Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1250: Increase in resource conversion money

"The overall living standards of the people in Jingzhao Mansion will not improve too much. The surrounding states and states where roads have been repaired, the people can make more money."

Li Yi thought about it and gave an answer that was not very certain.

Because he doesn't know how fast the next technological development will increase, the fast technology will make people's lives better.

People elsewhere have surplus money, which is the credit of indica rice, and it takes a while for hybrid grains to spread out.

The situation in Hebei Province will improve next year. A large amount of cotton seeds will be sent to plant and chestnut trees will be planted by the way.

Chestnuts are not cotton. It takes several years to bear fruit.

Looking at six or seven years, it takes a long time, but if you don't plant it, you will never have chestnuts.

Pepper trees have been cultivated for many years, and pearls have been cultivated for many years. Only by doing it can we harvest when the time comes.

There is also rubber, which is brought here for planting, and it is only young to tap rubber.

Of course, for a small amount of rubber, you can tap the rubber there first and then bring it back.

Days go by like this, staring at one thing is anxious, but there are other things in life.

Guo Ziyi thought for a while, but after all he didn't want to understand, he asked, "The more people make more money, whose money is it?"

In his view, the money is the only thing. You earn more and others don't. How can you make both together?

"What the people make is money that is reasonably transformed from resources. Things that can be turned into money are kept by your side. You didn't know how to make money before.

Now it will. Turn this thing into money, isn't it going to increase?

For example, bee farming, you didn't raise honey before, but after raising, the honey in the flowers is provided to you through bees. "

Li Yi put it in the simplest terms, as an example of raising bees.

"The same goes for bean bugs." Guo Ziyi thought of another example, losing part of soybeans and replacing them with a lot of bugs.

People can’t eat the leaves of soybeans, but it’s okay to eat bugs.

"There is also mineral fertilizer, which turns stones and plants into food.

In addition to making fertilizer, manure can also raise bloodworms.

Red worms are used to feed the fish, and when the fish grow up, let's eat the fish.

Raising maggots for chickens, let's eat eggs, and material transformation becomes what we need. "

Li Yi admits that there is a certain amount of material, but does not believe that the world's money is fixed.

There are many things that do not turn into money unless they can exhaust all natural resources, including wind, tides, and sunlight.

"You have to keep adding fertilizer to the ground, otherwise the longer it gets, the less." Guo Ziyi began to worry about the land again.

"Normally, water and light are consumed the most. Fertilizer on the land... The Hongnong we went to is not bad. I'm going to see the river."

Li Yi finally said his purpose of going out to play, watching the river.

There are many rivers in Hongnong, and it is estimated that there are nearly two thousand rivers that do not flow all the year round, and there are more rivers that dry up seasonally.

"Look at the river to raise fish?" Guo Ziyi mentioned just now.

"For dredging the silt, the government organizes manual dredging. I can pay for it, and I will buy the silt that is cleared out.

There are many mountains in the area, seven mountains, two plains and one river. The farming is all on the plains. I put the silt on the mountains to plant other things.

I contract a mountain, raise chickens by the way, and arrange for a few people to manage it. "

Li Yi had thought about it early, the seasonal rivers dries up in winter, so it happens to be digging mud, and there are still loaches that can be dug.

Of course, the locust can also dig it out, and when you see it, put some salt on your body, don't pat it hard, it hurts.

Guo Ziyi smiled and was happy for the local people.

Dongzhu Li was dispatched once, and it really had a clear purpose.

He also finally knew the meaning of the shovel heads of many shovels on the team car. He used to find wooden sticks to install them, and then dig mud and loach.

"There is a loach meal, right?" Guo Ziyi was greedy.

"There are also eels. Just make them if you want to eat them. But I also hope that someone in the local area can build a pond to raise eels."

Li Yi is quite proficient in how to eat, he is considering artificial breeding of eel.

He raised it in Zhuangzi, along with the loach, as well as the Northeast forest frog and rice field crab.

When you want to eat, you can take out a little for everyone to taste. He wants to be raised by others, so he has to speak with facts and make a sample first.

"The average people probably don't have time to raise them. The rich can do it and hire someone to raise them." Guo Ziyi thinks it looks like a greenhouse.

In the first year, Lijiazhuang was planted, and in the second year, it was piloted outside. In the third year, people were willing to borrow money or build a greenhouse with Lijiazhuang.

No need for this year. The people raise money by themselves, raise funds, and then build big bumps in a clumsy way. The growth period is long and there is little sunshine.

In Hongnong teaching others, the people still have to wait, wait until other people succeed in breeding and make a lot of money, and then consider raising them on their own.

"It lies in the ability of local officials to let me be the county magistrate. I don't want to pay for it myself. I promise to scale up aquaculture. Three years is enough."

Li Yi downplayed it, as if he didn't think there was any difficulty.

Guo Ziyi shook his head: "You can't be the county magistrate, the proprietor, you have to go back to Lijiazhuang, or everyone will tie you back."

"Yeah! So I will go over and take a look, take classes for local officials, learn well, stay in office, and get promoted after the development of the local government. If you don't study well, it will be against the public..."

Li Yi didn't say anything. He grabbed the beef jerky in the soup bowl and said to Guo Ziyi with a bite: "Lao Guo, try this."

Guo Ziyi hid: "Don't taste it, I know, it won't taste good after soaking."

"Humans, sometimes it's not good to be too smart." Li Yi was helpless, it was really not tasty, so it's better to bite the bullet and chew slowly.

Guo Ziyi sighed, brought the bowl over, glanced at Li Yi, turned his head and shouted at the person riding aside: "Lao Fang, the proprietor deliberately made you a piece of beef jerky in soup."

The old man glared at Guo Ziyi, rode over, bent over, took the soup bowl, raised his head and drank it, chewed the beef jerky in his mouth, shaking his wrist, and the bowl flew towards Guo Ziyi.

Guo Ziyi easily accepted: "Look! There are always smart people."


At noon, everyone ate something casually, instant noodles.

The team stopped by an inn, not only set up their own pot and boiled water to eat instant noodles, but also offered a portion to those who passed by and were resting in the inn.

The proprietor of Lijiazhuang in Bashui will naturally provide convenience for the people along the way.

At the same time, buy eggs One portion of instant noodles contains a poached egg, which is well-cooked, not half-cooked, for fear of illness.

With the small pickles, everyone ate very happily, especially the little ones, who ate like this for the first time outside.

Of course, there are no oil packets and vegetable packets in instant noodles. The team has large jars with condensed meat oil, large bags of dried green onion, and seasoning powder.

When the people ate it, Li Yi shouted with a loudspeaker: "I am Li Yi from the Lijia Zhuangzi of Bashui, do you have any grievances?"

The people looked at him and shook their heads. No, this is the county of Jingzhao Mansion. How can there be any grievances? The students who helped in the lawsuit before had already been dealt with.

"Unexpectedly, there is no such thing as blocking the road and calling for injustice. Why didn't I meet it?" Li Yi put away his horn depressed and bowed his head to eat.

"It is estimated that officials in this county will be frightened if they know about this. If the news spreads to the road ahead, officials along the way will have to be afraid."

Li Chengqi smiled, and he took the initiative to ask others if he had grievances.

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