Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1188: Drag the word 1 tactic to consume its meaning

"Dongzhu Li can always come up with weird ways to cook, first make the noodles, and then wrap the stuffing with the noodles to steam."

Tan Shui was in a very happy mood. He made all the money for the 20 buffaloes, and it doubled five times.

Go back and talk to other people, telling them their ability to make money.

"Eat well, the mood is good. The proprietor always says that the same ingredients but different methods will make some uncomfortable when eating, and some can take a few more bites."

Pang Kuang took a bite of green onion dipping sauce and another bite of rice noodles, blending the style of the far away coastal area.

In fact, he can also eat rice rolls in pancakes. This taste should be good.

"Just not hungry?" Tan Shui followed, dipping the green onions in the sauce.

After taking a bite, I closed my mouth and exhaled from my nose, tears welled up.

She chewed and swallowed, took a deep breath, and wiped her tears: "This nose is very useful when it's cold."

"It's better to dip scallions with mustard, but don't eat garlic. Garlic is hot for a long time and can't stand it.

Especially if I eat too much raw garlic and spicy stomach, it feels like a spicy heart. At this time, I can only drink more soup and eat more sweet things. "

Jianqing didn't eat the green onion dipping sauce. He got the wild vegetables himself, washed it and ate the dipping sauce without touching the green onions.

He took a thousand feather Lin Fei and rode over. There was a mare in the team. When he was resting at night, he got on with a stallion.

The mare inexplicably hated the smell of green onions. He distributed the goods from this mare to other horses and took care of them alone.

Both are military horses, and two military horses give birth to ponies, and there is a great possibility that they can be military horses.

At night, he would add night grass to the horse, fearing that the mare's body would be affected by the smell.

How much is a military horse worth? Ordinary people can't afford it anyway.

The key is not the price of the horse, but the cavalry's attitude towards the horse.

"Let me go, let me go, I want to ask, what does Zhang Jiuling mean?"

When everyone was having a good time, shouts came from dozens of steps away.

"Gong Zhang, Yan Xie is here, and he looks very angry." Someone came over to explain the situation.

"Ask." Huang An said, picking up a piece of rice noodles.

Intestines are just rolled up like intestines and have nothing to do with intestines.

The rice rolls without stuffing are like noodles. The stuffed rice rolls will change according to the shape of the stuffing when they are steamed, just like large intestines.

"Let him come and talk." Tan Shui is particularly disgusted with Yan, always looking for opportunities to beat others, she is crowded.

Yan's family is in Xiaoxian County, and there are only more than 300 people in a family. In her eyes... she didn't even look at it.

The best family in her mind belonged to Lijiazhuangzi, a camp of prisoners outside, surrounded by sixteen guards.

After crossing the bridge, there are more than 100,000 people living in an area, and Yulin Feiqi rides on the town.

There is gurgling water in Zhuangzi, children running around, and the canteen is so big that there is food at all times.

My village must follow suit, as for the Yan family? Humph! Fortunately you are a small family in Guangzhou.

If you change to Luzhou, you will soon know what the rules are.

As for the Huang family in Guangzhou, this is okay, and I dare not dig out the roots casually.

Not long after, the people over there came back again: "It is said that Li Feng and the others did things in Chayan and Shiyuan County."

"Tell him not to yell, and by the way, I want to ask about the issue of Yishang, let him think about it, and then come over and tell me."

Zhang Jiuling ordered that she didn't even look over there.

"Dong Zhang, what else can I say? It's right to check his house." Tan Shui was anxious, why is this happening.

Zhang Jiuling gave Tan Shui a calm and restless look, and said to Huang An, "You should be steady and give Yan a reassurance."

"Since so." Huang An smiled.

Tan Shui still wants to speak, Jian Qing lowered her voice: "Little Lady Tan, learn more."

"What to learn?" Tan Shui looked over.

"Learning the method of coping, what Zhang Gong said, he used his own power to overwhelm others, called Yan Jie to consider, and Yan Jie to consider, he fell behind.

At the same time, he was not in a hurry to call Yan Jie over, just to analyze the reason and think about the countermeasure.

Right now it will only be delayed for a short while, when it is really troublesome, it will last longer, such as a few days or a few months.

One is to look at the toughness of the opponent, and the other is to deal with it through lateral means.

People are like this, and countries are like this. Negotiations in war involve more dealings, more thinking, and mutual testing. "

Jian Qing knows that the proprietor values ​​Tan's village, so she patiently talks about strategy, and procrastination is also a means.

Tan Shui frowned upon hearing this: "What's the use of dragging?"

"One blast, then decay, and three exhaustion. Just like your father, brother and daughter in Chang'an.

You are lucky and met Chang Sun Xin first. Chang Sun Xin wanted to put such a big problem on the proprietor and embarrass the proprietor.

So he sent someone to send you to Lijiazhuangzi, but he didn't feel good about it.

The proprietor doesn’t matter, he knows your situation, he greets you immediately, and helps you figure out a solution.

The proprietor is seeking peace in Luzhou and surrounding states, and is dedicated to Datang.

You want to thank Chang Sun Xin, he arranged the right place for you. If you change a place, just wait for it to be delayed. "

Jian Qing revealed the truth, that's it.

"Ah?" Tan Shui was a little dumbfounded: "Why? Li Dongzhu didn't delay him. If it weren't for the three prime ministers to go to Zhuangzi, he would send someone to take us to the political affairs hall."

"No, the proprietor will consider others? The proprietor is actually very Only people who have insufficient confidence and confidence will adopt this method."

Jian Qing said and glanced at Zhang Jiuling.

"The old man just doesn't have enough confidence, how about it? The old man sits on the side, doesn't he consider the local clan? The Yan family is easy to clean up, what about the others?"

Zhang Jiuling doesn't feel ashamed of playing tricks, there is no way.

Then he said: "It's easy for Li Yi to come here, what is Yan family, even if it is Huang family... What do you think of Bian Gu?"

Zhang Jiuling called Huang An, which means I will not target you Huang.

"It's better not to come, Zhang Gong rest assured, Huang will never make a mistake." Huang An became very honest.

He analyzed from the wisdom of the leader of Yu Lin Feiqi and the ability of Lijiazhuang's Zhuanghu, Li Yi couldn't beat it by himself.

There is also Zaifu Song Jing, Song Jing wrote to mention Li Yi again and again.

Li Yi sits in the town of Chang'an, and he plays around clearly and clearly.

The southwest is quite honest, the Bohai Sea dare not move, the Khitan is trading, and the ten surnames of Tiele return to arrange a place.

After so far, Zhang Xiaosong supported Zhang Xiaosong, and then he pitted Sulu's tuqishi, white-clothed food, and the Tubo army.

During the Turkic civil strife, Tubo was lost on the other side of the Yellow River by Li Yi.

I arrange the listing of the shipping company here, and the people of Luzhou next to him basically listen to him.

He was in Chang'an and did not leave. If he ran to Guangzhou, he would surely set off a **** storm.

Don't come, Guangzhou is no problem, everything is under the management of the court, and the Huang family can't bear it.

Looking back to clean up the problems in the family, Guangzhou is no longer a remote place where no one asks, Li Yi is staring.

Who in the clan made a mistake, quickly make up for it and give Li Yi an attitude.

I like to bring the system to Datang, please collect it: () Bring the system to Datang to update the fastest.

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