Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1177: Try snake venom to see the effect

"We have eaten the best delicacies in the world, and the Lijiazhuangzi Canteen sometimes opens a small stove for us.

Even the proprietor himself cooks for us, and we eat the expensive chili.

We have eaten the worst food again, and we are only allowed to carry a tactical saber to complete our tactical purpose within thirty-six hours in the desert or swamp.

We dig wet sand in our mouths, and use tactical sabers to place them across the wet sand to condense water.

Dig grass roots, eat bed bugs, cockroaches, and snakes are even better.

Filter the dirty water of the swamp with clothes and catch the earthworms in the swamp..."

Jian Qing followed, talking about what they had experienced.

The braised pork ribs they eat can be the net steak made by Li Yi himself, and the cooked rice is golden brown.

When it comes to survival training, it's a world of difference.

The only thing you don't need to worry about is that even if you eat something unclean, Li Yi will check it and heal it.

There is no pickiness about eating, and this one is pretty good now.

They were all cooked, with salt, meat and vegetables, and staple food. The previous brothers shared the taro chicken stew with dried pickles, which was delicious.

The people around listened, did not speak, but understood the origin of Yulin Feiqi's strength.

"I will show you a show to see our new weapons. Haven't you seen them?" Pang Kuang felt that the atmosphere was too dull.

Bring the gun just now, there are still bullets in the gun, I can't take it out.

He put on the flash hat again, and pointed to a big tree a hundred steps away: "To hit a tree, this gun can easily kill a person with a hundred feet, and it is easier to hit a tree that is close."

Speaking of aiming at the gun, he didn't know the trajectory of the gun at all.

He felt that the tree was so thick that it should be reachable. It was a kapok tree that had grown for many years.

Every spring, there will be a bright red kapok in full bloom, and then two or three months later, there will be kapok to be harvested.

When there is no cotton, kapok is also a good thing to keep warm in clothes.

Guangzhou locals generally don't wear kapok-filled clothes, but they will reserve them. When it is cold, they will fill the clothes.

Don't think that Guangzhou is not cold in winter? It is always kept at a temperature of a few degrees above zero? The body's heat will be lost, plus moisture? If you don't keep warm, you will get arthritis.

Pang Kuang took a look at the tree. The others stopped eating? Look over there to see if he can pierce Yang with a hundred steps.

Pang Kuang pulled the trigger? Bang? Accompanied by a cloud of smoke, the gun fired.

After the fight, Pang Kuang didn't know if he missed it.

The people who came with Zhang Jiuling ran to the tree in an organic manner, and then stood in front of the tree and bowed their heads.

While everyone was waiting? This person moved his feet and seemed to be kicking something. After more than ten breaths, this person squatted down.

When he stood up, he carried a snake in his hand. The color of the snake's body was similar to that of a tree.

How long is a viper? And it's not too detailed to be able to see it so far.

That person came back with a snake? The look in Pang Kuang's eyes was not right.

"Master Zhang, Viper." The person who came back carefully put down the snake? The snake's head was rotten? The body was still moving slightly.

The leaders of the mountain people came to see? After watching, they looked at Pang Kuang again, with enough awe in their eyes.

Pang Kuang: "..."

He wanted to tell others, I didn't see the snake, I aimed at the trunk of the gun, and I didn't know where it would hit the uncalibrated gun.

Jian Qing looked at the snake, wanted to laugh, tried to hold it back, and said, "Lao Pang, you can't shoot with this technique. The good news is that you shot the snake next to the head to scare it off, but you hit the head.

The proprietor also said that all kinds of live venomous snakes should go back to make serum. I brought some anti-venom serum to treat the snake venom. You go back and explain to the proprietor. "

"Yes, my marksmanship is not good. If it is a little bit too biased, I will personally catch a live snake to the proprietor. I was wrong."

Pang Kuang understood in an instant, isn't it just pretending to be forceful? Cooperate and let others know that our gun is accurate.

Huang An observed the two people and understood that it was indeed missed, and it had nothing to do with the snake at all.

Of course! He didn't consider whether the snake was targeted, he found something important from the conversation between the two people.

"I was bitten by this kind of snake, can it be cured?" Huang An asked what he had guessed.

"Yes! The proprietor brought us several anti-venom serums, including this.

To put it simply, it is called fighting poison with poison. Only by catching a live snake and sending it back to the proprietor can he make a medicine to treat this snake venom.

Bring a small bottle of each of the dozen or so serums and show it to everyone. You can catch the snake and change the money, but only if the medicine is available. "

Jian Qing took the opportunity to publicize that there are a lot of venomous snakes in Guangzhou, but in fact there are many everywhere.

Yu Lin Feiqi went over to get the serum and put it in a box with ice around it. After it had been frozen, it would be remade with saltpeter, mainly for heat preservation.

There are vials in the box, as well as syringes and needles, all of which have been sterilized. Now that they are opened, the needles in this box are used and must be re-distilled and sterilized.

"Is it easy to use?" Tan Shui was concerned that people in his village always died after being bitten by a snake.

"Let's see if the snake's venom gland is still there? Get some for me. I'll try it. Anyway, it's opened." Jian Qing stretched out his arm.

"I'm coming, I believe Li Yi, let me come." Zhang Jiuling rolled up the sleeves of the silk dress.

Jian Qing looked at Zhang Jiuling, Zhang Jiuling's eyes were firm.

"Okay!" Jianqing agreed, and then went to see the snake's venom gland. It was okay, yes.

Dip a knife into Zhang Jiuling's arm, and his arm swelled in less than thirty breaths.

Jian Qing didn't dare to wait any longer to draw the fluid directly and inject it intramuscularly, just next to the wound.

Everyone kept breathing and watched. The meal was not eaten. In less than two quarters of an hour, Zhang Jiuling's swollen arm slowly returned to its original appearance, but there were still some traces, the color disappeared, and the swelling did not disappear. It is estimated that it will take a while .

‘Puff’, the leader of a mountain man knelt down.

"Puff Puff Puff" the leaders of the other mountain people knelt down one after another.

They took it, and at this time it was the largest official of the imperial court who tested the poison in person.

"Dong Zhang, what do you feel?" Tan Shui was about to cry.

"It hurts, numb, it feels like putting a hand on an ice cube, it's very uncomfortable, it swells, and it's still numb.

Zhang Jiuling talked about his own feelings, but there was not much poison, but the snake was too old, and the concentration of venom was relatively high.

Theoretically speaking, if you don't inject antivenom, this is fine, and the human body can carry it by itself.

If you die at three o'clock in a few seconds, the dose in the same unit has been reached.

Zhang Jiuling needs pain for two or three days. After the injection of the antivenom, as long as he is swollen, he will definitely be uncomfortable.

"Gong Zhang, my village is willing to obey the dispatch." A leader of the mountain people knelt there and promised.

"We are willing."

"Gong Zhang, don't be okay."

"Gong Zhang, let's go back to repair the road, and do whatever you want to do."

"With Duke Zhang, we won't cause trouble even if we are wronged."

The leaders of the mountain people expressed their opinions one after another. They saw the power of the anti-venom serum and respected Zhang Jiuling more.

If you don't listen to such an official, he will lead his troops to encircle and suppress him. He is not afraid of death. If you want to catch him and kill him, you can't force him to compromise.

The leaders of the mountain people are scared, the good officials of the court are desperate.

And Yulin Feiqi also wants to test the poison for everyone in person, if he fights with them...

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