Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1246: The will of the country must not be deceived

Li Yi thought of Liu Qiu, which was Okinawa at that time, and also about the island.

The entire Southeast Asia feels like aboriginal people with very few beliefs.

The population is small, and it is difficult to carry out a large amount of seafaring trade. It is weak and is still in the process of tribal struggle.

Just such a big place, such a small population, and fight each other.

Such a position is better to occupy, and there is not enough faith, so give them faith.

"There are some islands in the east and southeast. They have not been educated. They have been educated in the past, so that they can be supplied by ships from other places in the future."

Li Yi wanted to occupy Southeast Asia, and Southeast Asia had no combat effectiveness in the Tang Dynasty.

Barbarians are not Southeast Asia, they belong to Tianzhu and Dashi.

The indigenous people in many parts of Southeast Asia are not able to sail to Datang on their own initiative. They buy and sell things when others are passing by.

Those who are able to dispatch are the local ‘Royal Family’, come to Datang to talk about it and get something back.

Although there is more "Royal Family", sometimes a larger tribe can be considered "Royal Family".

"Where is there a map?" Li Longji never doubted what Li Yi said, but wanted to figure it out by himself.

Whoosh! Ziyu ran away, he knew where this map was.

After running for a dozen steps, he looked back to see if Qing Song was chasing him, then he stopped by himself, lowered his head and came back.

He saw Qingsong pulling the zipper of the box, so there is in the box.

Then when he just walked over, whoosh, Qingsong jumped out, he didn't, he deliberately pulled the zipper of the box.

Ziyu: "..."

"Hahahaha~~" Li Longji laughed again.

Li Chengqi shook his head: "Soldiers are not tired of fraud!"

"Gluck..." Princess Yong Mu buried her head in Li Yi's arms and smiled.

Ge Yan and Huang Bo beat their chests and feet together, why didn't they think of it? What a great opportunity.

Li Yi scratched his head: "I think you should be sent to the front line, and then learn more, learn command and tactics, and practice on the sand table."

"Xie Dongzhu." The remaining seven people, including the court ladies, thanked them together.

The maid knew that Li Yi wanted to form a team of women, mainly for medical care, but who stipulated that women should not understand tactics?

The court ladies and eunuchs usually watch Yu Lin Feiqi to learn, and ask Guo Ziyi some things when they have time.

The generals and generals of Datang, Guo Ziyi will visit again.

Li Yi gave Guo Ziyi the military strategy and tactics he summarized and sorted out. Guo Ziyi is actually stronger than in history.

He has been very old in history, and now he is still young.

The palace ladies and eunuchs also have dreams. What the eunuchs want most is to leave a name in history, while the palace ladies consider finding a good husband in law when they are old.

Their target is on the young people of Lijiazhuangzi, and they look down on other men.

Or it is a student who has no daughter-in-law, a student of Lijiazhuangzi, a first-class scholar.

The students of Lijiazhuangzi do not have the second degree, nor do they have other subjects.

What they want most now is that Lijiazhuangzi continue to recruit students, so that they have more choices.

Before, I gradually had wives. When I am old, I will become a concubine? No way!

They think that the old age is more than twenty-five, and the thirty-year-old belongs to the old woman, and it is not easy to marry.

The youngest is fifteen years old and the eldest is eighteen years old.

Not all girls know so many things at the age of fifteen, but those who don’t understand were eliminated at the age of twelve or thirteen.

Wu Jieyu was this age when he was with Li Longji, and then they knew how to fight in the palace.

And successfully killed the queen in history, but unfortunately he did not become a queen.

Like the Jincheng princess who married to Tubo, she was very young when she married, and she lived stubbornly.

"Here! Huhhuh!" Qing Song ran back with a long box in his hand.

Li Yi took it, took out the chart, and showed it to Li Longji.

"Brother, these islands are all usable now. There are indigenous people in the area, so it's very easy to attract them.

The easiest way is candles, mirrors, pills, silk, cotton cloth, needles and threads, kitchen knives, farm tools.

People in a dominant position like candles, mirrors, and silk. Others are more practical.

If someone is willing to teach them to speak Da Tang dialect and write, they are happier.

If our fleet is large enough and things are good enough, they will be very willing to treat themselves as Datang people after the past. "

Li Yi introduced the situation of the islands, such as Guam, there are people, and only a few thousand people.

They are very at a loss in their own lives, do not know what faith should be, and always change.

Datang is now in the past, saying that you are the citizens of Datang, and giving all kinds of good things.

They will naturally think that they are the people of Datang, and if someone leads them to live a good life, their faith will be stable.

If someone is particularly clever, he has seen through the situation of Datang's team, and then wants to use this to achieve his own ruling purpose.

It's very simple, assassinate, poison, and solve.

This is what Li Yi thought about. Anyone who is too smart must be cleaned up, no matter what methods are used.

The gentlest way is to ask him to come to Datang.

Then live in a place in Chang'an, don't go back for the rest of your life, because you have too many ideas.

Li Yi is not a Virgin, he is just to help Datang people and other people who can be integrated.

"Are they fighting fiercely?" Li Longji looked at the map, wanting to know the combat effectiveness of others.

"Yulin Feiqi could fight in the past, but the other soldiers...the damage is too great, and the Guangzhou and Luzhou soldiers can also do it.

They have dense forests and humid climate, and the general army used to be basically sent to death.

It is in contrast to the plateau environment of Tubo, and this is the case in the southwest region.

That's why I gave more benefits to the Zhechong Mansion in the southwest by purchasing their belongings and live animals. "

Li Yi opened up the situation and said that the administrative policies of each place are different, and the measures should be adapted to local conditions.

You can't always fool people with morality and beliefs, don't the locals want to live a good life?

Only by giving him a good life can they protect this benefit.

Therefore, anti-corruption, environmental governance, and poverty alleviation are domestic strategies, and foreign trade and interest exchange are international strategies.

When there are no worries at home, it is the time to launch an offensive to the outside world.

People of insight can see that, so his country at that time will be suppressed in all aspects.

Lao Maozi's biggest mistake was the transaction behind the nuclear confrontation. Lao Maozi gained some benefits, but at the same time gave in to the nuclear confrontation.

A concession caused Lao Maozi's international status to slip instantly, and both sides were afraid of fighting with wolves.

It's just that Lao Maozi was fooled at that time and gave up the face of frontal conflict with other back interests.

When you get those benefits lose more.

It's like two people representing two gangs, each with a knife, ready to do it.

Then the people in America said, "I'll give you a thousand pieces of candy. You put down the knife first, and I also put it down. Otherwise, I will pierce each other to see who will die first."

Lao Maozi thought about this 1,000 pieces of candy. Anyway, everyone put down the knife, so he agreed, put down the knife, and put it first.

The onlookers didn't know, but at a glance, oh, Lao Maozi was persuaded.

So people in America who paid a thousand lumps of sugar harvested far more than one thousand lumps of sugar.

The country and the people are the same, starting when the knife is used, whoever retreats will be abolished.

Datang can't retreat in the southwest, otherwise it can't stand up to other positions.

Li Yi took all of these into consideration. The strength of a country lies in its will!

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