Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1140: Don't talk about the development of wolves

There was the first flight, Princess Yongmu is now used to it. She felt that if it weren't for this golden eagle, she could stay for another day.

In fact, Li Yi didn't want to stay, he thought about how to develop.

Go back and make arrangements quickly. If there is an internet connection, he will be able to hold meetings and give orders.

No, he can only go home in advance to deploy.

If you want to play, change to another place next time, just say fly and fly.

The villagers in Xiaquan village watched Li Yifei far away, and someone kneeled to the ground and could fly.

They all say that this god, that high monk can fly, I have never seen it before, and listened to others.

Now I have seen with my own eyes, the proprietor flew to kill the wolf, and then flew back to Zhuangzi.

It's not a dream. The wolf-killing weapon is being packed in boxes and sealed, and will be shipped back.

Not only did people watch Li Yi go, but the dog followed him. Looking up at the sky, there was a trace of reluctance in the dog king.

Because Li Yi left him dog food again, one packet, he ate a small portion of the packet before.

A bad dog will eat the child, and a good dog will rush to the fallen place as a pad when the child is about to fall.

The Dog King is not only stronger, but also has a higher IQ than other dogs.

It can understand many instructions, the instructions of the people in the village, such as ‘bite him’ and ‘go up’.

"I don't know when the proprietor will come again." A young man in the village said, standing beside the big girl.

"You learn Pinyin well, I'm in Chang'an, and I will write to you." The big girl said to the young man.

They are childhood sweethearts, but both are poor. The big girl theoretically would not marry a teenager.

The big girl has an older brother, it's time to marry a daughter-in-law, and the money that the big girl gets when she gets married can give her brother a daughter-in-law.

Now it's different. The big girl will go to Lijiazhuang with the team that sent the heavy machine guns to learn about accounting before being an audit.

As for whether she will still be willing to find this young man to marry after she has learned the skills, it depends on whether she wants to continue to be the supervisor of Lijiazhuangzi here.

If she thinks that the young people in the colorful world outside are better, choose those people, and when she finishes studying, or she doesn't finish studying, she won't have any chance of auditing here.

If a person can't bear such temptation, how can he withstand countless money exchanges?

"I will definitely study hard when the teachers are sent over." The boy's eyes were firm.

He doesn't have the desire for power in his heart, so he wants to marry a big girl as a wife, very simple.

As a young man, he thinks that if two people are together, all problems are not a problem. They work together, he works, and the big girl takes the baby at home.

This was the thought of many students in elementary school, junior high school, high school, and college in Li Yi's time.


"Look at Xiaojin, can you?" Li Yi, who controlled the aircraft, slowed down and shouted to Princess Yongmu.

It was too fast just now, and the wind was so strong that he couldn't speak.

Princess Yongmu looked at the golden eagle in the cage she was holding, and nodded, "It's okay."

"Continue to accelerate, I'm afraid it will be faster, it needs to adjust its breathing, and its sternum hasn't grown well, it will take a while."

Li Yi didn't worry about the altitude sickness of the golden eagle. He used to fly high and the speed was fast.

He is afraid of the natural physiological reaction of the golden eagle after the height rises.

He has always been controlled at a height of 3,000 meters, and he dared not go down. In case of a problem, he did not have time to change the umbrella.

A fighter jet can parachute at low altitude because of its ejection, which is an upward force during the ejection process.

The golden eagle is indeed no problem. Whether it is speed or height, it is within the scope of its daily life.

It even turned sideways, hiding from the wind, facing the wind with chest pain.

At the second quarter of Shenchu, Li Yi flew over Zhuangzi.

Li Longji looked up: "Why are you back, staying one night, Yuanshu upset Xiaoyi?"

It doesn't matter what he does to two people, it would be better if he had a child.

What? Isn't it right to have a baby before marriage? Which law says? Are there few royal princesses who secretly give birth to children on their own?

The more things that can increase the population, the better, regardless of whether you are married or not.

"Yuan Shu is holding a cage in her hand. There are birds in the cage."

Queen Wang looked through the binoculars, squatted down again, and put the binoculars in front of the little guy.

Help adjust and ask: "Did you see your brother?"

"Ah, I saw it." The little guy can use the binoculars. Just now, the mother didn't adjust it right, so she looked for her own position.

The aircraft dropped slowly, and Tao Hong and others immediately surrounded her.

Li Yi brought Princess Yongmu to Li Longji: "A golden eagle was kicked by a rabbit. The rabbit is okay. Two bones of the golden eagle's sternum are broken. I will connect it.

In addition, I have a clear understanding of the local situation, have arranged, and come back early. Do you miss me? "

Li Yi finished talking with Li Longji and squatted down.

The little guy leaned closer: "I have a little thought, too busy."

"Hahaha~~" Li Yi couldn't bear to say busy seeing the serious look on the little guy's face.

Are you busy playing? Nothing wrong!

"I brought you the jujubes, here!" Li Yi drew his pockets and grabbed a handful of jujubes about the size of a cherry.

The little guy stretched out his hands and folded them together.

After receiving the hand, he turned his head and ran back to give Li Longji and Queen Wang, two of them each took one, and the little guy gave Li Dan and Doulu concubine.

The same one was taken by one person, and the little guy was giving it to Li Tan.

Li Tan took one and touched his brother's head.

"Take a few more." The little guy said to his elder brother, seeing a pile in his hand.

"One is enough." Li Tan said sternly, not daring to laugh.

The little guy thought for a while, and sent it to the court ladies and eunuchs.

There is also one for each person, and there are only two left in his hands.

Li Yi made up for him, still a lot.

The little guy ran to find Guo Ziyi. Guo Ziyi still touched one knee and picked it up with both hands.

The little guy pours almost half of the jujube in his hand to Guo Ziyi, and he didn't count: "You protect me, you eat more."

"Good!" Guo Ziyi looked at the little guy and nodded.

"This golden eagle, I don't know if there is a family member. I can't tell. If you increase liver feeding, it will recover by itself. There is no special medicine."

Li Yi took the cage from Princess Yongmu, opened it, and released the injured golden eagle.

The golden eagle did not move when it came out, it hurts, and it didn't notice that anyone was going to eat it.

Li Longji squatted down: "Take the fresh liver here."

He understands, he has raised it.

Ziyu is fast at this time and goes to the kitchen to find liver.

"What's the local situation?" Li Longji didn't ask about the wolf. Li Yi went out personally. The wolf promised that it was gone, let alone the wolf, there was nothing.

"I will promote this year and use more manpower. It will be fine next year, mainly planting things and making grass lattices.

I have seen the local production and soil conditions ~ and there is no problem.

The livestock industry is the mainstream, the service industry is a subsidiary, the handicraft industry is not good, and there are few people. "

Li Yi also didn't mention wolves, but talked about the local economic development model.

If he wants, he can go to Tuqishi to capture Su Lu back alive. What is a wolf?

"Is the body okay?" Li Longji asked Li Yi again, he meant life span.

"Nothing at all. There are still a lot of bullets and weapons left. Come back and get them by yourself. You can manually replenish the used bullets."

Li Yi didn't lie, the bullet shell was made of copper, the kind with a primer.

After hitting it, dent it inward. In this case, fill it with water, then seal it with a cork, and smash back the recessed place underneath.

Dispense a little more medicine into it, and put in the produced warhead, which is another bullet.

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