Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1231: 0 surname has a steelyard in mind

"Stop, don't be so fast, Li Dongzhu, the fish that just came up, give you the fish."

When the boat returned, passing by the place where it had cast nets for fishing, the fishermen shouted there.

They knew that the fast boat belonged to Lijiazhuangzi just now.

Then they hurriedly fished, came up and waited. They knew that they couldn't make it through, so they had to come back.

"Proprietor!" Song De didn't know what to do.

"Slow down the speed of the boat, go down the basket with the rope, and put the sauced beef in the basket." Li Yi looked through the binoculars.

The baskets were passed down one by one, and the cut beef sauce was placed in a porcelain plate.

The fishermen knew at a glance, they took out the plate, put the fish in, and waved to it.

"When the meat is eaten, if the plate needs to be tributed, it is placed on the niche, and when there is something, it is put on the niche, and then it is taken out to eat."

The fisherman who was the first to get something was happy. He was going to put the plate on Li Yi and Li Longji's longevity tablet.

There are fruits, or pastries, placed on a plate, put in the morning, and eaten at noon or night.

"Father, isn't that for the dead?" the fisherman's son reminded.

"Have you never eaten tribute to the gods?" The fisherman insisted.

The boat was clearly downstream, but because there were too many people stopping and giving things, the speed was much slower than when it came.

In the end, only the rudder is driven, and the steam engine is not connected to the propeller.

The people in Lantian County brought things together, and they put together a basket of eggs.

I found the boat temporarily and waited on the river, waiting for the steam engine boat to come back.

They are rich now and have a better life, knowing who it is because of.

Finally, I was able to block Li Yi once, and I had to give things.

With a basket of eggs, Li Yi gave a half basket of dried fruits, pine nuts, hazelnuts, and sometimes mushrooms.

The people on the boat use binoculars to see what others have prepared below. According to the value, the rebate must be higher than the price of the received item.

Li Yi got it, but it didn't take advantage of it.

"Proprietor, some people use baskets to store children. Very young children are estimated to be two or three months old. What is the rebate?"

Song De yelled and saw it. The people below were waiting to send the child up.

"A fart in return, I'll change my clothes, drop anchor, the child is sick." Li Yiyi heard the child off, and instantly thought of the reason.

They are not sent, they are sent to the doctor.

The ship was anchored, pierced down, and the child was picked up. Li Yi hugged it into the small hospital on the ship.

First look at the body temperature, thirty-nine degrees, then auscultate, there is a problem with the lungs.

Judging that it is acute pneumonia, give oxygen quickly, and then **** the sputum with a sputum suction device for sampling and testing to see what the situation is.

The nurse helped with physical cooling, and ice packs were used.

Not long after, Li Yi came back: "I will get azithromycin intravenous injection."

Li Yi looked calm, came over and mixed the medicine, and put the baby on his head.

He moved with his hands, and his feet hurt too much, and it would make him cry vigorously.

"Tell them to go to Lijiazhuangzi, the child must be hospitalized, and the mother must go and nurse."

After Li Yi handled it, the baby's face looked much better.

I couldn't catch my breath just now. I didn't have the strength to cough. I snored when I panted, and couldn't cry.

It is uncomfortable for an adult to be sick, not to mention such a small child, but he can't express it concretely, everything is resigned to fate.

The nurse turned and ran out, and Li Yi suddenly said: "See if there are any women, hang them up and go back together. If you should drink milk or have to drink milk, remember to check."

Within a quarter of an hour, five people came over, one of them was an old man and an old lady, and the other was a young couple.

The extra one is a woman who looks a little younger than the man in the young couple.

According to normal calculations, parents and sons, daughter-in-laws, and daughters-in-law.

Five people were checked before seeing Li Yi.

The old man bent his legs several times and stood up straight again, looking at Li Yi eagerly.

"No problem, acute pneumonia, I can't die here. Go back to work if you have work at home, and the mother of the child stays to breastfeed."

Li Yi looked indifferent, deliberately, giving the patient's family a psychological impact.

"All the work is for the eldest son and the second son. This is the third child of our family. The eldest son and the second daughter-in-law do not live up to their lives, and they all have daughters."

The old lady said aloud, her eyes softened when she looked at the third daughter-in-law, her stomach was arrogant, and she gave birth to a grandson.

"Boys and girls are men, not women." Li Yi corrected, don't look for women for everything, you are a woman yourself.

"Ah? Ah! It's the boss and second child who are not up to date." The old lady changed her words immediately.

"Can I take a look at my grandson?" The old man didn't care about his son and daughter-in-law, he wanted to see his grandson.

"Look, don't make a sound, you are asleep." Li Yi nodded.

In fact, I was very happy and saved a child.

A family of five took a look, and sure enough the baby fell asleep there, dripping slowly.

The nurse holds the infusion tube in his hand, and the hands of the four nurses are on the infusion tube.

It's cold, you need to cover it with your hands.

The key is that there is a male nurse standing on a stool holding the bottle, holding it in his arms.

"The water is cold, you don't need you." The female nurse whispered about the situation.

The family looked at the child again and smiled.

After going out, the child's aunt, who is the woman, stood beside Li Yi: "Master Li, today I know about the boat that had people falling into the water."

"You know?" Li Yi didn't expect to see a doctor for a child and get useful information.

"I know, I saw the Japanese people on that boat before, and I still scolded them. The sisters who were with us scolded them shamelessly and entertained the Japanese people."

The woman nodded vigorously, and then said: "Then someone fell into the water when your boat passed by. I wanted to find someone to tell you. I heard that your boat is going to come back. My baby is too sick."

The woman was very entangled when she spoke, as if she wanted to express something but couldn't say it.

"Do you think that when you tell me about this, I suspect that you are telling me this for your nephew?

In fact, if you say or not, if the child is sent over, I will be saved.

But the situation you mentioned is particularly helpful to Can your sisters tell me about their situation?

I will send someone over to verify, if you are sure, and you have done meritorious service, I will secretly give two cows to your family as your dowry.

I will keep it secret for you, and I will never tell them, your sisters, I will also tell them clearly and give them benefits. "

Li Yi wanted to chant a poem very much at this moment. There was no way out of the mountains and rivers, and there was still another village in the dark.

"I don't want to. My family is rich. I'm just afraid that someone will harm you. You are our benefactor. It used to be difficult for my family."

The woman shook her head. She didn't want others to say that she told Li Dongzhu things for good.

"That's two different things. Two beautiful cows are young. Once you raise them, you can find your husband's house and find someone who is kind to you."

Li Yi knows everything and knows the other party's current state of mind, but he must give what he should give.

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