Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1079: Children's Fun Rejection and

"Bring the system to Datang(

Xiao Qin didn't know that it was not only a doctor who helped her, but also a person with power.

This person can take her to kick people, bypass the law, and treat first.

But Li Yi's doctor at that time couldn't. Who of them could bring a child with mental problems and find the suspect for a fight?

"Cherry sauce." Xiaoqin took out the second conch meat and said to Princess Yongmu.

Princess Yongmu took another spoonful of cherry sauce, and Xiaoqin took a small bite.

Li Yi doesn't have tomatoes, so he can only make jam with other fruits. Cherries are good.

There are still ‘fries’ in Zhuangzi, but no potatoes but yams.

Little children drank fried yam sticks in cherry sauce, just like Li Yi's children back then.

And fried chicken legs, chicken wings, carbonated hot spring water and soup blended drinks, bread with sausage, etc.

The difference is that the chicken legs need to be separated when eating. It is too big. Li Yi does not have fast-growing chickens and cannot raise them. If fast-growing chickens are kept in cages, they need to be fed many kinds of medicine.

Free-range poultry are not easy to get sick, and there is no outbreak of large-scale infectious diseases, and a large number of deaths will occur.

The other ninety-nine children also ate conch, the first time they ate it, fresh.

In recent days, the children of Princess Yongmu’s neighbors have increased their learning speed. The children of Lijiazhuangzi play and learn, even if they ride a merry-go-round, they have to recite something.

Recite formulas for building blocks, recite multiplication formulas for fast learning, and add formulas for children with slow progress.

The children of the neighbors are in an overall learning atmosphere, and it is difficult not to learn.

"Sister Li, when are we going home? Zhuangzi is too big, and I can't find it when I ran out." Xiaoqin resolved the second one and the conch and stopped eating.

She replaced it with deep-fried clam meat and still used cherry sauce.

"When the house and road are completed, I will live in a two-story house with a cowshed and raise two cows.

The road is wider, the concrete road, the shallow concrete ditches on both sides, everyone can wade in the water without pouring dirty water into it. "

Princess Yongmu introduced Xiaoqin's future situation.

Xiao Qin blinked and laughed.

Smiling, she was stunned: "I don't have cows in my house."

"Yes, it will be there when you go back." Princess Yongmu was sure.

She knew the reason and didn't give Xiaoqin any chance to remember her fears. Xiaoqin's family was told time and time again and was not allowed to mention it again.

Slowly, the child will forget, maybe occasionally a vague memory, but not afraid.

In this way, there is no need to take Xiaoqin to see the scene of work in the village and mountain trees.

The older children among other children teach over and over again, so I can't say.

As for small children, small children don't care about many of these things, it is enough to be able to play.


"It's really comfortable to bask in the sun next to the cucumber." Not far away, the Queen and the Concubine Doulu were basking in the sun.

Two people stick cucumber slices on their faces for beauty.

Li Dan eats sea snails by himself, dipped in sanhe oil and soaked in **** foam.

He enjoys his current life very much. Without Li Yi, he would never want to eat the current seafood in his life.

"It's delicious, Da Lang said that a boat will arrive in a few days. How should I eat the sea food on the boat to feed on sea water?"

Li Dan put down completely, not thinking about the throne and Princess Taiping.

He now only cares about eating, drinking and having fun, taking care of his body, and watching Datang grow stronger step by step.

He knew that the harem was still fighting, and some people were still unwilling to give up the position of the prince.

People at Zongzheng Temple mentioned it several times that they wanted to find a teacher for Li Jianyao. He started teaching from an early age, first teaching the rules, and then teaching literacy and other knowledge.

If Li Jianyao doesn't go back to the palace, it's not fun in the palace.

Thinking of his grandchildren, Li Dan glanced at the little guy swimming in the pool next to him.

The little guy ran around, too hot, learning to swim, and made a swimming pool specially for him with canvas and iron racks.

The canvas has been brushed with tung oil, and the water can surpass the little guy's head, and there is a person proficient in water to look after him.

The little guy is not afraid of water, he learns after practicing, lying on his back on the water, looking at the blue sky with big eyes.

He is naked and has no swimwear.

"Look at a little bit, don't just eat for yourself." Consort Doulu said to Li Dan.

"Look at it." Li Dan didn't have the slightest posture of being too emperor.

"Uncle said that children don't teach literacy now, just play, and promote brain and body development through different play, which is called foundation."

Queen Wang is not worried about her son, and she is not taken care of by herself by the swimming pool.

They are proficient in water, know under what circumstances a person is drowning, and the little guy has a problem, they will immediately take it out.

It doesn't matter if Li Yi choked with a mouthful of water. If Li Yi could drown a child dozens of steps away, it would be a horror of the world.

A dead person in Zhuangzi is a bodily function failure.

There has never been a normal illness and then death.

Usually check the body, including cardiovascular aspects.

"Teaching singing, painting, and dancing is also teaching." Concubine Doulu supports Li Yi. Children under the age of five in Lijiazhuang are not in class and play all day long.

But I can memorize some things, practice memorization and vocalization.

However, the younger children will not stop if they are willing to learn.

The five-year-old has learned it, and the four-year-old is anxious. He feels that he is about the same as the other party. He also learns Pinyin and draws on paper with a brush.

I just rubbed my body while painting, and there was ink on my face.

After being seen by the parent, he hit his **** a few times, and the child giggled and it didn't hurt at all.


Li Yi ate half full, grabbed a handful of dried fruits and drank at the moment.

"Brother Do you think Turkic will attack Datang this year?" Li Chengqi stopped eating seafood. He drank the wine and asked for cold noodles overnight.

"I can't fight it out. In the internal fight, I didn't deal with my own problems, and they rushed to each other while Tiele ran over 400,000 yuan. How can they still have an army to use?"

Li Yi squeezed the hazelnut with tongs and found that it was a solid one. He threw it aside and picked up another one.

He didn't know why there were still hazelnuts without kernels after the water leaked.

Water-leaking hazelnuts are thrown into the water, the full fruit will go down, and the empty will float.

After the water has leaked, there is a sieve. The smallest is first sifted out, then the sieve is enlarged, and the medium is sifted out again, and the operation can be performed again, leaving the largest and best.

For example, Li Yi was eating, but when he encountered a long, solid hazelnut, it didn't float.

"According to this, they should ask for peace." Li Chengqi calculated that he couldn't fight, and he needed to guard against Datang to fight.

"Disagreement, we have many weapons now, why do we want to make peace?" Li Yi nodded, he knew that in history, Turks sought peace in winter.

At that time, Li Longji agreed that Datang couldn't move, and he would still stare at Tubo.

Now it can fight, the number of casualties in several wars is very small, a lot of prisoners are taken, and more horses are obtained.

War is about fighting if you want, or stopping if you want to stop?

"Send that army to fight the Turks?" Li Chengqi again considered the movement of the army.

This year's goal is to occupy the Yellow River Basin, which requires a lot of troops to be stationed.

How can there be soldiers to fight? Tuqi Shi just lost, Su Lu ran back, should he find a chance to come back again?

"Don't fight, don't fight, let's not fight them, let them worry about it. If they fight, let them ask for horses, 10,000 horses, and war indemnities."

Suddenly Li Yi thought about profiting, fighting for the dead and logistical stuff. The other party begged for peace and took the opportunity to ask for it, in case the other party really gave it.

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