Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1236: A visitor from afar Li is inactive

Until the meal was over, Li Yi said all the methods, but after all he didn't get the shares.

He talked about it for fun, the imperial court’s wharf does not allow any private equity participation, otherwise it is guaranteed that something will go wrong.

Private participation will corrupt the court officials, and then they will take advantage of the pier together.

There is no private participation, so it is easy to check the accounts when problems arise.

"Once I can buy shares, other people will use this as a reason to buy shares. You can rest assured me because I have money."

Li Yi reminded everyone not to open their mouths.

Only the imperial court controls how much money is made, and the managing officials know that it belongs to the imperial court.

When private equity is invested and management officials are waiting for dividends, seeing the private share of so much money, and then thinking that they have no money, I feel sad.

In order to make more money, the private individuals win over the officials and then make false accounts together. The private individuals earn more, and the officials earn more from top to bottom.

Earn and earn, the court's income gradually diminished.

Like the officials who collected salt taxes in the Qing Dynasty, they were corroded by people selling illegal salt.

When there is a problem in the whole, just change the top official, it's useless.

If you go to a new official, your subordinates will be stumbling, unless you transfer personnel from a different place, including the arresting army.

If there is a leak, local forces will kill the officials in advance.

"What I mean is to give rewards. The better the terminal is operated, the more the court's income, the more generous the rewards for officials and other personnel.

If you don’t make a mistake but you don’t get results, you will be transferred, and your mistakes will naturally be dealt with.

Even if you do a good job, you can't let a certain official stay in that position for a long time. "

When Li Yi talked about personnel issues while drinking tea, he always switched to Zhechong Mansion.

To prevent a certain person or group of people from sitting in one place for a long time, the An-Shi Rebellion in the later period of history was caused by no change of person.

"In less than two months to celebrate the New Year, what are the arrangements before the New Year this year?"

Su Ting's Shangshu of the Ministry of War was quite boring, so he asked Li Yi.

"I have nothing to do. Think about it. I'm not Zaifu, so I don't worry about that." Li Yi looked serious.

"Are Li Shihuo and Li Dayu coming together? Are they still on the way? The people in front will arrive first. It is estimated that in three or four days, their brigade will arrive in Chang'an."

Song Jing mentioned two people? One is from the Khitan? The other is from the Xi ethnic group.

Li Shihuo wanted to marry a Datang princess, but was rejected? But the trade was strengthened.

Does he still want to come? Come to Datang to see the actual situation, he has made a profit in trade.

What used to be worthless in the Northeast? I changed to the needed Datang items and kerosene lamps.

"Li Qiuhuo? He... when he comes over, I will check his body."

When Li Yi heard this name, he thought of the life span of this person.

At the same time, I thought of another person, not Li Shihuo's younger brother? His younger brother was finally killed together with Li Dayu.

Was killed by Ke Suuyu? Then it would be difficult for Datang to intervene over there.

It should be changed now. The Northeast region must be in the hands of Datang, and the three protective palaces to be rebuilt must play a role.

Everyone listened to Li Yi saying that he would inactivate Li to check his body? All of them looked serious.

They looked at each other, and several of them had checked their bodies before, and some had already been ill.

Including Yao Chong's eldest son who was an official in Henan Province? That didn't check? But someone went to wait in advance? Take medicine and wait.

This is scary. Li Yiyi said who to check for. I guess that person...

"Xiao Yi, what do you think of our health?" Bi Gou felt a toothache.

"I will check for you once a month. It's good, keep it."

Li Yi didn't know how these people died, he had changed the fate of others.

The only thing he can do is to check frequently, once a month.

If anyone suddenly feels uncomfortable, he should look even more.


Three days later, Li Shihuo and Li Dayu arrived.

The brigade consisted of more than 2,000 people and many sledges. They were sitting on sledges, and the other sledges were loaded with goods and supplies.

Li Longji was summoned at the Hanyuan Hall, and Li Chengqi came to Li Yi when he showed up and brought Li Yi's goods with them.

Li Shihuo couldn't marry the princess, so he brought things to trade, and asked what good things Datang had.

"Brother Yi, look at it." Li Chengqi carried a small basket with white and yellowish oval objects inside.

"The tussah cocoon? Yes, this time is the period of tussah cocooning. With our current technology, it is impossible to reel the silk after eating the pupa, and all the threads are broken.

If you reel the silk first, the pupae cannot be eaten. They need to be steamed first, and other ingredients have to be added.

So we eat pupae and silk, which are used as stuffing for clothes, bedding, and pillows. "

Li Yi was greedy again, and wanted to eat the fried tussah pupa, which was actually dried, put a little salt in it, and didn't need to cut it first.

This dish is not suitable to be eaten as a meal. It is not like a dish.

It's good to drink, children like to be snacks.

"How much is the right price?" Li Chengqi picked up a silkworm cocoon and shook it. The pupae inside would move and live.

Many cocoons in the basket move from time to time, they look cute.

"First make small revolving knives, one at a time, fast, simple revolving knives. How much does he bring?"

Li Yi asked about the quantity first, the more the quantity is cheaper, the less the quantity, which shows that the local farming scale has not been expanded and the price can be increased.

Li Chengqi shook his head: "I didn't weigh it, but depending on the quantity, there should be tens of thousands of catties attached to the shell."

"Ten dollars per catty." Li Yi gave a high price.

They were sent so far away, in order to encourage local breeding, ten yuan per catty is fine.

The cost is the transportation cost. In the local area, the pupa is expensive for a penny and a catty.

"There are a lot of pine nuts, hazelnuts, mushrooms, human bodies, roe deer skins, mink skins, dried bellflowers. I didn't look closely at the others."

Li Chengqi took out a handful of pine nuts from his pocket, and they were raw.

"If the princess doesn't marry him, she will give him a bicycle and a small mirror. Let's give him a big one. No matter what, he has to be a princess."

Li Yi was very happy. The other party seemed to like trade.

He decided to give benefits to everyone who came, even ordinary people from the tribe, of course not to the mirror.

For example, a large bottle of glycerin per person, take it back and wipe it.

For those with a little status, send a pressure cooker and bring them home for stew.

When the people from Li Shihuo and Li Dayu go back to promote ~ people from other places want something, so hurry over.

Especially the people on the Bohai side, just wait for them.

"He said that one of the thermos bottles was broken. It has been packed and sent here. A new one is needed. In addition, a lot of kerosene is needed."

Li Chengqi shook his head as he spoke. The leader of such a big tribe was actually worried that the thermos bottle had to be replaced.

Nothing wrong, as I said at the beginning, as long as it breaks, you can replace it with a new one, even if you fall in a bad mood.

"Change, send a few more, the enamel tank will also be sent, it is not easy to come once.

In fact, I am even more worried about his death. Check his body. If he is not sick now, I need to bring him medicine back.

What disease can he die? malaria? cold? Heatstroke? "

Li Yi smiled and said that he could not find the information, and the information did not say anything about the disease.

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