Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1194: Ten thousand people are supporting

It snowed at the source of the Yellow River, autumn rain fell in Chang'an, and snow fell directly here.

   The city is still being repaired, and it seems that it will not be possible to repair it within a month.

   The lines sending cement, bamboo, and supplies to the rear formed a string.

  The people of Shu people still did not stop transporting their luggage forward, 500,000 yuan, able to buy a lot of things.

   They also brought things back from here, saying that they made the difference after going back, and kept half of them, and then they bought the things and sent them back.

  The people from the Shu area were waiting for the Tang army to take control of Tubo to clean up Sulu’s Tuqishi, and then they dared not move until they had eaten in white clothes.

   Then they can continue to walk on the Silk Road to sell things elsewhere. The tea from Shu is a good product on the Silk Road.

   The people with horses are organized and called caravans.

   People without horses, dozens of people walked with more than one hundred catties of tea and took a cane.

   Under normal circumstances, the tea leaves are picked, pressed, dried, and not fried, so they are put in a basket.

   Add in the food and kettle bedding and other things you brought, and walk slowly, and rest on crutches when you are tired, calling for crutches.

   Walk twenty or thirty miles a day, and walk more than forty miles if the road is good.

   The rain will fall on the tea leaves, and the tea leaves will continue to ferment.

   I walk once a year. When I get to the place, all the tea leaves are fermented. It is black tea. Of course, black tea is also available if it is subdivided.

   fight once, can earn back the income of ten years of normal work in Shu, but some people fall down on the road.

  Illness, encountering bad guys, mudslides, rising water when crossing a river, beasts...

   High risks come with high profits, hard work comes from hard work, people always have to fight hard to live life.

   But in general, this kind of situation is rare. People from Shu people walk in groups and are loyal to outsiders, let alone people in their own villages.

   And Shu people are very good at playing outside, and they are not afraid at all.

  The most interesting thing about people from the Shu area is that they are great externally, but they are always lying down inside.

   is called the foreign war expert, the civil war outsider.

   Now the people in Shu area need the Silk Road. The frontier soldiers are playing fiercely, so they have to support themselves and earn some travel expenses by the way.

   is mainly Chinese herbal medicine. Now Saussurea can have it. Take it back to the drugstore and add other medicinal materials.

  The new medical books list all the medicinal materials at the source of the Yellow River, including animals and plants, and even minerals.

   When the people in Shudi took it away, they wrote what and how much a thing was, and they pressed a handprint and left without paying any money.

   When they returned to Shu, after they sold it, they bought something and sent it back.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   to the current position, there has not been a situation where a Shu people took things and disappeared.

   The people from the Shu area on land gave things, and there were more ships on the waterway.

   Some wealthy households took money to buy things, then went to the inn and spent the money to send it to the soldiers on the front line.

   For example, it's over, a child is born, a full moon, an anniversary, or a marriage.

   Someone will buy things for the soldiers, even if it’s twenty catties of yams and five catties of raisins.

   They paid their own money to the postmen of the station, showing auspiciousness, and sending things to the soldiers for safety.

   The postmen assemble a batch and send it away, stop by stop.

   There are no fresh fruits or pigs, no live chickens, fish, etc.

   More often than not, they are sending rice. The rich and the rich married their wives, and they put a thousand catties of rice in sacks and sent them to the station.

   After encountering such a situation, the postman alone looked for animal luck.

   This is popular right now. Worshiping God is worse than helping others. The more the front line is pushed forward, the more stable the rear.

   The soldiers guarding both sides of the Yellow River felt this powerful force, and they never stopped.

   A ship stopped, everyone helped to carry the things on it, and then loaded the local products they got.

   "There are words on the sack, who can read? Look!" The soldier who was carrying saw the traces of the words.

   "Document, document."

   "What do you call a document, it's too past, so the bookkeeper over there said."

   So a ship of sacks was carried away to the place where the incident was recorded and joined the army, where the clerk weighed and recorded it.

   Every time something must be memorized to avoid someone greedy for ink.

   "Old Liu, what is it written? Everyone puts a note in it, and this one is written on the sack." the transporter asked.

   "The family in Liujia Village, Wugong County, donated ten dollars per household, and Li Dongzhu only allowed ordinary people to donate these. Twenty-six villages in Wugong County donated a total of 137,100 dollars."

   The clerk read it out, and then took a deep breath.

   "Where is Wugong County?" the soldier who was carrying it asked after a few breaths.

   "Jingzhao Mansion." The clerk raised his hand and wiped the corner of his eye.

   "Chang'an?" The soldier turned to look east.

   "What about this, is this canned food?" Another person ran over and carried the bag. It was obvious that the contents were irregular and it was uncomfortable to carry it.

   The clerk looked at it again and read: "Chang'an Pig Raising Union, providing 12,000 canned luncheon meat, the zero and fourth ship."

   "What kind of meat is luncheon meat? Can you open it and see?"

   "Open one, it's for us anyway."

   "Open, I'll open."

   "This is luncheon meat? You can see meat in it, a lot of meat, and there are words in the jar. Old Liu!"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   The clerk took one: "It contains 90% of meat, and the rest is starch, spices, and salt. It can be eaten directly, fried, roasted, and Stewed, can be steamed..."

   "Hurry up and take one of the chopsticks, open them all, and taste them."

   "It's delicious, it's better than canned meat, how is this made? After a bite, it's all meat!"

   "Chang'an Pig Raising Union has never heard of it, rich, twelve thousand things."

   "There is more here, and the people of other counties in Jingzhao Prefecture also donated it."

   "Chang'an, I know the characters of the house."

   "The princess's, the golden fairy princess's, said it was a donation of 1,000 yuan, here is part of it."

   "Which Princess Yongmu is? This is part of the 80,000 stuff."

   "I know that Princess Jinxian is Princess Yongmu's aunt."

   "Then why does my aunt only have 1,000 niece 80,000 yuan? Where does Princess Yongmu get so much money?"


   "Qin Li, what's the matter with Princess Yongmu?" In the main camp, Guo Zhiyun also received something and found that Princess Yongmu was too rich.

   "The owner of Wentian Lanxiang Pavilion sells more than one small handkerchief." Qin Li told those around him who were qualified to know.

   "What handkerchief is so valuable?" Zhang Zhongliang knew what a handkerchief was, and he also had it.

  " The handkerchief designed and made by the proprietor, and other things, including the Wentian Lanxiang Pavilion, were built by the proprietor.

   Princess Yongmu estimated that she had taken out all the money she earned. As a woman, her life is not easy, it depends on her husband's wink. "

   Qin Li said that if you don't guard this place, you're sorry to say that you are weak.

   "Where does Princess Yongmu live on weekdays?"

   Wang Junkui felt a little unbearable, a woman took out all her money.

   "Of course I lived in Lijiazhuang. The proprietor always cooks for Princess Yongmu himself and takes Princess Yongmu to play." Qin Li took it for granted.

   "Qin Li, you have changed, you have changed, you say that Princess Yongmu is after Li Yi...ha!"

   Wang Junkui stopped talking, but he didn't dare to talk nonsense.

   Zhang Xiaosong was curious, ignored other things, and asked separately: "Why is it that Wen Tianlan Xiangge is very profitable?"

   "When I came out, it was estimated that the profit was over 200,000 yuan. If I took 80,000 yuan, it didn't matter. I opened the business for two days in just ten days."

   Qin Li looked at Wang Junkui and said that Wang Junkui was pitying Princess Yongmu just now, thinking that the money was gone.

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