heavy snow and extreme cold, some old people will get some dried meat and then be left on the snow.

In all tribes, there is no paralyzed person who can survive the winter unless it is the leader's family.

Sometimes even if young people can't make up their minds to throw their parents on the snow, old people will sneak out on their own.

Of course, it doesn't have to be sneaky, maybe young people wake up when they crawl at night, just as they don't know.

If you don’t want to reduce the chance of seeing someone’s death, what else can you say? Come here.

Many people died last year. Will they continue to die this winter?

In Datang, there was a kang and various household items, which provided food and medicine.

Go ahead, borrow things first, pay them back slowly, and pay the rent. When the number of years is over, the land and house belong to you.

There is no longer any need to throw relatives on the snow, and there is no need to hold a child who died before the full moon in a daze.

Go to Datang and find Dongzhu Li. Dongzhu Li has a lot of money, food and meat that he can't eat, and so many life-saving medicines.

As a result, the number of household reductions increased, and Li Chengqi felt pressured. Li Yi didn't care about being afraid. He could arrange it and he was not afraid of crowds.

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