Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1199: Xiaoxue first fell through the shift

The latest website: the carrier pigeons fly away, and 20 students who are officials in the county are all ready to go.

In addition to the goods they will exchange with Yi merchants, they also have carrots.

Carrots were planted in the past, and seeds were harvested.

Then I used the seeds to plant more carrots in Guangdong and Guangxi. After two years, part of the seeds were taken back and planted in Guanzhong.

Part of it is sent to Jiangnan Province for planting. In two years, all places in Datang will be able to eat carrots.

Thirteen of the twenty people took over the posts of county magistrates in the thirteen counties listed, and five entered the state capital.

They replaced the military position in the state capital, and the governor needed to pass through them for anything he wanted to do.

The last two were responsible for Zhang Jiuling's Shibosi. Historically, the Shibosi in the Tang Dynasty served as an eunuch.

A few days after the team set off, a moderate rain fell, and it turned into light snow in the middle of the night.

"This year's snow is ahead." After Li Dan had breakfast, he ran out to find Li Yi who was watching other people's work.

"Small snow seals the land and heavy snow seals the river. I hope that the upper reaches of the Yellow River will freeze up."

Li Yi saw the farmer shoveling the ground with a flat shovel, feeling worried and wishing for the cold.

The canal has been repaired. From the beginning of the word to the source, Li Yi hoped to freeze it.

After freezing, some of the ice surface is flat, and you can sledding directly.

Some ice surfaces are messy, you can use tools to clear a path.

Any section of the road is not closed, and you can only go around. Generally, the water flow is turbulent in places that are not frozen.

Horses cannot stay on the ice for a long time, they need to go ashore to rest on mats.

"The rain has turned into snow, and the road is slippery. Are the children still running today?" Li Dan said about irrelevant things.

Princess Yongmu Zhuangzi’s neighbor’s new home is built, and the children go back. Princess Yongmu doesn’t want to go back.

Therefore, the child set off in the morning, ran forward, and crossed the city of Chang'an for a further distance, and arrived at Lijiazhuangzi.

Princess Yongmu taught the children, stayed in Zhuangzi that night, and ran back the next night.

There are carriages to follow, and some of the children are too young, and they need to get in the carriage for a run.

"Someone has been sent to the ice cart, they will be able to skate." Li Yi said with a smile.

He saw that a group of children knelt on the ice cart, the ice drill slammed down the ground, and they were sliding here.

After the rain, there was light snow, and the ground was covered with ice.

The horses that are pulling the cart next to each other slip occasionally, even if the horse is shoveled.

Li Dan smiled when he saw it: "Only you can come up with this method."

"It's not that others don't want to, but they don't want to do it." Li Yi knew that it was impossible for other people to send ice carts to help their children.

With the manpower and material resources of the ice delivery truck, it is better to put the children back in the truck.

As far as the children are concerned, all rides will make the road difficult.

Children will find that the ice truck is not only not difficult, but also very interesting.

Turn distress into joy, and children will be happy for a long time.

"There is no ice, you can't slide."

When the children entered Zhuangzi, the ice on the road was shoveled down? The ice cart instantly lost its function.

The older child gives the drill to the younger child? Help pull the rope on the ice cart and drive.

Otherwise they want to slide all the way to the door? Sliding out from the door? It feels unsatisfactory.

Princess Yongmu greeted her with a smile? Going to the cafeteria for dinner with the children.

Due to exercise? Children get up in the morning and drink only a glass of warm water? Run on an empty stomach.

"I? I just slipped? When I was sliding? No, I accidentally turned over? Afraid!"

Qin'er drags the ice cart away by herself? Tell Princess Yongmu about the ‘dangerous’ things she has experienced.

"Then what?" Princess Yongmu asked concerned.

"Then I got up." Qin'er showed Princess Yongmu her little hand. It was really dirty and painful. It was numb and painful when patted on the ice.

"Eat more fried eggs, tonic." Princess Yongmu comforted.

"Yeah! Make up!" Qin'er's little head nodded in agreement.

Listening to Li Dan? He smiled even more and looked at Li Yi: "Only Li's Zhuangzi can ask a top-ranked scholar to do this kind of work."

"The first class is worthless, I don't want to teach more people, otherwise I will still be the first class."

Li Yi stared at a group of students de-icing there, and the two hundred and twenty students in the village came back.

They have gained a lot, and the people have gained more.

When they returned, the villagers made a suit and a pair of shoes for each of them.

There is also a piece of cloth printed on the fingerprints of all the people, which is regarded as the table of all peoples.

The students put away the clothes and shoes, and leave the cloth to Li Yi.

Li Yi specifically vacated a row of houses to house things.

When Li Yi wants to find another student to teach in the future, he will let the new students look at it, including the ‘certificate’ of Yijia.

Use this to tell the arrogant students, don't think how good you are in the state capital, you can't, it's far away.

I, Lijiazhuang, was ranked first in the imperial examination. Everyone has a list of people, and I have to work hard.

What are you guys? You think you have good grades in the state capital, and your literary talents are outstanding, which is not good for my Zhuangzi.

Dare to stab the child and drive out Zhuangzi directly.

However, Li Yi believes that no student will be disobedient, and it is not a question of whether he can get help from Zhuangzi.

It's useless to answer all the questions in the imperial examinations for people whom Lijiazhuang doesn't want.

Li Dan rubbed his hands together and put them in his pockets: "This year's greenhouse vegetables will be much cheaper than last year."

"There are too many people, and the price still can't fall, even if many wealthy people plant greenhouses in other states with cold winters."

Li Yi shook his head slightly, Jingzhao Mansion has a population of over 3 million.

After coming over, there will be jobs. During the Chinese New Year, the number of people eating vegetables will increase accordingly.

In the northern region, Jingzhao Mansion, prefectures in the north, east and west prefectures, and even Hexi Jiedushi and Longyou Jiedushi.

There are many people with money and ideas. Vegetables are grown in greenhouses, and the methods of fire and silk insulation are adopted.

The light is not enough and the growth period is slow. Everyone is still willing to plant. If you plant in advance, the light will always accumulate.

Looking at it this way, the price of greenhouse vegetables should be drastically reduced.

In fact, Jingzhao Mansion can't work. In other prefectures, it depends on what the people who grow greenhouses think.

As long as the market is not saturated with vegetables, no one is willing to take the initiative to cut prices.

Most people cut the price by half, but still can't afford it. They continue to eat Chinese cabbage, green onions, radishes, dried vegetables, and pickles.

"Henan Prefecture transfers vegetables to Jingzhao Prefecture in winter. Can't we keep the price down?" Li Dan thought of Luoyang, Zhengzhou and other places.

Henan is as cold in winter, but Henan is the second capital city with a lot of wealthy people.

They planted new indica rice, which yielded high grain yields. They could still make a profit if they planted large sheds and eliminated travel expenses.

Li Yi looked up at the sky: "Send the ship to the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal while the Yellow River is not frozen. The Yellow River is not available in winter."

"What can I do with it?" Li Dan discovered that Li Yi had learned to speak in a leaping manner.

"After delivery, things further south can be transported to Henan Province. There are no vegetables in Suzhou in winter, unless they are grown in greenhouses."

Li Yi didn't consider the price of vegetables. He wondered where the ship would be a waste on the Yellow River in winter. Throwing into the river will be crushed by ice.

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